lol I think they're just warming up... got a funky smell from my hatch the other day with my 12" type-X's (familiar smell) ... is that the voice coils heating up or is that me pushing 'em too hard? They both get 1200w a piece. (JBL1200.1) just wondering *g*
how hard can i push these subs? I am afraid to crank them.... although I've wanted to for a while now. gains are set a bit above quarter level.
i know what u mean by the smell. i asked my local car shop and they said that it was the voice coils burning off access glew and after around 2 months or so of playing them it stopped smelling. as long as ur subs have been broken in u can crank them up louder, they can handle 1200watts.
CRANK EM LOUDER! Thats just extra glue. I remember that smell for about 2 months when I had my TSXs. It will go eventually; I will have that smell once again with my new dual 2s! =D
Just take it easy on them. Don't get them really hot for long periods of time. And is that 1,200 per sub? And you're talking about the Alpine Type-X's right? Don't run them in cold weather either...
I'm not sure how good the cooling is on the VC of that sub, but run them for awhile and check the middle of the cone and make sure it's not too warm. You don't wanna burn up the VC. I know my Eclipse Ti's could run litterally all day and barely get warm...
1200 per sub, yea guys. 2x JBL BP1200.1's at 2 ohms. (should be ok). I thought I was burning something up -- but I do remember that smell from my perfects that I had in there from years ago.
I think I'll give it another month or so before I go nuts with the amp gains and crank the (@#%*& outta them. -- what is the recommended amplifier gain? I know going full gain isn't really a good idea, but what is the limit? (I know this will vary from amp to amp).
I have had the subs in the car for 4 weeks and have not cranked them loud loud loud for more than a minute or two. I'm not really sure how long the break-in period of the subs are but I know they have seen at least 15-20 hours of play so far.
again -- how high should i crank that gain? i don't know how much punishment these subs can take. I didn't dare risk pushing my perfects with more than 1/4 gain but I think these guys can handle a bit more...
I asked Eclipse how long to break my Ti Pros in, and they said they don't know... They said it's such a massive and well built sub, they're not sure when one's broken in... All they told me was to give them a couple thousand watts a peice and enjoy it... Heh.
waiting til next month cause my friend won't have the money to buy my xs until next month. i don't want to buy new subs until i know i am going to sell the type xs.
lol mine are in my trunk too, but i've got that celica and i took the rear shelf off so the trunk is exposed and the sound comes directly into the car *owwww* if you want to see the install, the "bragging" section has my car somewhere up in there. I'm afraid of my subs lol. i'm gonna crank that gain once it gets warmer outside.
How high are your gains, Chad? I know we're using different amps, but this will at least give me some kind of an idea.
also garrett, i didn't even really wait til they were broken in. i just installed them and set the gain and just listen to them at whatever volume i wanted to. i had no problems whatsoever by doing that. right now it sounds much better cause they are fully broken in.
X2 you shouldnt have to wait to fully play your subs; that BS. I did same thing Chad did. Just hookem playem, and let them break in on their own time! Not your time! Its simple; the company wouldnt make a good sub to destroy if you did NOT break em in!
Like Ti told Jake Hill: " They said it's such a massive and well built sub, they're not sure when one's broken in... All they told me was to give them a couple thousand watts a peice and enjoy it... Heh."
don't think my 2 Rs r broken in as yet cause i softly pushed on cone yesterday & it still feeling kinda firm - then again i don't often play em loud daily ....
i did actually took it easy for the first 30 seconds. that was just to make sure i had the subs installed correctly. i played a song with moderate bass for the first 30 seconds and after seeing it sounded alright, i broke out my favorite bass song to see what the subs can do. lol