Red Glow Hitachi 51s500 Rear Projection TV


New member
Username: Epauleyii

Post Number: 1
Registered: Feb-05
I have a Hitachi 51S500 51" rear projection tv. I have only had it for about six months and just noticed that when watching it in the dark there are red ghosts during transitions on some movies/previews. Basically when the screen goes to black the brighter parts of the previous image glow in red for a few seconds. Also when the source (DVD player, Cable box) is turned of the whole screen has a redish glow and sometimes there is a red ghost of the last image there for a few seconds, then just the glow. What could be wrong? The picture looks fine and black sections of the screen during movies look fine. Is this normal? Any help would be appreciated.


chinese poet
Unregistered guest
if you actually see "red" that's a problem!
but a small bright area is normal in a dark seen
for a rptv.
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