Becomes A ‘Value-Added Reseller’ Of DirecWay Internet ‘High Speed’ Bandwidth Services
For Mobile Applications
Salt Lake City, UT December 3, 2004. DataTech International, LLC, a partner with Winegard Company, widely considered an innovator and pioneer in Satellite, Off-Air, Telemetry antenna and mobile reception product design and manufacturing, has recently entered into an agreement with Hughes Network Systems (HNS) DirecWay to become a ‘Value-Added Reseller’ (VAR) of DirecWay Internet ‘High Speed’ bandwidth services for mobile applications. Individuals, businesses, the government and military or any time-sensitive service and care organizations who are constantly on the go and who need to send and access information, will now have access to the technology that makes all this possible, no matter where they are.
These new internet satellite antennas now set for production at the end of this year will provide unlimited mobile access to users such as news organizations, RV customers, emergency medical and service providers, broadband and video conferencing for all industries and mobile office applications
DataTech is finishing the developing phase of their first series of products, the DT Series of Two-way Fixed/Transportable Mobile Satellite Internet Systems offers real-time IP, video, voice, audio and data communications virtually anywhere, anytime, delivering ‘High-Speed’ Internet-based services and applications at a ‘click’ of a button.
“This is milestone for DataTech and our respective markets. We are excited to have HNS/DirecWay as a bandwidth partner and look forward to additional collaborative efforts and success. Our new DT series, soon to be launched on the HNS/DirecWay platform, will provide very quick, reliable, and secure Internet service offerings for many industries who are on the move and need to stay in touch” states Reed Brown, President of DataTech.
DataTech will launch its first product Series, the DT Two-Way Mobile Internet antenna system on the HNS/DirecWay ‘High Speed’ bandwidth platform at CES 2005. Available with a .74, .98 and 1.2 meter dish, this DT system deploys rapidly, providing instant Internet connectivity with a simple touch screen interface and is also easy install.
Mobile ‘High Speed’ connectivity enables customers to access broadband connectivity for all remote locations, including single platform connection for all users and cost-effective pricing with uniform monthly service fees. Such applications as Voice-Over Internet Protocol (VoiP), Virtual Private Networks (VPN), Secured Private Networks (SPN), Transportable Wi-Fi Access, Real Time Webcasts via Multicast Delivery and Streaming and much more, is now available with this DataTech automated Internet satellite antenna system.
“Just imagine the possibilities! Our system is the perfect product for the RVers or private and government organizations that need access to information or an uplink quickly. What about emergency response or disaster situations? Who would have ever thought you could stay connected to a ‘High Speed’ live link, without access to a cellular, DSL, or T1 line? The need is there and the possibilities endless” adds DataTech’s Vice President Chuck Uhl.
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If you’d like more information about this topic, or to schedule an interview with Reed Brown or Chuck Uhl, please call Michael Sherman at 319-754-0604 or send an email to or visit
About DataTech:
DataTech is a new company in partnership with winegard Company and was formed to develop technologies and associated products that deliver mobile Internet and data communications within the domestic and international mobile markets. Its first product line, The DT Series of Two-way Fixed/Transportable Mobile Satellite Internet Systems offers real-time IP, video, voice, audio and data communications virtually anywhere, anytime. The DT Series includes mobile internet Satellite systems with dishes ranging from 0.74 meter to 1.2 meters designed for use by:
Emergency and medical service providers, news organizations, Government and Military, RVers, the trucking industry, Mobile office and broadband and video conferencing for all industries.
With Fully automatic pointing/acquisition/cross-polarization systems to access virtually any broadband satellite platform.
Optional DBS television with dual TV LNB outputs for multiple TV signal reception, including HD compatibility simultaneously while using the Internet.
Fully automatic High Speed bandwidth services.
Deploys rapidly with one click connectivity for rapid signal acquisition.
Works on virtually any VSAT satellite broadband platform.
About Winegard:
Winegard Company is widely considered an innovator and pioneer in Satellite, Off-Air and Telemetry antennas and mobile reception product design, performance and assembly and has consistently adapted to meet the challenges of the ever-changing electronics market. It remains committed to continuous improvement in the quality, cost and delivery of its products and services to effectively meet all of its customer’s needs and currently designs and manufactures more than 1,000 different products in four product lines distributed in all states and worldwide, including:
Satellite Antennas and Mounts: Residential antennas ranging in size from 46 cm to 1 meter.
Mobile Television Reception Products: RV, Trucking, and Marine applications. Satellite systems ranging from manual crank-up models to automatic satellite tracking systems with GPS/DVB. Off-air antennas including bi-directional and omni-directional VHF/UHF/FM antennas. Ground Antenna Mounts and Accessories.
Off-Air Antennas: From DC to 5.8 gigs AM/FM/VHF/UHF Antenna Systems, Distribution and Pre-Amplifiers, Power Supplies and Accessories
Telemetry: Medical and Data Antenna Systems, Distribution Amplifiers, Power supplies and Accessories.