Archive through January 09, 2005

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  Thread Last Poster Posts Last Post
Cerwin Vega V-Max QuestionJeff Loughrey2
FOCAL SUBSPaolo Saycon3
BREAKIN in subs necesary?DR MAX19
A good 8inch sub at 6ohmsThatGuyYouKnow9
2 15 inch subs sealed or portedJonathan4
Best subs for my new systemJonathan6
RE subsAnonymous7
Wiring helperic2
Anyway to seal ports in a box?GlassWolf4
Weather proof subwoofersREDSKIN4
Mosef?ryan fehr11
What shop??Jeffrey D1
Good pair of 12" substaylor173
Picking a boxJames Longo2
Building sub boxSeth T1
Help pleaseRyan Smith4
Alternative for dynamat?Jeff Loughrey4
What to tell him?Wahl9
3 subsjosh walton2
New systemAudibahnSucks1
Correct wiring??Bryan B2
Customization of Car Audio NEVER ENDS ! Hunter Warren3
Which amp to runHunter Warren4
Will 2 L7 12s hit harder in a ported or sealed box????frank wookey3
Diamond Audio TDX or RE Triple X???Flipino8410
Adire Audio 12" DPL12 SubwoofersAnonymous3
Cubic ft.Mark S7
Oh yeaahhhh!!!..............Jonathan9
Solobaric boxmike10
Output of koda 10 vs shiva???Anonymous5
Subwoofer Box helpHunter Warren5
ALTERNATOR AMPS TOO much ???Jonathan4
3-12"s to 4-10"s questionsPharoh9
Would this amp work?Pharoh5
Escalade Ext installation Help.Does Anyone Hav 1?Thomas3
Looking for a sub that'll hit hardxxmdfmkxx37
Can i use a subZepp2
Actual wattageGlassWolf20
Bandpass or sealed?basslova4
Mtx subszacdavis~8
RE SX 12 vs. JL 12w7Anonymous1
Eclipse componentserik2
MA audio...VISONIK???Andrew8
Sub box needed!Krijgy2
Breaking in a 15" x.x.x.Krijgy3
Plexiglass boxJeff Loughrey16
HELP ASAP,now!!!!!!!!everyones help neededDR MAX5
Wiring dual4ohm x.x.x.DR MAX11
Are lanzar amps trash?Nick4
Sub Box for 4 subsMark S3
New to this - Help installing 12' subsHunter Warren2
Pioneer DEH-P3500 and sub question1235
Finally got my system ind1slocate3
What is an AP box and how is it constructed?REDSKIN7
HELP PLEASEJeff Loughrey2
Doing custom box ,question about neons?hogiekid5
Help with Right amp on w7's GLASSWOLF!Chris Brown6
Simple enclosure qREDSKIN10
Help a Nooblar Pick Subs/Amp (Complete System)taylor177
2 12idmax or 2 12 w6v2taison4
X.XX question...Zepp10
15" X.X.X?.. h2?basslova2
Extended CabJeremyC7
Got My W7S Hooked upJeremyC5
JL Audio HO110RW7JeremyC5
Mixing 10's and 12's inch subsJeff Loughrey2
This systemJeff Loughrey2
My subs and amp shut off?!!koz14
Port Location....?!Zepp4
Subs for Sound QualityRich D.13
Help with a setupStan Wojtalewicz15
Rockford HX2 RepalcementsDonovan1
Jl audio w1's?Anonymous3
Best pair of 12" subsAnonymous1
Extremely Imp Question Need HelpPharoh22
Opinion on SoundstreamPharoh4
Which would be louder, sound better, more efficient, all around..ryan c.5
Pair of 12" subs that hit hardAnonymous1
Kicker L7 or JL 12w6v2 Jeff Loughrey5
A little help pleasekoz2
I need Box Mesasurement...and anything to help give it that kickkoz11
Enclosure confusion...Jeff Loughrey5
CRITIQUE my systemStan Wojtalewicz16
L7 12sfrank wookey1
Soundstreem 15"Pharoh3
Installing kicker compVR sub into integraZepp3
Anyone running a JBL GTI15?James Longo2
Need helpJill McNamara5
Which one?!Joe Dirt1
Hey everybody!Jake Davis2
Deep low bassZepp2
Audiobahn AWIS15PAn AUDIOBAHN Fan1
150 amp ALTERNATOR..Jake Davis3
Eclipse component systemsJeff Loughrey1
Buying Onlinemo6
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