- VUDU has added ratings and reviews from Rotten Tomatoes, the leader in moving ratings and review compilations
- Each movie will have a Tomatometer score; VUDU customers can sort any search by the Tomatometer score.
- Users who want more details can see what top reviewers thought, including a key quote from each review.
- With Rotten Tomatoes, customers will have better guidance than ever in helping them find movies they love
VUDU announced today it has integrated rottentomatoes.com movie reviews and ratings into its movie streaming service.
No more going to your laptop to figure out which movie to watch, no more relying on a single critic review: summary reviews by dozens of the country’s most respected movie critics are available right on your VUDU movie page. From Rogert Ebert of the Chicago Sun-Times to Mike Lasalle of the San Francisco Chronicle, get the unbiased view of the leading movie critics, compare them, form an opinion, and watch a VUDU movie you will truly enjoy.
The whimsical fresh/rotten tomato icons capture the essence of each review and the Tomatometer collects reviews from a variety of sources (newspaper, online, magazines) and averages them into a single score you can really trust. You can sort any of your VUDU movie lists by Tomatometer score.
VUDU has also redesigned the movie page to make it more interactive and more fun. It is now animated and provides key movie information without the need to navigate away from the movie page.