HOLLY HILL, FLA., DECEMBER 18, 2007: Renowned HDMI developer and innovator Jeff Boccaccio will conduct informative sessions on understanding and taming HDMI technology at the Ethereal Home Theater Booth #20931, 2008 International CES, Las Vegas Convention Center, January 7 through 9.
Boccaccio is President of InVisions Technology, Inc. — a consulting firm specializing in design engineering, new product development and marketing. He has distinguished himself as a leading-edge engineer, earning several electronic design patents and winning numerous International CES Innovations Awards for his product designs. Boccaccio has an exceptional depth of knowledge regarding the interface’s past, present and future applications. His monthly column, “HDMI Corner” in CEPro magazine and articles in Widescreen Review enjoy a wide audience within the A/V industry.
Boccaccio has designed a line of industry-first HDMI electronic products for Ethereal Home Theater, a manufacturer of premium A/V interconnects and accessories based in Holly Hill, Fla. He will be appearing exclusively at Ethereal’s booth at 2008 International CES, holding sessions on understanding the HDMI interface and addressing common misconceptions — such as, “All HDMI cables are the same.” He also will introduce and explain the new DPL Program, the industry’s first performance rating system for HDMI cables.
The DPL Program — in which Ethereal participates — is designed to provide a simple mechanism to compare consistence performance levels among all HDMI products so that A/V installation professionals and consumers alike know what level of performance to expect when buying a particular HDMI cable.
The upcoming 2008 International CES will be the second time Boccaccio has held HDMI educational sessions with Ethereal at a major industry trade show.
“We received an overwhelming response to Jeff’s seminars at the 2007 CEDIA Expo,” said Brent McCall, Ethereal Home Theater Product Specialist. “We were expecting only about 40 people, but instead, 120 to 150 showed up for every session.”
Because of the success of Boccaccio’s sessions, the entire Ethereal booth has been reconfigured to better accommodate attendees for 2008 International CES. The new design provides a clear space in the center so that all who want to attend can be in the booth area itself, where Boccaccio will be speaking.
“Although Jeff will be referring to Ethereal products in his sessions, this is not a product seminar,” McCall said. “People will walk out of there knowing everything about HDMI. That’s why his CEDIA sessions were packed.”
Presentation times are 3 p.m. January 7 and 9; and 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. January 8. Sessions are free; admittance is open (no registration). Visit cesweb.org for the floor location of Booth #20931, Ethereal Home Theater. 2008 International CES is open to the consumer electronics trade and registered media only.
Based in Holly Hill, FL, with offices in Long Beach, CA, Metra (www.metraonline.com) is a leader in the auto sound industry as parent company of such consumer and professional installation brands as Axxess, Install Bay, Raptor, Silencer and Tsunami, as well as the Ethereal (www.etherealhometheater.com) brand of home audio/video interconnects.