Home Consumer/DIY (Do-It-Yourself) Video Surveillance Camera Market Creating New Revenue Opportunity for Camera Manufacturers, Home Networking and Broadband Services Industries, According to MultiMedia Intelligence
Video surveillance in consumer homes promises to drive a new market for consumer/DIY cameras and remote home monitoring services. Growing consumer awareness and product offerings will enable the market for consumer/DIY surveillance cameras to grow to over $1 billion dollars by 2012. This presents a promising expansion opportunity for camera manufacturers, broadband operators and semiconductor manufacturers, according to MultiMedia Intelligence.
The applications driving home video surveillance range from simple doorbell cameras to remote surveillance and recording services. Companies are positioning do-it-yourself (DIY) surveillance kits that include cameras, network adapters, and PC and internet-based monitoring and recording software. Such systems also allow consumers to monitor their home remotely over the Internet, or even via their mobile phones.
Several catalysts promise to enable the growing consumer/DIY surveillance opportunity:
- Growing availability of consumer/DIY camera kits in retail outlets
- Emergence of a new class of consumer-level Internet-Protocol (IP) surveillance cameras
- Growing installed base of video-capable home networks
- Broadband service providers seeking new value-added services through remote surveillance management and monitoring services.
- Declining technology costs make it reasonable for IP video surveillance offerings at reasonable consumer prices.
“Both home networking and video surveillance are dynamic and growing markets. The new Consumer/DIY IP Surveillance Camera market bridges these two segments to create yet another promising opportunity,” stated Mark Kirstein, President of MultiMedia Intelligence and author of the companies new research report “Consumer Do-it-Yourself (DIY) Surveillance: Cameras, Broadband Services & Semiconductors.”
MultiMedia Intelligence’s new research also found:
- Telecom operators see networked video surveillance as an opportunity to offer home monitoring as a fee-based, value-added service. Such services could expand upon the well established market for consumer security monitoring from companies such as Sonitrol and ADT.
- Consumer/DIY IP Cameras will leverage no-new-wires home networking technologies such as Powerline and 802.11 home networking interfaces.
- Camera manufacturers such as D-Link, Logitech/Wi-Life, Samsung and Swann Communications are among the camera market competitors.
“Consumer Do-it-Yourself (DIY) Surveillance: Cameras, Broadband Services & Semiconductors” contains MMI research, analysis and forecasts for the consumer/DIY video surveillance camera, broadband services and semiconductor markets. The research examines the DIY surveillance market in context of 1) the broader video surveillance market, and 2) the broadband and home networking market. The report provides forecasts for consumer broadband surveillance monitoring services, camera shipments and factory equipment revenue with supporting forecasts for the underlying semiconductor components. MMI’s report also forecasts the overall video surveillance equipment market, overall surveillance cameras, broadband subscribers, IPTV subscribers, and installed video-capable home networks. Segmentation by product type is included at both camera and semiconductor levels.
For more information, visit http://www.MultiMediaIntelligence.com or contact Ann Howe, 617-547-3641
About MultiMedia Intelligence
MultiMedia Intelligence specializes on the markets and technologies for delivering IP-based video to the ‘nth’ screen. The company provides a comprehensive set of marketing & business development services to its customers. We look beyond the classic ‘three screens,’ which include TVs, mobile handsets, and computers. We put markets into the broader context of the industry ecosystems that are converging and changing traditional business models. MultiMedia Intelligence provides a unique, comprehensive perspective.