We like to thank all the visitors who visited us at Las Vegas and we appreciate those who heard the performance of our products and gave us their comments too.
Special thanks to Michael and Blayne who really make a big help to setup the system before the show and move out after the show.
This year we brought our new REAL A&V-803 real wood loudspeaker, Operetta AP2300A amplifier and prototype RC2000P 2 channel Pre-amp. Source from SonyDVD/SACD player. ( See the picture)
We got some very positive feedbacks this year and here are some visitors who talked about our new REAL speaker after listened the performance either from their own CDs or our demo music.
Ralph from Baker Audio Engineer Service told us that we have the best well balance design speaker so far he ever heard in the show already. He mentioned that we have very steady vocal when the singer lower or higher their volume and the high-end sounded fast and sweet but not sharp and hot at all.
Adam, John and Dave from Positive Feedback like to review the A&V-803 after the show. Adam liked our low level sound and he couldn’t believe that it is from 8″sub-woofer drivers and also from a US$ 6000 a pair speakers too.
John listened with Norah Jones “Feel like home” CD and we could easily to tell that her voice were very focus on the center during the whole song. A lot of systems will hear her voice up and down when her singing in different level of volume as well as frequency.
Eugene from The Audiophile Voice also listened a few songs from his own CDs. He said that we have to introduce the A&V-803 to all the audiophiles and the A&V-803 sounds better than many speakers over US$ 10,000 out there. He liked to have a pair for his writer to review.
Phillip and Gary from Dagogo.com who originally wanted to review our AP2300A amplifier came to listen our A&V-803 too. Phillip also was telling the same thing that Adam told to us and of course he liked to have a pair to review. Gary would like to review the final version of our AP2300A Operetta amplifier too.
James from STEREOMOJO came to see us on last day of the show. He would like to have a pair for his writer after he listened the performance of A&V-803 speakers.
John and Doug from SoundStage also came to listen our system and we soon might have our A&V-803 for them to review.
Jeff and Garrett from ultra Audio will like to have one of our AP2300A amplifier once the final version ready.
Beside the media editors, we met some of old friends there too.
Blayne from Barrs Custom A/V-SD, Mike from Audio Visions of Virginia-VA, Michael from TweekGeek-CO, Doug from XAV Exceptional A/V-NC, Bill from Crane Hometheater-CA, David from Audio Lab-HI, Dave and Dan from Audio Analyst-MI They all think that Jaton is in the right track and keep our promise to deliver more high end product with very affordable price.
We also met some new friends this year.
Dave from Big Bear Marketing-OR with his dealers came to visit us and listen to our performance. We had a great time and everyone liked our system and would like to discuss more about the business after the show.
Hal from JAB Sound-CA, Joel from Sound Innovations-CA, Greg from Audio Xpress-CA, Irv from Custom Home Cinema DIV-IL, Frank from The Canadian Loudspeaker Corp-Canada, Jean from Fertin-France, Tiziano from Rigola Luigi & C. SNC-Italy, Natalie from GCS-Israel, Conny from Netia-Spain, Joaquim from Monleon Electronics-Spain, Jardi from Reguant Company electrodom-Spain, Vladimir from Art Audio Acoustic-Serbia…. Sorry can’t mention each of them. Most of our visitors really like our system very much.
I think that we had a great show this year and everyone agreed that Jaton is on the right track and have the big prudential of the high end audio market too.
We showed how we glow and how we want to achieve to every visitors. And this is the first time that we had all different kind of people who really impressed by our system.
We’ll work very hard to keep our promise to deliver more of the high performance products with very affordable pricing in the future to thank for all the support from all of you.
Please visit www.jatonhp.com to know more news about our future event and products.