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Learning to Love Maine in Winter on the Road to Perdition: The Cabin Audiophiler

Is it possible to make Hi-Fi and home theater work in really small spaces? EIC Ian White’s journey into the great unknown of cabin life has begun.

Cabin Audiophiler explores sound in a small space

Three weekends ago, I awakened in the early morning hours that are marked by the bitter cold that is common in early-January and quietly pulled on my sweatpants and slid into my sneakers sans shoelaces.

I’ve been here before. It feels different this time. Self-inflicted wounds of the worst kind.

A new phone, small baggie with some Biltong, migraine pills, toiletries, and the Siddur that I came with had to be secured in a locker.

eCoustics Podcast Editor and Producer, Mitch Anderson, and I discussed our life experience with bipolar disorder on an episode of Black Circle Radio that you can listen to here for some additional insight.

2024 was a year of tremendous loss and pain; not all of me was fixed apparently and there will never be enough apologies to everyone that I hurt.

Honesty is the only way. And I will have plenty of time alone going forward to focus on that.

“I believe that whatever you do in your life it will get back to you. If you live long enough it will. ” — Sheriff Ed Tom Bell

Northern Exposure and the Almighty ‘A’ Frame

Becoming somewhat of a nomad at this point of my life on the other side of fifty, has forced me to accept a new reality and improvise because it is my nature to rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Looking back, my parents did me a huge favour sending me to Forest Valley Day Camp in the 1970s and 1980s located in Toronto’s Bathurst Manor.

Whilst my friends attended some of Canada’s most expensive overnight camps located in Muskoka and Haliburton, Ontario, — my summer days were spent playing road hockey on a tilted concrete parking lot and swimming in the dreaded “P” pools that were unnaturally warm after hundreds of little kids did their worst.

RIP Bert Fine and thanks for all the memories.

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One of my favourite parts of any day at camp was lunch in the A-frames that Bert Fine had built to accommodate so many children at one time; the camp peaked at over 900 campers before it closed down.

The A-frame had its origins in Europe and Asia, but the modern iteration became popular in the mid-20th century as a symbol of modernist design simplicity and always fascinated me as a kid.

Cabin Audiophiler Home Exterior
Zook Cabins A-frame Park Model (400 square feet)

The modern prefab park cabin has become incredibly popular in 2025 and there are a number of manufacturers like Zook Cabins that are doing a remarkable job with their innovative designs.

That innovation does not come cheap; expect to spend a minimum of $130,000 on one of these, which does not include the price of the land. The final purchase price does include shipping and installation when buying from Zook Cabins; these are finished A-Frame Park and Luna model homes that start at 400 square feet and can be expanded to between 711 and 848 feet with their ADU models.

Cabin Audiophiler Interior

Zook Cabins are based in Pennsylvania and having settled on Maine, Florida, and New Jersey as my future — it made sense to not only pay them a visit but also experience its A-frame and Luna cabins that are available as short term rentals before deciding on the designs that will become my homes.

Long Cabin

Much smaller homes. With their own set of challenges when it comes to being the Editor in-Chief of a Hi-Fi and Home Theater magazine with children.

Do Not Go Gentle Into that Cold and Blustery Night

For more than a decade, my parents resided in New Hampshire and it became a thing to visit Kittery, Maine to go shopping; Dover has never been known for anything more than some lobster rolls (which were not popular with kosher parents) and its proximity to Portsmouth and the University of New Hampshire.

Having lived on the Jersey Shore for almost 15 years blocks from the blustery Atlantic Ocean and survived more than 54 Canadian, American Midwest and Delmarva winters — I was born for a place like Maine.

Maine Cold

Upta camp? I’m already becoming a local.

The Atlantic Ocean and I have a rather testy relationship but we understand one another.

Maine winters don’t really scare me. The isolation will be a test as the plan is to live in the Bar Harbor area part of the year which will give me access to Bangor to the north, Arcadia National Park, and the Bold Coast which will allow me experience New Brunswick and Nova Scotia via car and ferry service.

Main Bold Coast
The Bold Coast of Maine. I will definitely need my parka here.

My boots and collection of Maritime Shirt Jackets await.

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Having experienced a rather different type of isolation in my 30s where my freedom was controlled to enable the hard work required to rebuild my mind, body and soul — this will come with a different set of challenges.

A-Frame House Interior

Having a lot less space will force me to consolidate what I have and use any outdoor space to learn how to properly braai meat, fish, and chicken and continue the rather intense physical exercise that has been part of my rebuild after 3 months of medication that played havoc with my metabolism and focus.

Maine Bears hockey and the summer breeze will be interesting contrasts.

