Archive through February 16, 2006

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  Thread Last Poster Posts Last Post
Seperate enclosures?blaine westropp5
Bad newsColby19
People interested in my sxCasey Wood1
HifonicsCasey Wood4
Anyone else heard the arsenals?James Longo31
Temporary, will it work...James Longo7
Sub and amp confusionB2
Help solving a sub problemJames Longo4
Kicker vs. JLS.P.D5
Whats better single voice coil or dual ty mutlow5
L7 hype?Thunder27
Amp and sub comboNight Mirage8
Idmax vs. SXPolo12
What would be a good price for 1 12" used Kicker CVR in a nice ...Josh2
PLZ help with picking subsJosh9
How can enclosure price be cut down?Polo3
Alpine or Eclipse?Nanbakat12
Hows this set up?thomas young9
Ma Audio + Planet Audio = Loudest bass in my lifePolo31
In case some of you didn't's a small sub comparoalteraudiousa1
Triangle subsB13
Which sub would be loudest?marshall white25
One subJames Longo15
New subsCasey Wood44
Which EnclosureCorey Hutchens4
HU PLEASE!![...Rovin...]17
Which is better?Mark S4
Hmm, an idea for me.marshall white7
New Subs ?Casey Wood8
Sub F/SJosh9
USA losing SPL battles?B32
JL 12W1v2 or 10W1v2 any good at lower volumes?Troy Amon5
Kappa boxesJay B.7
Wht kind of boxjames m long2
HELP!!! PLEASE!!!Pimp17
Box Building WebsiteBilba7
RE @ 38hz?matt thigpen8
New subsCameron10
Sufficient signal for an ampNE$TER18
Arsenal 12's are installed!MO50
ACE Hardware StorePolo4
How much do get air conditioning??Pimp15
Hey guys GF is gettin on forum, she wants to know about JLIsaac59
Funky smell from my X's?Chad Lee36
Window decals....what do yall think?Chad Lee24
WebsiteJoshua Ghiata2
Kappa perfect 10Chris Person10
Keep blowing subsjames m long11
The best ampChauncey Brown4
Blowing subAnonymous1
Equlizers and crossovers???NE$TER7
U of MD question of the weekChauncey Brown11
Arsenal buyersMO6
What should i (2 or 4 ohm)Night Mirage20
2 12" SE or 1 15" sx? baseball118736
Where do i set my gain on my Viper D1200.1?Jake Hill10
Marshall white and/or Trevor Eaton Help!Anonymous16
That enclosure for the Avalanche 15 is 29 1/2" w x 17" h x 11" d. ...James Longo5
Yet another sub question from me....alteraudiousa2
Going for the 10" AssassinJames Longo3
Kicker question?Polo2
I need my box tuned to 32hzTrevor Eaton17
Interchangable port how-to guide...for those who wanted oneJoseph Lewis16
Lookin to sellNOL1M1TSOLD1ER15
Mixing SPL and SQucfsaxman12
Another sub queston from me.... (hopefully the post shows up this t...Josh5
Pioneer sub purchasing anyone use them??/\/\ike23
Whats amp power wire fuse do?GlassWolf5
This is what im thinking of doing with my dash...Greeney18886
Treo TSijake papa8
Equlizers and crossovers???ayeyooo1
Crackle? Tyson Broyles4
OHMSblaine westropp6
Can 2 15" Kicker CVR hit 150+db in the right setupmarshall white22
I got the amp, now I need a subty mutlow3
6.5in and 8in subwoofer Tang Band Group Buyalteraudiousa3
How many cvr's can kx1200.1 pushNight Mirage20
Audiopipe txxc1200chasec1
GZ in USA????B3
MAX safe power for a Re sx15?B10
Sound Integrity Magnum.'~DAYE£?~'.21
Stereo Integrity Mag D2 15s alteraudiousa10
RE sub, 12 inch questionJL fan5
Rockford FosgateINAFIA23
Subs aint poundingYoung James7
What type of enclosure should i have builtThomas White2
Sealed box volume for seThomas White14
Got my 860 todayTerry64054
Friend needs some convincing!Trevor Eaton7
Best buy (is ghey)Simon J Casey14
Help building my box!Ruthless5
New H2H challengeChad Lee7
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