Las Vegas, NV and Brussels, BE D November 28, 2007 D Copernio Holding Company today announced that its CEO, Peter Berghammer, will be speaking at the EMX Conference held during DV Expo 2007 in Los Angeles. The topic will be OFacts and Figures for a Multi-Platform World O and focus on the consumer take-up of high-definition video, IPTV, mobile content and more. Mr. Berghammer will also provide a glimpse of next yearOs digital media landscape including facts and figures for a multi-platform world.
OI am enormously pleased to be assisting New Bay Media in bringing the message of the importance of multiplatform content storage, editing and delivery in todayOs evolving marketplace,O said Peter Berghammer, CEO of Copernio: Future Formats. OThe session will focus on the many changes we are about to see in the content delivery and consumer storage markets.O
DV Expo / EMX Conference Sessions
Date: Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Time/Location: 1:00 P.M. – 2:00 P.M. – ROOM 402A
In its 11th year, the Digital Video Expo West Conferences N held at the Los Angeles Convention Center Dec. 4-6 N are where digital video pros can enhance their craft with a solid line-up of educational forums, including Apple and Avid certification training, sessions covering digital video technology from a to z, and specialized tracks featuring industry hot topics. The co-location of Entertainment Media Expo (EMX), features sessions and exhibits on the latest manufacturing, packaging, authoring, audio, and video solutions for DVD, CD, Games, and Asset Management. Further Information may be found at
About Copernio: Future Formats
Privately held Copernio is a pioneer in the development of defense and aviation specific software systems, COTS and wireless communications technologies. As well as security initiatives, advanced research and consulting for photonics, consumer electronics and related industries. Future Formats is a high-tech consultancy specializing in legal, geopolitical and economic implications within the Consumer Electronics industry. Copernio Holding Company is a privately held company with headquarters in Huntington Beach, CA and Brussels, Belgium. For more information, please visit: and
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Copernio PR Contact:
Susan van Barneveld, APR
Antarra Communications
Cell. 562.688.8621