HDTV problems


New member
Username: Mareh

New hampshire

Post Number: 1
Registered: Jul-06
Please help!! I have a Samsung 50" DLP we are having great troubles with sound skipping on Digital and some major network HD. also have out of synch sound. we have tried everything! Cable company blames TV, TV company blames cable co. What a surprise right? there is also a receiver involved, could it be that?? I'm stumped, I am a spec. educ. teacher and this is not my forte'. I really appreciate any help. thanks !!

Silver Member
Username: Cableguy

Deep in the ... U.S.

Post Number: 811
Registered: Mar-05
mare hart~ I'm not sure if the cable company is responsible for the synch problems, but audio skipping could something if it also includes digital break up of your picture. If you are using a STB, you could connect it to another TV to see if you are having the same problems, although it depends on the type of STB you are using (Set Top Box or cable box). Another thing you could do is check with some of your neighbors how might have the same service as you to see if theirs is doing the same thing. Generally speaking audio issue are usually generated from the source(the network) or the device it is connected to. For the problem to be solely in the audio and not the video it would indicate source or equipment and not so much the cable. Hope that helps

New member
Username: Mareh

New hampshire

Post Number: 2
Registered: Jul-06
thank you! we just had cable company here to change cable box. tiling also happens when skipping in sound happens the worst. but also have sound skipping without tiling and if I look at the receiver I can watch the indicator (word lit up) change from TV/SAT to stereo and back and forth while it is skipping. I know it sounds weird. the cable company just left and already we are watching the TV and the sound is still out of synch. (like two words off) its like watching a dubbed movie!

Silver Member
Username: Cableguy

Deep in the ... U.S.

Post Number: 812
Registered: Mar-05
Ok, video break up with audio break up indicates there is something wrong with the QAM. The audio synch problem is something altogether different from what you are having with the break up. Pointing back to my original post, you should ask neighbors around you if they also have similar services and if they are having the same synch problems. I have seen audio synch problems that can be the processor in the TV being bogged down by all the data, something you can try is to turn the TV off, and then turn it back on again to see if the problem went away. Something else you can do is turn off the stereo and see if the audio is matching on the TV stand alone. As I said, generally speaking synch errors occur at the source or the device it is plugged into. It is very rare to find something the cable company is doing to create synch problems. First and foremost, have them fix your QAM issues with the video and audio break up, then address the synch issue.

New member
Username: Mareh

New hampshire

Post Number: 3
Registered: Jul-06
Okay, I had to google QAM (I warned you about my knowledge level) do I just tell the cable guys that QAM needs to be fixed?? I assume they'll know what it is? sorry to be so ignorant on the subject.

Silver Member
Username: Cableguy

Deep in the ... U.S.

Post Number: 813
Registered: Mar-05
Just tell them exactly what your problems are and they should take it from there.

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Username: The_winster

Amherstburg, Ontario Canada

Post Number: 1
Registered: Sep-06
We just purcahsed a 60" Sony HD LCD Projection Tv. The high definition stations are amazing...we are very impressed...however the rest of the channels are really poor quality, very pixelated...I don't expect they would look as good as the HD channels, but somehow I thought the overall picture would be better. We are having the satellite guy come back today to replace the coax, as this particular tv's signal was only 70%, while our other (not HD) was 84%. DO you think it is a coax issue or a connection or a tv problem? Thanks

Silver Member
Username: Formerly_fx

Dallas, Tx

Post Number: 174
Registered: Mar-06

It is neither a coax nor a tv problem. It is a problem in both your perception and expectations. I bet you went from a much smaller TV screen size to the 60" Sony. This is par for the course. 70 for your signal strength seems quite adequate, it is digital not analog, you will either have perfect reception or you will have no picture at all, herein lies the beauty of digital broadcast television.


New member
Username: The_winster

Amherstburg, Ontario Canada

Post Number: 2
Registered: Sep-06
Yes, I realize that now...our satellite provider explained the problem with the hd receiver sending the analog picture to the tv...we did however find out that there was something wrong with the receiver itself, replaced it, and although the picture is still not perfect, it is much better, and my hubby is happy with it...if only all tv broadcasts were available in High Def...what a better world this would be. Thanks for the comeback
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