PLZ HELP nalin doreen anyone thanx


Silver Member
Username: Tulipe

Post Number: 413
Registered: Jun-09
i use dell with xp . when i start it i can only see the mousse cursor but black screen no windows pops up . i do see the windows microsoft logo when it boot up but instead of getting the desktop only black . no icon nothing . is there anyway to save it and repair it .????
im trying to avoid to instal the operating system .this way i dont loose so many stuff i have .
when i try to use the xp cd and do a repair it asks me pass word i never set a pass word so this will not help unless u know how to bypass the pass word.
if i instal again xp i will use a recovery data software to get some files but can i save the one on my desktop that are not just shortcut they are file and picture created in the desktop and not the drive .

your help will be appreciated. thanx .

Diamond Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 22169
Registered: Jun-06

1. A.Buy a cheap hard drive, attach it to the computer, and make it the main drive. If you are not sure, you can disconnect the current drive.
B. Install a copy of Windows XP on this new drive. Then take the erroneous drive and attach it as a second hard drive. (Drive D).
C. Install diagnostic and Virus software on the new Drive C, Diagnose the problem on Drive D (your blacked out drive).
D.Transfer all the data files but not any of the application software to the new Drive C.
E. Install the very necessary and trusted application software to drive C.
F.Reformat drive D. and again disconnect it.
G.If you want to keep this drive as the main C drive continue, otherwise skip this step.
Install all the remaining application software into C.
H.Disconnect Drive C. Connect Drive D as C. Reinstall windows XP.
I.Do C,D, E
J.If you want to keep this drive as the main C drive continue, otherwise skip this step.
Install all the remaining application software into C.

If you don't want to buy a new drive, follow this method.
A. Attempt to reinstall XP, BUT DO NOT FORMAT.
B. Make a new partition. (Windows may ask this question before asking formatting question of A- I am not sure which comes first.)
C. Windows will ask you where you want to instal a second copy. Say you want it in a new partition. Do a full instal of the XP.
D. Now carry out the essential steps as detailed in method 2, making sure you diagnose and cure the problem that started the blackout.
E. In any case, make sure you set the new drive or partition as the main Boot drive.

Installation of a second XP without repartitioning is also OK, but by creating a second partition, you are giving yourself the chance to reformat the old partition, and reinstall in the old place a completely fresh copy.

Silver Member
Username: Tulipe

Post Number: 414
Registered: Jun-09
WILL I EVER SAVE files on desktop and not hard drive if i do methode 2?

Gold Member
Username: Runnerguy


Post Number: 2527
Registered: Sep-06
please wait while nylon GOOGLE'S your answer. Thank You

Gold Member
Username: Krishn

Post Number: 1361
Registered: Sep-06
zulu: jack as*s low life scumbag STFU and go back to your gutter

Diamond Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 22171
Registered: Jun-06
Tulipe ASKED: "WILL I EVER SAVE files on desktop and not hard drive if i do methode 2?"
"DESKTOP" is just another folder in your hard drive. Imagine a working table with file drawers on the side. Files that are lying on the table top are desktop file, and files that are in the file drawers are you files that you stored away. But they are all a part of the table.
I you create another partition, Microsoft will make sure that the additional partition is in the free space. You can get a copy of EASEUS Partition Master , which will allow you to put all your files neatly together and free up higher space on your drive. It will then let you make a partition in the safe area, and Microsoft will recognize it.
After you have installed a new copy of windows, you will be able to transfer all your data files to the new partition, then reformat your old defective partition. The two partitions can be treated as if they were separate physical drives.

Gold Member
Username: Runnerguy


Post Number: 2528
Registered: Sep-06
the above information is INACCURATE

Gold Member
Username: Runnerguy


Post Number: 2529
Registered: Sep-06
please re googly the answer nn/subass

Silver Member
Username: Rtf

Post Number: 217
Registered: Aug-07
Has anyone suggested that maybe he try to boot up in safe mode first then run some diagnostics. It seems to me you are sugesting the most radical as the first move.

Silver Member
Username: Rtf

Post Number: 218
Registered: Aug-07
Hw may simply have a few damage files that could be repaired but NOOOO lets re=install XP Nydas you are dangerous.