Main Bears Logo

So will therapy and those daily checks to make sure that I am focused on an honest life where I can fall asleep at night and know that the good person that exists is not a mirage; and it has taken a lot of reinforcement from friends to remind me that he still does.

The Florida part of this story is the final piece of the puzzle; those who have known me for 5 decades are aware of my past life in the Sunshine State, and with a parent living along the Atlantic coast — it has become a necessity to be much closer.

Mother Nature has not been kind to Florida in recent years and whilst home insurance costs have gone through the roof — that created an opportunity to plant some roots with a view in a rather unique town that has already made me feel rather welcome.

Florida Coast
Somewhere along the Atlantic Coast of Florida. 48 degrees and rather windy.

All I need is the ocean breeze and a place to have my morning cup of tea or coffee and I will be fine.

The Cabin Audiophiler

Having a lot less space (with two cabins and an apartment) will obviously change what and how I review and what my focus will be; anything larger than my existing Magnepan LRS and Q Acoustics 5040 is not happening and the decision has been made that I will be listening to products that work better in smaller spaces.

Between 711 and 848 square feet with very different layouts and acoustic challenges.

long cabin

Bluetooth and wireless speakers, active loudspeakers, bookshelf speakers, network amplifiers, consoles, turntables, and desktop and personal audio will be the word of the day.

Vintage restored Thorens turntables from Vinyl Nirvana including the TD-125 MKII will be my test beds for phono cartridges, phono pre-amplifiers, and vinyl purchases.

Expect to see a convergence of Hi-Fi, movies and music, books, and the food and people that make this part of North America so interesting; I will also be visiting other cabins in Vermont, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Quebec, and the Maritimes to see the world from a different perspective and hopefully find some inner peace whilst rebuilding myself.

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Not sure how welcome I’m going to be in Canada right now but we are about to find out.

Mandela Tea
Forever a reminder of what I did and lost.

What do I want you to get out of this?

Practical advice about what actually works in smaller spaces and that includes outside on the deck when you are swatting away mosquitos, and watching the meat sear on the Braai.

I already have long list of products that we are going to test from Ruark, Unison Research, Simaudio, Pantheone Audio, Gadhouse, Q Acoustics, DALI, NAD, WiiM, Bluesound, DeVore Fidelity, Naim, Focal, Audeze, Grado Labs, Meze Audio, Cambridge Audio, SVS, Marantz, Denon, Wharfedale and more…

I will also be exploring new towns, shops, and places to eat on my journey that has just begun and my goal is to connect you to all of it. This will not be a traditional Hi-Fi column and some china might get broken and egos bruised in the process. You may even get to watch me fish and cook — two things that I do rather well.

Follow my daily updates on IG @thecabinaudiophiler.

What do I want to get out of this?

A path forward.

A place where I can be the “good” person that my grandparents and parents raised me to be — and that’s not going to be clean or easy. Because life never is.

My personal focus?

People, mental health, family, Judaism, music, culture, movies, books, kindness and honesty.

Related Reading: See more articles by Ian White



  1. Andy Chiguhr

    February 3, 2025 at 12:32 pm

    Wishing you the best. See you soon friendo.

    — Anton

    • Ian White

      February 3, 2025 at 12:37 pm

      I’ll be waiting. Don’t forget to bring the meat.


  2. Mike Cornell

    February 3, 2025 at 4:40 pm

    Sounds like an interesting journey. Can’t wait to go along for the ride. You’re still part Canadian, right?, so I think you’ll be welcomed just fine. It’s us Canadians that aren’t feeling very welcomed in the DSA (divided states of America) and frankly don’t want anything to do with that country, at least for the next four years.

    • Ian White

      February 3, 2025 at 5:17 pm


      Toronto born-and-raised so fully Canuck. I have dual-citizenship. Trudeau will have to bend the knee with even more commitments to improving border security, 2% for NATO now, and agree to trade NFLD and 2 first round draft picks from the Canucks and Habs to the Caps in the NHL Draft. Don Jr. gets two donut shops in Lethbridge as part of the deal. Doug Ford might want to go to Shoppers Drug Mart and get some tape for that torn-up Starlink deal.

      The entire thing is insane.

      Canada and the U.S. need one another and this too shall pass. Like the next 4 years. Trudeau has to go through. For real.

      And yes…the journey will be kinda messy. Stay tuned.


  3. rl1856

    February 3, 2025 at 7:27 pm

    The final outcome of the current geopolitical situation will be impacted but not determined by the bluster of one leader. Consider it an opening salvo to begin a negotiation process.

