The typical state or local government organization is on a never ending IT budgetary ‘diet’. It is hard to get the necessary hardware, software and manpower needed to meet expectations, and those expectations are the same as a for-profit business. To say IT is “spread thin” is literal. There is a good chance that the systems managed span across a city, a county, or even the entire state. There’s an even better likelihood that each office cannot be staffed with IT personnel.
A problem begins to cost more when on-site visits are required. The time to get it resolved is increased, which means more time from resources in an understaffed IT department that are not working on proactive initiatives. With limited IT staff, solutions are needed to be to be just that — solutions. Every tenured IT pro has horror stories about the “can of worms” project that ballooned out of control and ended up causing more havoc that the initial problem it was supposed to address.
Michael Materie, Director of Product Management at Diskeeper Corporation noted an interesting phenomenon. “Government organizations operate on limited fixed budgets, so we regularly see initial interest in Diskeeper for the ‘squeaky-wheels’ — the computers that generate the most complaints. However, the most substantial benefits are realized once the IT group has integrated Diskeeper on every computer they manage, thereby effectively removing fragmentation issues permanently across the entire network.”
With full network-wide deployment, fragmentation is eliminated as a variable, predictably making troubleshooting other issues faster and easier to resolve.
At the core of Diskeeper is InvisiTasking. The application of InvisiTasking is a revolutionary approach to solving fragmentation — defrag in real time. The new methodology replaces antiquated defrag “passes” with the viewpoint of handling fragmentation as it occurs, but only using wasted computers resources to do so. The net result is no fragmentation build up, and constant peak performance as the file is already contiguous the next time it is requested.
Perhaps the biggest consideration with any project is that mysterious lingering after effect — the projects that never seem to end. The system update that was discovered to conflict with a printer driver, or the security program that required constant monitoring to ensure it was up-to-date.
InvisiTasking also ensures that by solving fragmentation you haven’t inexorably created a new job for yourself in the form of daily management of that new application. Security programs require regular updating, so do operating systems with monthly patches, and those processed need to be scheduled. InvisiTasking allows Diskeeper to be an autonomous application.
Finding ROI from a fully automated “hands-free” solution is far faster and far greater than with hands-on manual or scheduled approaches.