Gold Member
Username: Jitu

Post Number: 1009
Registered: Jan-08
Nydas and Subass both have C/P knowledge beware of their suggestions first they have killed so many FTA receivers this form is full their half wit suggestions and members complaining their FTA got dead and now with their half wit suggestion one might end up freezing their PC's

Diamond Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 22172
Registered: Jun-06
RTF SAYS: "Has anyone suggested that maybe he try to boot up in safe mode first then run some diagnostics. It seems to me you are sugesting the most radical as the first move."

I absolutely agree with RTF. I am so used to "radical .. move" that I forgot to mention the safe mode boot first. Also, RTF, I am used to suspecting the worst, and just want to go ahead and reformat. I usually have a second drive or a second partition with a Windows Operating system, so for me the whole operation as suggested by me above is quick and easy and very clean.
However, I do think RTF's solution should be tried out first.

Gold Member
Username: Runnerguy


Post Number: 2530
Registered: Sep-06
It is a shame that nn/subass deliberately trys to destroy peoples equipment. Just shut up and go away

Gold Member
Username: Djsmith

Post Number: 1543
Registered: May-11
CCCC try to use the pass word(s) "OWNER" or" HOME"

if it was set up by the store, or tech, those are common pass words .

1. I would first check out the monitor cables ( some times they can get loose. ) ,

2. if step 1 doesn't help Unplug the cpmputer from the up the tower and umplug the hard drive cable(s) then plug them back in ( make sure they are tightly pluged in)
Plug the tower back in. and turn on the PC. ( see if that helped)

3. do what RTP said """safe mode "" OR what I'ma dumass suggesated IF step 1 and 2 don't work

Is your Dell in FAT32 or NTFS format on your hard drive? PM me and i can send you to a site to download some stuff to try out ( FREE 10 day trial ware)

Let me know if any of the above work first. If not I can help ya. email me me through PM

Gold Member
Username: Djsmith

Post Number: 1544
Registered: May-11
If you chose to do Nalins methods ...

On the Hard drive there is a PIN ( black or blue) by the cords (if this is an older HD)

On the HD (depending on what kind ) there should be instructions on where to set the pin for MASTER OR SLAVE JUMPER ETC..

With newer formated hard drive ( the master) it will default to (C:\)
after installing Windows XP

If you are unsure how to set the pin for a SLAVE drive (remove the pin ) makes it a slave drive by default. it will be readable and work as a STORAGE well.
Slave drive will default to( D:\)

If you partition your Hard drive.... Use the" SETUP disk " In the flopy disk drive. ( if it has one..)

Gold Member
Username: Djsmith

Post Number: 1545
Registered: May-11
make sure your WINDOWS XP intallation CD IS in as well to Partition your HD

Gold Member
Username: Djsmith

Post Number: 1546
Registered: May-11
you do not need to use a password if you don't want too when installing WIN XP

Silver Member
Username: Tulipe

Post Number: 415
Registered: Jun-09
dorren im using a laptab not a pc.
safe mode dont do it . black screen only you can see the mousse cursor.
instaling xp dont ask pass word . repairing ask a pass word
for the assholesss that always try to destroy this site instead of picking on nalin or dorren why dont you give the solution . have a life . this game is toooooo old .

Gold Member
Username: Krishn

Post Number: 1366
Registered: Sep-06
cccccccccccccc: from your original post it was obvious that you could not start it in safe mode, however idiot RTF jumped in then of course low life scumbags G2 and Zulu started bashing.

If you have not set a password, you should be able to get in by just hitting return when prompted for password. have you tried it?

Gold Member
Username: Runnerguy


Post Number: 2532
Registered: Sep-06
nn/subass suggested this WTF!!

Diamond Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 22169
Registered: Jun-06

Nydas posted on Thursday, November 10, 2011 - 02:45 GMT

1. A.Buy a cheap hard drive, attach it to the computer, and make it the main drive. If you are not sure, you can disconnect the current drive.
B. Install a copy of Windows XP on this new drive. Then take the erroneous drive and attach it as a second hard drive. (Drive D).
C. Install diagnostic and Virus software on the new Drive C, Diagnose the problem on Drive D (your blacked out drive).
D.Transfer all the data files but not any of the application software to the new Drive C.
E. Install the very necessary and trusted application software to drive C.
F.Reformat drive D. and again disconnect it.
G.If you want to keep this drive as the main C drive continue, otherwise skip this step.
Install all the remaining application software into C.
H.Disconnect Drive C. Connect Drive D as C. Reinstall windows XP.
I.Do C,D, E
J.If you want to keep this drive as the main C drive continue, otherwise skip this step.
Install all the remaining application software into C.

