Archive through April 21, 2010

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Suggestions for naledgeNfiniteNaledge1
B-stock SPL Tiles any one?deathoob5
Good Deal? [...Rovin...]8
Hows this for a box?Bobby McMillen20
Orion HP12D4steve12
HELP Should be easy to answerMatt 746
Reverse Mount?Canaan3
Re xxx system helpSmith17
Wiring in parallel outside boxJ_Martin3
WHAT SUBS TO GET????410inchL7s58
What enclosure should I use?Thomas7
Sub woofer recommendations GlassWolf19
What should i do with my system?Daniel Stocker5
HIFONICS BRUTUS BXi2010D 2000W or rd audio 1000.1?zack w11
HU internal amp f*c*ed?MisterLDR12
I go a ?¤Jack_k飣iñgoñ¤7
I have 4 kinetik 1800's for salesean22
What should i do with my system?Daniel Stocker1
Hey ghostwolfdeathoob8
Final Decision >.>GlassWolf4
1994 hyundai excel SPL carM.S.11
Back to the drawing board. GlassWolf33
Loudest "off the shelf" sub brand?Mark Brockman3
GOOD DEAL???410inchL7s5
Need inexspensive amp 1000-1200 wrms @ 2 ohm410inchL7s12
RE SXX 15s loud??GlassWolf3
Amp for 2 12w6v2?peter dominguez4
Monster 1/0 cheap on it any good??SomeDonnieDude15
Quick start High output alternators???Shawn Dooley5
Im just wonderingJA6
HIFONICS BRUTUS BXi2010D 2000W or rd audio 1000.1?JA1
Looking for an all out spl 12.... 500 wattstig O bitties26
I need some help with these subsJA11
SPL help Jeep Pontiac or Chevy Raycist8
Crescendo Audiotig O bitties3
Just some picsG. Irv16
Whats louderGlassWolf6
1000 and 1750 amps BNIB CHEAP!!!Nolan Paul17
Quad alt bracket f/s[...Rovin...]2
Quarterwave box for 2 12" re srx's[...Rovin...]17
Updating my good/bad/ugly list. come help!Kyle Longbrake38
What Exactly Does Tuning Your Sub Box Mean ?Foong_One11
Termlab Broadband RTA Upgrade¤Jack_k飣iñgoñ¤4
New here, would appreciate help. thanksGlassWolf20
Looking for a Atomic Manhattan 12" 4ohm dvcRichard1
Long time no chat, 4Ch, need input!/\/\ike20
The spl setup is going to happen check this outscott s20
My speaker box is 'cooler' than yours...¤Jack_k飣iñgoñ¤12
Just orderedMotha Ducka11
Help with type r subsMark Brockman20
12w7 enclosureBassman313
OT. Head Unit problemJoseph Kubiak8
Want to connect a sub, don't know howI'm not gay but $20 3
Need a affortable amp for 2 jl audio w6v2 d4?????lOwLiFe17
Woofer helpShawn Dooley9
Help with sub and amp?Shawn Dooley8
It's been awhilePaul Larrea8
Getting bored.....GlassWolf4
Songs with bass added?JK3
2 12in kickers, please helpcole4
What is the best car audio subwoofer ever made in everyone opinionsGlassWolf28
Massive audio rhino subwoofer, anyone know about it?sean10
21" warden / AB 1000.1 Build loghunterw154
New sub on the way for splsean1
15" comp kickers.. Not hitting hard enough.. HelpM.S.6
Ran my car at Meca today.scott s6
AQ 1200d vs Sundown SAE-1200Dv2¤Jack_k飣iñgoñ¤8
12" type R for $110 shipped @ Crutchfield ...Zac Davis14
Memphis 16-cx35 crossover ?????nick2
Aq1200d vs audiopipe 1500dM.S.6
Ascendant audio avalanche 12Kyle Longbrake1
Car Audio Buffs in Rochester NYEddy DieZe3
Pics of your daily driver setupsSnow6
How much power can 2 RE SRX 12s take.Kyle Longbrake15
2 15" AA Avalanches or 1 12" SSXzack w5
Can you "clean" a subwoofer?Troy Jones4
2 12 re audio se 12 d4 s on audioque 1200d looking for better amp?bobby334228
Termlab for sale.¤Jack_k飣iñgoñ¤5
The ask glasswolf threadGlassWolf80
Noob at MecaShawn Dooley1
AQ2200D $300 shipped!!!SomeDonnieDude5
18" box fitGlassWolf4
4 300 watt 12s on 1200watts or 2 600 watt 12s on 1200 watts?which i...GlassWolf3
F/s powerbass pswb 12sbobby33421
Amp for my dd1515Sean P23
>>> Tuning Frequency HelpChris1517
My WRX build logVince26
Where to get an alternator?steve12
Stock Alternator?GlassWolf21
12w7 Box...againShawn Dooley23
Setting gain / RMS QuestionShawn Dooley4
OT- 1/0 Stinger HPM wire any good?SomeDonnieDude7
HiFonics SubwoofersJ-nick13
Colapsed expanding foam? PLEASE HELP!Jordan Powell4
Sub-box sizeGlassWolf7
2 12s or 4 10sGlassWolf9
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