It is projected that the wireless headphone category will grow to almost $27 billion by 2027 or 2028, and that leaves a lot of room for growth over the next five years. Sony, Bose, and Apple have dominated the wireless ANC headphone vertical for almost 5 years but 2022 has proven to be a much larger challenge for all 3 brands with Sennheiser, HiFiMAN, Focal, Mark Levinson, Bowers & Wilkins, 1More, and Master & Dynamic introducing superior alternatives in some cases.
Every model on our “Best Wireless ANC Headphone” list has been thoroughly tested and there is no question that ANC technology is evolving and having less of an impact on the sound quality — which has been the primary criticism to this point.
Products in the $300 to $500 range have never been this good and that’s great news for consumers who might feel a sense of sticker shock when they look at the recent models from Focal, Mark Levinson, and Bowers & Wilkins that are $700 or more.
Do the top models really offer sound quality and isolation that is worth the extra expense?
The best headphones in the category offer a combination of durability, comfort, build quality, ANC performance, battery performance, and sound quality that puts them ahead of the competition.
For the full breakdown of all the winners, check out our Best Noise Cancelling Wireless Headphone article here.
Note: The new Bowers & Wilkins Px8 was not tested at the time we filmed this video. An in-depth review is forthcoming.
- eCoustics Founder, Brian Mitchell (Host)
- eCoustics Sr. Headphone, W. Jennings
- eCoustics Headphone Reviewer, Lynn Miller
Watch the full video on YouTube.
Video Podcast: Are Audiophile Headphones Worth Buying?
Video: Should you by a DAP, dongle DAC or DAC-AMP? (YouTube)

October 30, 2022 at 1:39 am
Hello the house!
A wonderful discussion on ANC ‘phones, gentlemen!
HUZZAHS(!) all ’round.
I agree that wire less is becoming the norm as it frees you to walk about your life, if you will. There will always be those among us that prefer wired and with good reason, mine being I grew up with it. My first job I walked out of where I worked with my first cheque and literally walked right next door to a Stereo Shoppe where I signed said moolah over for a pair of new headphones!
For those that say the wires tie them up, tie them down ;-), I would simply state that there are times when I do NOT mind at all being tethered to QUALITY. Be it headphones or passive speakers. But neither will I begrudge anyone their druthers.
As for what I would call the most “Toadish” of these new headphones? The Bathys and the Blue (Are you…Blueish?) Bowers & Wilkins PX7 S2 have the looks department in spades! They also both employ BUTTONS!
I still very much enjoy my Bose QC45s and the rest of my meager menagerie of headphones. Some wired and some wire less. The Bose make me happiest but I just bought a pair of Cowan E9 ‘phones for $40 that when paired with my BlooToof Boostifier are nigh on as good as the Bose when it comes to holding that signal. I also bought a new pair of Sennheister Momentum 3s and they reproduce music the bestest of all and that is a purely subjective thing as is looks. The Momentum 3s make the Slowmentum 4s look like my Cowan E9, that is to say, uncommonly common.
Thank for showing me the new B&W and the Focal offerings as I now have to deal with wanting those two headphones based upon your recommendations and their gorgeousness!
Huzzah, indeed gentlemen!
In all ways and for always, be well. And please pardon the typos as I am clumsy at best. Thankyewveruhmuch!