If you don't want to buy a new drive, follow this method.
A. Attempt to reinstall XP, BUT DO NOT FORMAT.
B. Make a new partition. (Windows may ask this question before asking formatting question of A- I am not sure which comes first.)
C. Windows will ask you where you want to instal a second copy. Say you want it in a new partition. Do a full instal of the XP.
D. Now carry out the essential steps as detailed in method 2, making sure you diagnose and cure the problem that started the blackout.
E. In any case, make sure you set the new drive or partition as the main Boot drive.

Installation of a second XP without repartitioning is also OK, but by creating a second partition, you are giving yourself the chance to reformat the old partition, and reinstall in the old place a completely fresh copy.

cace. You can get a copy of EASEUS Partition Master , which will allow you to put all your files neatly together and free up higher space on your drive. It will then let you make a partition in the safe area, and Microsoft will recognize it.
After you have installed a new copy of windows, you will be able to transfer all your data files to the new partition, then reformat your old defective partition. The two partitions can be treated as if they were separate physical drives.

Silver Member
Username: Tulipe

Post Number: 416
Registered: Jun-09
ok guys thanx lot . nalin you are right methode 2 did it i just instal xp in same partition and not deleting anything in it . i could have access to all my files as you said in desktop and all drive thankx again and thank you doreen and the rest that were serious in here .
so long guys .

New member
Username: Rayrayrayray

Post Number: 6
Registered: Jun-11
Doreen read title of thread.

Gold Member
Username: Djsmith

Post Number: 1550
Registered: May-11
PLZ HELP nalin doreen anyone thanx

it doesn't say "nailing" lol it says NALIN

Gold Member
Username: Krishn

Post Number: 1368
Registered: Sep-06
Rayrayrayray: Jack as*s cant read LOL

Silver Member
Username: Rtf

Post Number: 219
Registered: Aug-07
you idiot subash, if he saw the widows logo then the loading of bios was complete and of course he could load safe mode or even got to a CMD prompt but why talk to yo you you obvoisly can't read and your writing is wanting.

Gold Member
Username: Jitu

Post Number: 1013
Registered: Jan-08
Subash is no1 low life MADERCHOD

Platinum Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 16637
Registered: Jan-06
I have had that exact same situation myself a few times....each time I had it, it was a real simple fix...

Dust creates alot of various problems, and creates many different strange reactions, error messages and give this a shot..

Power off the computer...remove the computer casing....remove the memory ram chips/boards...and just blow a can of air and clean the inside,... then snap the memory back in ....and then the casing ...and then reboot the computer...

This may fix all your problems and its something U should do every few months anyways.....good luck

Gold Member
Username: Djsmith

Post Number: 1556
Registered: May-11
LOL ....subash does not know anything about PC s ,so please don't bash him for is lack of knowledge. It's not his fault he is computer Illiterate and talking gibberish or making any sense.

BTW CCC I am glad Nalins #2 method worked **SMILES**
but you do not need to ever set a password for the Administrator Unless you work with it. But a home user no.

Many computer techs will make a password on your computer Only becausae if anything goes wrong and you need to get it fixed , They are the only ones that can fix it.

On a tower PC you can change the pins right on the mother board to by pass this, if it has a password. Once you are in , go to the setup settings and you can change the password or just delete it. Turn the PC off and exchange the pins back to the way they were.

there are many ways to change the passwords, but techs use that method. Since your running a LAPTOP this is harder to do.

But like i said I am glad Nalin could help out . if you have any other questions just let me know or others. You know i am always glad to help you out CCC. Also LK is right too.

Diamond Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 22177
Registered: Jun-06
LK says: "Dust creates alot of various problems, and creates many different strange reactions, error messages and give this a shot..

Power off the computer...remove the computer casing....remove the memory ram chips/boards...and just blow a can of air and clean the inside,... then snap the memory back in ....and then the casing ...and then reboot the computer..."

There are two problems with the above suggestion.
1. ccccc... may not be fully aware of how to protect the board's chips against static electricity which may zap any chip.
2. Before dirt and dust on the visible surface can cause problems, there is 10 times more underneath the board to contend with. That accumulation is more likely to cause problems much before the dust on visible surface.
To get at that, you have to be fairly conversant with electronic boards and the damage you might do to the chips, ground yourself properly, wearing suitable gloves for that purpose, remove the mother board, and then do the job or cleaning. In a laptop, it might be even more tricky, but less like to occur than on a desktop motherboard.
Most of the big discount computer stores offer this (cleaning) service, and hopefully insure you against damage by them.