    I, and I suspect many readers, were unaware of your recent personal challenges. We (if I may assume for the group) wish you well and hope that 2025 is better than 2024. As for your housing situation- it somewhat mirrors thoughts I have had because I know I will have to eventually downsize. Compact solutions will be key. A single high end integrated streaming amp, or powered streaming speakers that can accept additional inputs seem to be worthwhile solutions. However, given space limitations, how does one justify a substantial vinyl and vintage equipment collection (personal issue….)? B’sha’ah tovah !

    • Ian White

      February 3, 2025 at 10:53 pm


      Appreciate the kind blessing. The decision to downsize was mine because I have to do it and on my own. I caused my situation.

      How am I going to make it work? I’m fortunate that I have access to enough capital to have more than one small home so things are going to be distributed in different places, but I will be going from a 3,200 square foot scenario to something much smaller. And it will force me to keep less and use space differently.

      Todah Rabah,


  4. Catherine Lugg

    February 3, 2025 at 8:56 pm

    It appears that we both had “medical events” decorating our 2024. A ruptured colon nearly killed me. I’m very thankful to be alive, though the recoup will take almost all of 2025. Thankfully, I knew exactly what was going on when things “blew.” Two surgeries and 9 days in the hospital, I’m happy to be alive, if a little more disabled. I am now on a cane.

    So, I have accepted less is more. No big systems for me, since I am permanently weight restricted. Bookshelf speakers and small subs will be my “go to.”

    I’m very glad you are still here, Ian. Our lives are like butterfly wings. Those dents add up.

    • Ian White

      February 3, 2025 at 10:55 pm


      Wishing you only a year of healing and much better health. Your issue was far more serious than mine; primarily because mine was self-inflicted (combined with my BPD) and I have to own it all.

      I am very happy that you are still here with us and look forward to more insightful comments from you which is your MO.

      I’m also in the less is more phase.

      And you’re correct…the dents do add up. Grateful to be here still as well.


      Ian White

  5. Asa

    February 3, 2025 at 10:53 pm

    Now you’ve done it, Ian. I’ve spent the last few hours looking at the Zook homes/cabins. We have an acre that we have designs for, and a contractor, but the market and current conditions are such that we’re in a perpetual ‘wait ‘n see’ mode. I love those A-frame models.

    Zook seems like an affordable option – is the one in the photo yours? From everything I’ve read, they seem like they’re well built and if you have a good contractor to handle it, may be a good option. Even with a larger model + contractor-built garage, it would a considerable down-size, but that may be best. Time will tell.

    Thanks for sharing your experiences in context of the audiophile world. May the globalists (and their accomplices) fall into the pit they are digging for us.


    • Ian White

      February 3, 2025 at 11:28 pm


      Get a drink, because this might be a long answer. Maybe even some chips.

      1. Make sure your town allows it. The “tiny” home thing is more complicated than you might think due to crazy laws. My Podunk town in NJ (I’m moving) does allow the Zook A-frame and Luna but they can’t be on a property that already has another structure and are limited to 400 square feet.

      2. I’ve been renting and will be until my two units are built and delivered. All of my stories until they are finished will be inside Zook A-frame Park models and Lunas but limited to the 400 square foot units. I’m investing in the A-frame ADU and Luna ADU. 848 and 711 square feet.

      Why the ADUs?

      Aside from the difference in size, the kitchens in the 400 square foot units are too small for me (as a father of 3) and don’t have the types of appliances that I require. The ADU models have typical appliances including a 30″ wide range and hood, larger fridge, and dishwasher. I need all of that. The Luna also has an island option in the ADU version.

      Both units offer 2-bedroom models, but I’m doing the 1-bedroom in the Luna ADU and 2-bedroom in the A-frame ADU (home office and second bedroom).

      The ADUs are more conducive to reviewing and 65″ TVs. The shape of the A-frame in the ADU is different than the standard park model and the extra width will help enormously with seating and speakers.

      I’m also have custom bookshelves made for the hallways to hold records and books.

      The beds are on platforms. I like that feature. I’m also doing some changes to the bathrooms to upgrade the shower and backsplash.

      I’m going from 3,200 to 848 and 711 square feet. No garage. The unit in FL will have to be on a much larger foundation that is well above sea level considering the location. Hurricane windows for that one. Added cost.

      What I like about Zook is their attention to detail, shipping and set-up, and willingness to customise. It’s not a fast process. 5 months from now and I’m being conservative.

      It’s going to be a very different future but I’m going into it knowing all of the pitfalls and costs.

      Will be in PA, VA, and Maine a lot for now.


      • Asa

        February 4, 2025 at 5:44 am

        Wow, thanks for all the details! Sounds like you’ve done your homework and have things rolling.

