For Immediate Release:
Press Contact:
Scull Communications
Steve Hoffman Goes Tetra
Joins Growing Family of Engineers Choosing Tetra for Studio Work
505LTDs New Studio Reference
“Adrian Butts of Tetra Speakers supplied really handsome cherry red Tetra 505LTDs for my upstairs studio and now I do all my mixing with them!” enthuses Steve Hoffman, well-known Mastering Man About Town. “They sound great and represent a real bargain at the price for true high-end sound.”
“The WAVAC single-ended-triode EC-300B (with the Emotive Audio line stage) easily drove the super efficient 505LTDs in the studio. It’s a synergistic match; the 91dB sensitive speakers (8″ woofer/1″ tweeter) exhibit a true 8 ohm load — a real blessing. The sound is involving, liquid and very seductive while still detailed, powerful and dynamic,” reports Steve. “They’re neutral and natural, involving, very fast, with a wonderful sense of ambience and air. While I was lucky enough to have Adrian set them up for me, he says they’re very tolerant of set-up and easy to place. In the studio, I run them on a Kubala-Sosna bi-wire setup.”
Musing on the nature of neutral, Steve adds, “I find the Tetras so neutral I can make out elements in my old mixes that I never heard before. The anti-resonance tetrahedron top module really does solve the problem of internal standing waves. The 505LTDs have a clean, clear and open sound; I can’t even hear the crossover!”
“It’s more fun working on projects with the Tetras 505LTDs,” admits Steve. “They just make my job so much easier and more enjoyable. Like Tetra says, they’re just like being there!”
Thanks, Steve! So how do you really feel?
“We’re very gratified that Steve has joined the growing number of professional recording engineers and musicians who use Tetra speakers as their studio reference,” says Adrian.
Visit us on the web to read about Tetra’s other mastering and musical activities, including our new label TetraArtist… http://www.tetraspeakers.com/Tetra_News.html