Gold Member
Username: Djsmith

Post Number: 1560
Registered: May-11

Gold Member
Username: Djsmith

Post Number: 1570
Registered: May-11
Nalin if you UNPLUG the COMPUTER FROM THE WALL or TURN OFF the power bar, and take out the battory from the laptop or tower s botherboard ....there should be know damage to any chips etc... when cleaning it ...just saying. NOT bashing.

Gold Member
Username: Djsmith

Post Number: 1571
Registered: May-11
oops double posted .. sorry my bad

Diamond Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 22183
Registered: Jun-06
Doreen's statement: "Nalin if you UNPLUG the COMPUTER FROM THE WALL or TURN OFF the power bar, and take out the battory from the laptop or tower s botherboard ....there should be know damage to any chips etc... when cleaning it ..."

Ans: Not quite so. It reduces the risk, but you may have static in your hands from accidentally rubbing your hands on polyester fibre.
Try rubbing a baloon against polyester fabric in your clothes. The baloon will happily stick to the wall because of the static.
The best approach is to have a grounded mat on which you rest the computer and keep one free hand on it. You and the computer are at equal electric potential. During any work, keep on touching the grounded mat with bare hand and any tool you are using. Alternatively use grounded gloves but they are cumbersome to use.

Gold Member
Username: Djsmith

Post Number: 1573
Registered: May-11
whatever... Does this really help CCCC ..... NO

it just helps your post counts

Platinum Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 16639
Registered: Jan-06
NN..don't make a big deal about cleaning the PC...a 10 yr old can do it safely...just power it off...I know techs do it all the time and never wear gloves or ground it and all that...geezus, its not rocket science to blow some air in there....yer a trip, thats all I can say...I suppose ya need a manual to wipe yer azz too, and wear gloves ...U make the simplest thing seem so complicated when its such a simple task even a mental midget like U can even do..

Gold Member
Username: Rtap


Post Number: 2653
Registered: Jan-07
Confucius says use big words to make you look smater hahahah

Diamond Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 22185
Registered: Jun-06
LK: Blowing some air on the top surface of a PC board will not do much cleaning. The underneath surface requires more cleaning. For every milligram of dirt on top surface there are 10mg of dirt on the under surface. So either the surface cleaning wan not necessary or dirt was not the problem.
As to techs "techs do it all the time and never wear gloves or ground it ", they are taking a big risk. A populated motherboard can be anything from $150 to $700.

Your friend Doreen gave
an URL above from PCWORLD magazine. Did you really read it?
compared to the experts at PCWORLD, who in their wisdom say the following:-
"What's worse is that the component you installed may appear to be fine, but days, weeks, or months later your PC may lock up or start acting strangely. A dead board or RAM module is easy to diagnose if it doesn't work immediately after you install it, but low-voltage static charges can also cause latent damage, destroying a few gates out of the millions in a typical integrated circuit. That damage can be almost impossible to diagnose, and may not cause problems for a long time. It's also quite possible that you might never take precautions to avoid static and yet never lose a component to static damage.
LK: You have a habit of thinking that you know a lot, when you know practically nothing about computers. If you can't learn from experts, then for God's sake, keep your big mouth shut and take a dive in Largo Key, and keep under. If you do not keep your mouth shut, you will swallow a lot of water and drown, and take a lot of others with you with your stupid advice.

Platinum Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 16640
Registered: Jan-06
NN...Yer an idiot...big time!

and yes a simple cleaning and blowing out all the dust can make a huge difference and most likely repair that PC, without all your nonsense and writings about grounding, gloves, milligrams, removing the motherboard and all the hardware, and 50 step process of installing software...just power it off and do it, clean it!....if yer a helper then help, don't complicate simple go fu*kk yourself again...

cccc..good luck with your PC...NN will have it in pieces and all fu*kked up when she gets done with it....and then bragging how she helped ya, and writing 1000 more posts and a new manual on how to clean a PC and how wunderful she is...

BTW out dust from a computer is NOT stupid advice, contrary to what U think and sure beats, disassembling all the hardware and and your 2 method 50 step ridiculous process of installing software for probably no reason....damn U really are an azzwipe, either intentionally or it just comes naturally to you....either way, it must suck to be you..

