Archive through May 15, 2008

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  Thread Last Poster Posts Last Post
HT Subwoofer BoxBCS2
Btl's vs ???Joey DeSalvo6
Who Plays PS3 Online?Ben13
OT: Anyone play paintball?Ty McLOUD28
I changed my mind!Abarca15
Bass races in ohio??cal payne2
Wingman alivePaul Larrea7
Paul larreaPaul Larrea25
Help picking out midsP. rick1
Narrowed it down¤Jack_k飣iñgoñ¤3
Fiberglass or no?P. rick8
And the beast arrives :-)...Ty McLOUD14
spl lose aaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!Marcus Thompson20
$450 need the best amp i can get @1ohm stable G.I. Rob.11
Cutting OutSteven9
Chad Lee's Speaker Job, etc materialsThieves48
Need box designBen6
Box Design for a Fi Q 15?jim bob bob1
OT- Fosgate 3SIXTY.2Polo14
I need a new head unit!!!Ben2
Selling the alphaI- Malik9
Buy me :-)...Charles S.12
RayRay seller feedback Stavenmist31627
Jeremiah LedgerwoodNaledge5
I need specs for a bandpass box pleasecam9
How would 6 of these 12's soundHurricane Br1an12
Name some good songs rap onlyLil young Big smalls25
Port Question?Dynamik D6
PaulPaul Larrea20
Canaan amp questiontrevor1
Build your box in the trunkBen22
Sub enclosure software needed.old site changedChris Stiles7
New sub & indashP. rick11
Test session in progress: DD, IA, ,RD and Termlab inside.Canaan19
10" suggestions 1500-2000rms....killer21
D.J TukerD.J. Tucker8
I need 15ft of 0 guage Paul Larrea3
RD 5750.1, 2x12" Elite SPLS V.2 and a TL.../\/\ike15
I need refsStephen10
Is this a good Mag box design???Dynamik D5
Making box for 12" type r how big should the hole cutout bederek smith6
Pics... Started re wiring my Car EYE CANDY Lil young Big smalls8
AQ SD.2 15s in a 04 IMPALA help Lil young Big smalls4
Midbass Driversderek smith8
I changed my mind!lOwLiFe8
CAT 5 Speaker cablesean2
Should I......KT2
Fi Q vs. Hdc3denim7
Should i sell my alpha ? or do 2 15 in sonancesJoey DeSalvo7
OT-computer experts onlycharlie7
Want 2 buy IA20.1 trevor2
Friend made big mistake.Kevin Holden18
2 12" alpine type sJAYM3S11
This is what i haveBenjamin Lukas Kenne15
Subwoofertools New Box design Calc FTL Lil young Big smalls12
Need help picking amps[...Rovin...]8
A Cheat or legal? Comp Stock street Asean13
What subs should I use?John Cavurro1
12 L5's or 15 cvr's?Matt Bradshaw7
Can someone design me a box....matt8
General Box tuning Vs. Sub specs Vs. vehicle freqs.sean3
What Next ?...clipart{biggrin}Treez48
Which subs to useTreez11
NH bass race Sunday June 29thcharlie2
New alt does this look goodP. rick9
Replacement suggestionsBobby McMillen9
15' Kicker Comp 07K L1
Sub Motorshunterw2
AudioControl EpicenterTWiZTiD3
Sub Choice For 05' GTOJoey DeSalvo22
Class D amps for soundstage?peakohm5
OT: 2007 Cobalt LS 4DRjacob18
New System for New RideTreez5
RD Alpha 15 for salematt19
Need box design...matt13
Putting the new system together..TWiZTiD2
Someone help me with this chevyKeith7
Ot can anyone help me outBen14
Kevin HoldenSnow9
What was that 24?Polo13
Look what UPS brought me :-) Pics!...matt15
Amp choicesAbarca7
Milwaukee's new sound ordinancematt23
Focal demo disk, chesky disk...Stavenmist31640
Some Subwoofer Companies Just Suck the choadcharlie11
Just got mic'd............../\/\ike9
Subwoofer toolsKT1
Ot sorry need to ventStavenmist31624
Looking for 6.5" Comp speakers, RD?Thieves21
Came home to gifts!jake papa38
78 Ford Bronco Sub box's 10" MTX BG97 Jeep TJ6
For those who are near North Texas¤Jack_k飣iñgoñ¤1
Sub warranty again. New equipment soon hopefully.Charles S.9
It's here...Paul Larrea24
Pics of My Tahoe For You HatersPaul Larrea9
Check out my buddys new amp hehe rd 7500.1dTreez24
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