Atlona Technologies announced their newest signal generator designed to test Audio Video systems using SD-SDI, HDSDI, or 3GSDI formats. The AT-3GSDI500 is an advanced SDI pattern generator from their previous AT-HDSDI500, now with multi-format (3G/HD/SD) and multi-pattern support. Atlona has spared no expense with the AT-3GSDI500 signal generator; packed with a variety of features provided such as still and motion video test patterns, and audio (SMPTE-291M), to name a few. These Signal Pattern Generators allow broadcast professionals the affordable solution to test existing 3G/HD/SD-SDI infrastructures as well as compatibility when adding components, cameras, and cabling.
The 3GSDI500 supports a wide variety of output resolutions ranging from 525 at 60 Hz for SD-SDI to 1080P at 60 Hz for 3G-SDI with 14 other options in between. This unit is capable SD- 270Mbps for SDI, 1.485Gbps and 1.4835Gbps HD-SDI, and 2.97Gbps or 2.967Gbps for 3G-SDI. Users will find the unit easy to operate due to its simple to navigate LCM and a four button panel. The AT-3GSDI500 can support up to 8 channel AES compliant audio with a 48KHz sample rate. Another attractive feature is the ability to bypass the HDMI input and allowing users more testing patterns for connected displays. This will also treat the AT- 3GSDI500 as an advanced HDMI to SDI converter with 3G capability. The unit also features dual 3G capable SDI outputs allowing the simultaneous testing of multiple signal pathways. The 3G/HD/SD-SDI Pattern Gen- erator provides the most cost-effective way for installers and integrators in the broadcast industry to calibrate and test all SDI enabled video devices and displays.
The AT-3GSDI500 is officially available with an MSRP of $1299.00.