Opinion on Yamaha NS 555/777s and Athena FS2s


New member
Username: Dsiroky

Post Number: 4
Registered: 02-2004
I'm thinking seriously about buying the Athena speakers. I've listened to them and they sound great and I've seen so many good reviews. Only thing is they don't look all that great.

The Yamaha's look much better, and are similarly priced. Does anyone have opinions on the Yamaha's? I haven't seen many reviews, and unfortuantely Best Buy isn't geared up very well toward someone who wants to do a good comparison of the two.

Silver Member
Username: Project6

Post Number: 244
Registered: 12-2003
I, too, was almost tken in by the looks of the Yamahas, that piano gloss finish is something, isn't it?! But we did a side by side comparison in our home, and my wife and I liked the characteristics of the ASF-2 by a wide margin. The difference is really there, even my wife recognizes that the Athena sounded much clearer and the music is, as she puts it "puts me right in with James Taylor and the Eagles"...yeah, she likes listening to the DVD-Audios. She just wished that the Athenas came in the same finish.


New member
Username: Dsiroky

Post Number: 5
Registered: 02-2004
Which speakers did you try at home Berny? was it the 555's or the 777's?

Silver Member
Username: Project6

Post Number: 245
Registered: 12-2003
the NS-777s...and man, do they look good. I bought them both with the Athena's and returned the ones we didn't like.

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