Archive through April 29, 2005

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  Thread Last Poster Posts Last Post
Does amp rms output depend on volume?db-bass1
Adire's new lines!!!Jonathan19
1 15" Avalanche or 2 15" Atlas'Shane S4
Jonathan and/or glass or mp3 experts...Jonathan18
Overpowering + bad mp3 compression = Blown Sub?Bestune Ent.1
Zac davis or zacdavis?zac davis2
What sub should i get?Joe Smoe3
Wiring conifgs??Richard Hassler8
Powering the Atlas 12'sSubfanatic2
Which system is better Subfanatic4
RE vs Alpine?Subfanatic6
Whats the Best outta theseSubfanatic13
Decent amp for low wattagelucas beckner7
Wiring substaylor172
Just a question cont.Loc_out3
What sub or subs should I buy for my next project.Loc_out7
Q gimmee ASubfanatic3
What amp should i use?Kerr b Bob6
MOST GHETTO SYSTEMsomethingrediclousih11
Need Help Choosing Amp!james grahm11
Help With Subsdonny keen5
Subfantic did you build that box?sean3
How loud is 1 12" AtlasJ.W.5
Help with wiringIce7
Idmax box dimensions? help pleasesean5
How loud is 1 12" Atlasdb-bass1
For all people like me at schoolP Master6
Best system for around $500scott DeBaker12
2400 wattsIce9
At school and boredPharoh34
I need blueprints for a custom pickup boxsean4
RMS power / Max power and right ampCorey Demko13
Recommended sealed enclosure helpNick Price9
IDMAX questionTraGedy2
Where to buy IDMax subTraGedy6
2ohms or 8ohmsTraGedy3
F.S/F.T.- 2 alpine mrd m501..alpine cd playerRob Fox1
What sub or subs should I buy for my next project.Vincent Vang1
Preamp output???Anonymous2
JL 12w3v2-D4 or Mtx 5500. Salesman got me confused!sean20
AVALANCHE 15 - SEALED OR PORTED??? Jonathan/IsaacIsaac18
Dimensions for a boxsean9
What would be louderRob Fox29
Whats DifferenceHelpTheSubless4
JLw6v2 x 2 (subs) and a 1000 Wx1@ 1OHM Precision Power Amp? ...James Longo7
100w amp for 10"sub enough? lukasz S9
Is this possiblemichael langley1
Eclipse, infintity with sq...word8
Audiobahn 600w 10" subs?Subfanatic2
SoundStorm AMP's ??Isaac21
Spl or sq??Jeff Loughrey3
Rockford fosgateSubfanatic2
Newbie needs help...HTS5
Team RF 15"Subfanatic23
Changing port fqsubdubmicromachine2
Sub wiring helpMaurice Ouellette1
SPL sub with some SQ capabilitiesdb-bass18
What kind of sub is best for this amp?Anonymous3
How does this sound?Yamaha Banshee7
So whats up with Wiringhowie feltersnatch8
A little quesion!taylor173
250-300 to spend on one 10" Submarshall white21
Is this good?J.W.11
Hey subfan i know a bigger pothead than you hahaSubfanatic7
Question on the Atlas 12"J.W.3
Box size questionsSubfanatic13
Amp need for (2) JL Audio 12w6v2Loc_out3
Mtx 81000d replacement what amp should i get?sean1
Best box?Anonymous3
Best bixBassManMIke2
Which one would you pick?AlpineThumping14
Help me understand this simple questionGlassWolf3
A must ask question for any audio enthusiastdisturb3d_pri3st40
Does this sound like a good/decent system!?!?!Robert1
Impedance confusion?sean4
Jon or glass or anyone else with any ideas....technical problemsean30
Overpowering subzac davis7
Speaker noise coming through my subsDoug7
RE...RE...RE...RE...RE...RE...RERob Fox1
Will 200Watts RMS Underpower a Single Type-R 122D?HelpTheSubless8
Whats wrong with my Sub!!!!helpdavid hizzle4
Newb with $300-$500demko24
Parallel/series circuitSLM8912
Newb with $300-$500demko1
Bass BlockersLyonKing116
Massive Audio dvc's hook upjoe santos1
Cerwin Vega 12" Stroker FOR SALEJames Longo6
Eclipse sub questionwilliam cowart14
Wiring 2 subs to a mono amp?morgan yarbrough1
An easy questionTrevor Eaton6
Which zapco amp would be better for an atlas 12? help appreciatedJames Longo7
(1) 12" subwoofer w/2000rms??usernamenotgiven31
1 Avalanch or 2 Atlas'Shane S5
Math sucksSubfanatic14
Theatre research subsJoe Smoe3
Is this possible?Sean Naber7
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