Problems with Pansat 2700E


New member
Username: Salvatrucho

Post Number: 1
Registered: May-07
K. I downloaded the new Boot file B75, the bin file from March 2007 and the GTrom loader v27.2 from the Pansat website. I was able to update the receiver to the new Boot file and was able to update to the March bin file. So far so good.

So then updated to the newest bin file for April 11,2007 using the GTRom loader....No good. I was able to get good signal for the channels for Satellite 8.6 Ku at 110 degrees and Echo 1.2 at 148 degrees but I couldn't get the picture. I see the channels but not the picture or sound at all. Everything is black.

So I've used the following files with the following loaders without luck:

Loader: X-87BL file: X-87BL_070411_B75_203_api
Loader: Pansat --C v.27.2 file: Pansat-C 2700 203v1 Tivo
Loader: GTRom v.27.2 file: Pansat-C 2700 203v1 Tivo

Nothing...All these files gave me the same result ..good signal no sound or picture.

To top it all off.....after a while I couldn't see the satellites anymore...they both disappeared...Is it possible? I tried another satellite Sat81 FTA. I could see it fine...then I updated the files again and again and now I don't see that satellite either. Instead I see Sat44 but it seems to be the same as Sat81. Forgive my ignorance but is it possible that satellites change names?

Any help with other bin files to try or finding my satellites would be greatly appreciated.

Can I add the satellites manually? What info do I need to do so.


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