Time management is an instrumental component in any business’s plan to increase productivity and grow their business. By effectively making use of their time employees can accomplish several outlined goals that will ultimately benefit their company through an improved bottom line. It is that growth that every company looks to achieve yet there are several that fall short due in part to their inability to truly understand the value of managing time in the most productive manner.
With the birth of the computer age companies have enjoyed a growing ability to complete numerous tasks all with the click of a mouse. The immersion of computers into the workplace has translated into a higher volume of work that can be completed and in return, the potential to see financial growth from added customers and clients.
When a company’s computer network system is running at its optimal speed there are few things that can impede its progress. Our computers can handle inventory levels, sales distribution, internal and external communication, dissemination of information and so many other elements that are integral to the success of a business. These computers operate in an almost effortless manner delivering requests and completing tasks almost as quickly as they are posed.
It is this speed that has improved productivity and presented a world of potential for just about every company operating today. Companies have come to rely on this speed so much that when it begins to slow the effects on business can be seen almost immediately. There is an important lesson that needs to be learned by all companies and that is, it is alright to rely on your network system for speed but you must be sure to protect it from potentially devastating problems.
Perhaps the most damaging threat to any computer network system is fragmentation and for those who choose to ignore this computer disease the end result could be a complete crash of their network. Fragmentation is what takes the one-time efficient office and turns it into a mass of confusion and impatience. It is the cause of angry stares at blank screens waiting for applications to load and emails to arrive. It is what leads to the computer network becoming unreliable and ultimately costing a company its business.
Fragmentation attacks a networks hard drive, causing files to become disjoined and scattered. This in turn causes the network to slow because rather than look for a single file when a request is made a hard drive is forced to search for all the pieces that make up that file.
For any company that relies on their network this can become a very serious problem because a single file can become fragmented thousands of times. When you take into account the countless amounts of files that are saved on a hard drive it doesn’t take long to realize what could happen.
It is important to understand that fragmentation isn’t a virus that finds its way onto a hard drive, rather it is a disease born from the very manner in which a hard drive was designed. This means that anti-virus software won’t prevent fragmentation from finding its way onto the network’s hard drive.
By its very nature a hard drive will create fragmented files. This is because it was designed to store saved files in a contiguous manner, meaning once a file is saved it is placed directly behind the last file saved and so on. When a saved file is modified and re-saved it will no longer fit in its originals space so the hard drive is forced to split the file and save the added information in the next available space. This is how fragmentation is born and over time this is why your computer losses its speed and reliability.
Companies that once enjoyed a quick response to a request or easy access to email and Internet become bogged down by delays. These delays cost time and money and eventually these delays will lead to lost files and ultimately a crash of the network system.
Fortunately there is a viable solution to fragmentation and it comes in the form of defragmentation software. Defrag is designed to scan a hard drive for fragmented files and join together the pieces that belong together. Once the fragmented pieces are joined the file is saved as a single unit, making it easier for your hard drive to locate and deliver. By installing defragmentation software a computer network is restored to its optimal speed and reliability.
With speed and reliability restored a company can once again enjoy the ability to effectively complete numerous tasks in a timely manner, thus satisfying the needs of its business.