Server Management Study Shows Diskeeper and Symantec on Equal Footing
Diskeeper Corporation released findings of a new IT study. The results show defrag and antivirus on equal footing as a vital best server practice.
Of 179 Network Administrators asked “What software do you consider vital to have on your servers?” — 48% responded with “Antivirus/Symantec” and 45% “Defrag/Diskeeper.” Viruses and file fragmentation are now on par as performance degradation issues to be eliminated.
When next asked “Why do you personally feel defragmentation is vital, particularly for servers?” — 61% responded with “Performance / Speed / Keeps Systems Smooth.”
Every machine suffers from file fragmentation. But server fragmentation levels are particularly exacerbated by multiple user traffic. This translates to network slows, sluggish boot times and excessively long anti-virus scans.
Diskeeper© Server 2008 eradicates these delays permanently and automatically — with no intervention or scheduling required on the part of the Admin. The guesswork has been taken completely out of defragmenting.
Additional features include the ability to defrag in the most extreme levels of low free space (1%) and the highest levels of crippling file fragmentation (millions, as found in the enterprise). This is all done transparently, in real time, tapping the power of otherwise idle resources with a sophisticated background processing technology called, InvisiTasking.
Diskeeper is as indispensable as anti-virus. For more information on how it can help your servers, call 800-829-6468. Full featured trial ware and fragmentation analysis tools can also be found at
About Diskeeper Corporation — Innovators in Performance and Reliability Technologies:
With over 30 million licenses sold, small businesses to large enterprises rely on Diskeeper software to provide maximum performance and reliability to their laptops, desktops and servers. Diskeeper Corporation also provides up-to-the-minute data protection and instant file recovery with Undelete.