Moondog Digital Readies Replacement for RipFactory’s RipStation
Indianapolis, IN — December 19, 2008 — Moondog Digital’s CD and DVD Ripping Software, RoboStation, will be receiving an update to match current RipStation functionality. The recent demise of RipFactory has left many customers in limbo as to the fate of RipStation. RoboStation’s new functionality will ensure transparency of services offered by RipStation’s current customers.
“Our ability to meet the needs of RipFactory’s customer base will remedy the unfortunate situation,” said Craig Kelker, President of Moondog Digital. “Any disruption in service for organizations who solely provide media conversion services is not healthy for business.”
While RoboStation already offers the bulk of RipStation’s functionality, there will be a few additional features added. Development has begun, but no scheduled release date has been established. Interested parties can view details regarding RoboStation and purchase the solution at
About Moondog Digital, Inc
Moondog Digital provides custom installers, radio stations, and corporate libraries with CD ripping services and automation software to convert their music collections into MP3, WAV, AAC, AIF or FLAC digital files. Moondog Digital works with media server manufacturers and software publishers to provide packaged bulk loading solutions. To learn more about Moondog Digital, please visit
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