        I need to set up a call with them to go over what is possible. Our town is amenable to these structures as there are already many of these older type A-frame cabins here + 8,000 sq.ft monster homes as well. Their aesthetic of the ‘modern cabin’ would fit right in. A garage is a must in the winter climate we live in but it sounds like it’s all doable.

        Is there a person you recommend or just call and they’ll get us started.

        Thanks again for sharing, Ian!

        • Ian White

          February 4, 2025 at 12:00 pm


          Email me at my email to take this conversation offline.



  6. ORT

    February 4, 2025 at 1:09 am

    Ian –

    It is said that even were one to awaken in Paradise, it will not be as sweet as home until one is surrounded by those who gave to us the memories of a lifetime.

    In all ways and for always, be well my friend and brother.


    • Ian White

      February 4, 2025 at 1:20 am


      That is for sure. What we lose we can never get back. And in those quiet moments alone in either place, I will remember those wise words because they are true.


  7. David

    February 5, 2025 at 2:41 am


    I don’t know you personally but since I started reading Ecoustics I have always enjoyed your story-telling style of writing and reviewing. I admire your ability to share with us your most personal introspections, your life struggles, your family trials, your treasured memories and experiences. When I read your writing I feel as if you have invited me to join in on your search for truth and meaning in the best and in the worst times of everyday living.

    I hope for you nothing but the best. But as we all know there is no life on earth endowed with “nothing but the best”. Perhaps then we can only hope to make the best of what comes our way. And I see that your are doing just that.

    I look forward to reading your future articles no matter the subject.

    • Ian White

      February 5, 2025 at 11:37 am


      Greatly appreciate those very kind words. And I will do my best to keep up the fight and also expand the scope of what we cover. Because it’s a huge world out there.


  8. Tori

    February 5, 2025 at 12:25 pm

    One of the most refreshing and honest reads I’ve come across over the past five to ten years within the framework of this hobby.

    • Ian White

      February 6, 2025 at 3:39 pm


      Greatly appreciate the kind words.


  9. Steve Messenger

    February 6, 2025 at 8:29 pm

    Sending healing vibes your way Ian. I downsized considerably like you are doing several year ago from 3 systems to one in a small room. I have been considering going with wireless stand mounts so look forward to your upcoming reviews. Bless you and thanks for sharing your knowledge. Steve.

    • Ian White

      February 7, 2025 at 12:27 pm


      Greatly appreciate the kind words. I’m downsizing and it will be interesting to see what stays and what has to go. I already know which loudspeakers are staying. 🙂


  10. Geoffrey deBrito

    February 7, 2025 at 5:59 pm

    Fortunately in the emerging second Golden Age of Audio we now have a vast selection of outstanding audio equipment to choose from so a smaller living space is no longer as large an obstacle.
    I love the A-Frame’s picture window, hopefully its triple-paned to limit heat loss in those cold Maine winters. I also see no provision for heating, so I assume it’s either electric or gas? In cold climates, I personally prefer the ambiance and back-up provided by a wood burning stove.

    • Ian White

      February 7, 2025 at 7:34 pm


      Electric heating and wall-mounted AC. The good thing about Zook is that they really work with you to make sure you get the right level of insulation for your area, proper roof loading for crazy things like snow, and windows. I like the wood burning stove concept as well, but don’t see it fitting into my two designs. #littlekids #dog

      The A-frame window on the ADU is wider (there actually two…front and back) because the room is 14 x 12 versus 10 x 10. The view from either window is really something. It sold me on the concept right away.

      Currently in FL and then headed to VA, PA, and Maine. I’ve learned a few things about the bureaucracy in these 4 states already (and I thought NJ was bad…sheesh) and getting a tiny house versus a modular home built is a totally different set of rules. Some towns don’t even allow them. And if they do allow them — they have to be 400 square feet or less and the ceiling heights have to be a certain dimension, etc…

      NJ is very unfriendly to tiny homes. Even on property that you own already. No secondary structures and some towns won’t even allow them if they have a kitchen or bathroom. #taxes

      Getting all of this done will be a challenge but I’m already committed. Stay tuned.


  11. JGP

    February 11, 2025 at 3:30 am

    Add Audio Engine’s to your list of potential small scale (and affordable) speakers. I have two pairs, one old (5) and small, the other (2’s) newer and smaller, and they are both excellent. I also have some Dalis Katch G2’s (truly amazing, but more in the portable line$) and Buchardts (also amazing but $$). The Dalis and AE are powered and now come with bluetooth. Good luck on growing up. I sure found it hard. As Frank Sinatra said: “Regrets? I have a few”. Sounds to me like you’ve made it. Best wishes.

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