Could I have a bad disq. switch


Bronze Member
Username: Jryevols

Little rock, Arkansas USA

Post Number: 78
Registered: Mar-07
I was picking up 110 & 119 , and had been picking up bev , but showed no signal on Echo 3. All four disq. were showing signal but it was just 110 & 119. When I downloaded this new bin and went to down load 8.10 bird it started loading bev. and I can't now get 110.Could the switch be bad or is it something in my receiver unit. Please help

Platinum Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 10838
Registered: Jun-06
This is an oft repeated question. If you did not note down the antenna settings before you installed a new BIN, you have lost the settings and are now goin g to fish around and try and get help to restore them.
Best if you post your sats, LNBs info and the current antenna setups for somebody to help you.
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