Zacuto’s RED ONE Zdapter — ‘quick-release your RED ONE monitor arm’
Zacuto, a leading provider of HD video cameras and accessories [ ] is announcing the release of their new RED ONE Zdapter Kit.
“This is a great mount for RED cameras that allows you to quick-release your monitor or EVF with a flip of a red Zacuto lever” says Zacuto’s Steve Weiss. “It mounts on 19 or 15mm rods and adapts the RED arm with the included Zacuto ZUD to be quick-releasable. This prevents any unwinding and allows for Zacuto rod extensions to make the RED arm longer if wanted.”
Components of the RED ONE Zdapter Kit
The Zdapter consists of the following components as standard (configurations which include other components/quantities can be specified at time of ordering)
15mm Z-lock (lightweight) (1 ea.)
SKU: ZL-15
19mm Z-Lock (studio) (1 ea.)
SKU: ZL-19
Zdapter Backplate (1 ea.)
ZUD 1/4 20 (1 ea.)
SKU: ZUD1/4 20
See Zacuto’s RED ONE Zdapter Kit
Price: RED ONE Zdapter Kit #Z-RED-ZM (configured as above)
About Zacuto:
Zacuto offers custom HD camera packages and accessories for sale and rent. carries the latest technology in HD 24p cameras and specializes in its all inclusive camera packages and accessories featuring the Zacuto USA brand.