Unlimited Flat Rate Calling Around the World for 24.99/month with Readable Voicemail Delivered to PC or Mobile Phone
Vonage introduced two new services that dramatically improve the value of its core offering. Vonage World provides unlimited calling around the world to more than 60 countries, including India, Mexico and China for the current flat monthly rate of $24.99.
In addition, the new Vonage Visual Voicemail service extends the company’s presence onto other devices by providing unlimited “readable voicemail” delivered via email or SMS text message. Vonage is the only U.S. home phone service provider to offer voice-to-text conversion at no additional charge. Both services will become basic features of the core Vonage offering.
“Vonage recognizes that everyone has communication needs that extend beyond the walls of their homes; and many of our customers live in communities with borders that extend beyond the U.S. We have created Vonage Visual Voicemail and Vonage World to enable customers to stay connected to the people they care about, whether they are down the street or across an ocean,” said Marc Lefar, CEO of Vonage. “These new services continue our tradition of using technology to create high value and affordable prices to our current and future customers.”
Vonage World includes unlimited calling to countries representing approximately 65% of the world’s population (4.5 billion people). The international calling plans of most competitors are limited to certain locations within a country. However, the countries included in Vonage World are covered completely.
In response to customer demand for an improved way to access voicemail, Vonage is providing Vonage Visual Voicemail at no additional charge for Vonage World customers. This service makes voicemail readable by converting each message to text, giving customers the flexibility of viewing their voicemail as an email or SMS message on their computer or mobile device. Customers still have the option to listen to their voicemail over the phone if they choose.
Vonage World details are available at www.vonage.com or by calling (800) 590-1266.
Complete Chart of Available Countries/Territories
Andorra | Cyprus | India** | Monaco | Singapore** |
Argentina | Czech Republic | Iraq | Netherlands | Slovakia |
Australia | Denmark | Ireland | New Zealand | Slovenia |
Austria | Dominican | Israel | Norway | South Africa Republic |
Bahamas** | Estonia | Italy | Peru | South Korea |
Bahrain | France | Japan | Poland | Taiwan |
Belgium | Finland | Jordan | Portugal | Thailand** |
Brazil | Georgia | Kenya | Puerto Rico** | Turkey |
Brunei** | Germany | Latvia | Romania | United Kingdom |
Bulgaria | Greece | Luxembourg | Russia | United States** |
Canada** | Guadeloupe | Macau** | Spain | U.S. Virgin Islands** |
Chile | Guam** | Macedonia | Sweden | Venezuela |
China** | Hong Kong** | Malaysia** | Switzerland | Zambia |
Colombia | Hungary | Malta | Saipan** | |
Croatia | Iceland | Mexico | San Marino** |
** Includes calls to mobile phones
About Vonage Our Vonage World and Small Business Unlimited calling plans offer consumers unlimited local and long distance calling, and popular features like call waiting, call forwarding and voicemail — for one low, flat monthly rate.
Vonage’s service is sold on the web and through national retailers including Best Buy and Wal-Mart Stores Inc. and is available to customers in the U.S., Canada and the United Kingdom.
Vonage (NYSE: VG) is a leading provider of broadband telephone services with approximately 2.5 million subscriber lines. Our award-winning technology enables anyone to make and receive phone calls with a touch tone telephone almost anywhere a broadband Internet connection is available. We offer feature-rich and cost-effective communication services that offer users an experience similar to traditional telephone services.
Vonage Holdings Corp. is headquartered in Holmdel, New Jersey. Vonage is a registered trademark of Vonage Marketing Inc., a subsidiary of Vonage Holdings Corp.