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AppleTV does one thing and one thing only. It allows you to watch content from a computer running iTunes on a television monitor. That’s...


Question. My square-shaped home theatre room is only 12 x 12 x 9 ft., with the AV components and the TV in one corner,...


By Shelly Palmer (bio), Managing Director, Advanced Media Ventures Group, LLC MTV's New Web Strategy According to Reuters, "MTV Networks, owner of the MTV...

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Want to Make Money off Your Innovation? Watch the Cash Curve Reprinted with permission from Knowledge@Wharton. When senior executives at Motorola remember Iridium, its...


There have been a lot of times when I have wanted to point someone to this list, but you have to be registered on...


5.1 Symptoms That Your TV Display Needs Proper Setup Just about everyone has had the experience of visiting friends or relatives when there happens...


By Shelly Palmer (bio), Managing Director, Advanced Media Ventures Group, LLC It's Time to Buy an HDTV! Welcome to Shelly Palmer's Technophobe's Guide to...

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Reprinted with permission from Knowledge@Wharton. High definition televisions are expected to be hot sellers this holiday season, but consumers are likely to have a...

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The benefits of 1080p resolution are straightforward, but displaying more resolution on screen is a very complicated matter.

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Reprinted with permission from Knowledge@Wharton. A deal between YouTube and Warner Music Group to share music videos and revenue could usher in an era...

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Here is a list of the 8 things I learned at the CEDIA trade show, held September 13th – 17th, 2006 in Denver, Colorado....


What NOT TO DO if you are a tradeshow exhibitor at CES, CEDIA, or another consumer electronics related tradeshow. Don’t use the “Echo Game”...


HD-DVD may have a slight edge in the format battle for next-generation DVD players, with the Blu-ray camp saying they’re not yet ready for...


The Impact of Acoustics in Schools With new research into acoustics in schools it has become apparent that often classrooms have poor acoustics. As...


Years ago as a passionate enthusiast, and long before I began editing magazines and writing articles about sound reproduction and video, I was totally...


Do find the digital output on the back of your DVD player before you connect any other cables to your equipment. It will be...

HDMI VGA and RCA Cables HDMI VGA and RCA Cables


Learn what each audio video cable type is for and how to recognize them by their connector.


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SVS Bluesound PSB Speakers NAD Cambridge Audio Q Acoustics Denon Marantz Focal Naim Audio RSL Speakers