Diamond Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 22187
Registered: Jun-06
LK: Below is the wisdom from knowledgeable sources other than me.
"What's worse is that the component you installed may appear to be fine, but days, weeks, or months later your PC may lock up or start acting strangely. A dead board or RAM module is easy to diagnose if it doesn't work immediately after you install it, but low-voltage static charges can also cause latent damage, destroying a few gates out of the millions in a typical integrated circuit. That damage can be almost impossible to diagnose, and may not cause problems for a long time. It's also quite possible that you might never take precautions to avoid static and yet never lose a component to static damage. "

Gold Member
Username: Jitu

Post Number: 1020
Registered: Jan-08
Nydass another half wit BS post

Gold Member
Username: Djsmith

Post Number: 1598
Registered: May-11
It's also quite possible that you might never take precautions to avoid static and yet never lose a component to static damage. "

To avoid the ravages of static damage, your body and the components you're working with (add-in card, RAM, PC case, and so on) must be at the same electrical potential. And the easiest way to do this is to make sure that all static charges are drained to ground, an object connected to the Earth, which can harmlessly absorb the static charge. Until recently, that wasn't difficult. Since all standard AC wiring includes a common ground, you used to be able to ground yourself by touching the case of your PC while it was switched off but still plugged into the wall outlet. However, since today's PCs have voltage flowing through their motherboards whenever they're plugged in (5 volts direct current are used for switching the PC on and off), it's all too easy to accidentally short something and zap your motherboard, without static being involved at all. That's why it's essential that PCs be unplugged when you work with them.



Gold Member
Username: Djsmith

Post Number: 1570
Registered: May-11

Djsmith posted on Monday, November 14, 2011 - 20:52 GMT

Nalin if you UNPLUG the COMPUTER FROM THE WALL or TURN OFF the power bar, and take out the battory from the laptop or tower s botherboard ....there should be know damage to any chips etc... when cleaning it ...just saying. NOT bashing.

Gold Member
Username: Djsmith

Post Number: 1599
Registered: May-11
G2.... nailin just quoted that from the PC world link I posted.. he didn't make it up. BUT did forget to add the other part "UNPLUG THE PC ETC...

I think he is assuming people work with the PC still ON and PLUGGED INTO HYDRO.. NO one does this unless you are an idiot.

Diamond Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 22202
Registered: Jun-06
On November 14, Doreen gave the following link to impress everybody of her knowledge.

Every effort I make to convince people of the facts as mentioned in the Bible she quoted from, I am met with stubborn refusal to accept it.

The last statement TODAY by her is "nailin just quoted that from the PC world link I posted.. he didn't make it up. BUT did forget to add the other part "UNPLUG THE PC ETC...
I think he is assuming people work with the PC still ON and PLUGGED INTO HYDRO.. NO one does this unless you are an idiot."

\Again based entirely on the statement made by the experts in the Bible that Doreen is working from, I quote as follows:-
All of us are familiar with walking across a rug, reaching out to touch a doorknob, and getting zapped by a charge of static electricity, what's technically known as electrostatic discharge, or ESD. For most of us, it's annoying; for some, dangerous (fireworks and explosive makers have to take special precautions to avoid static sparks); and for the sensitive electronics inside a PC, static can be a computer-killer.

In plain and simple terms, even if you unplug the computer from the wall and remove the battery from your laptop, you CAN and will become a walking time bomb for your computer as you walk across the rug to do your work on it.
So Doreen, go back to your own URL and READ, READ, READ !!!

Gold Member
Username: Djsmith

Post Number: 1600
Registered: May-11
wtf are you talking about "TO IMPRESS EVERYONE""

what are you on , drugs?
This is a discusion forum Nalin not a game of wits. Are you that paraniod that some of us might beat you to the right answer.

I don't give a fu ck if you agree or not...

grow up and just point out you don' agree and stop putting words into my mouth .. IT'S NOT MY BIBLE moron. I just did what you did and GOOGLED IT.

if you have a problem with my findings TO FU *CKEN BAD FOR YOU .. There is no need to slame me .

And BTW it doesn't look like you don't agree with what i posted since you QUOTE it.

Go crawl back under you rock and when you can learn how to comunicate as an adult ,then you can come back out ... HOW CHILDISH CAN YA GET? YOU ARE THE ONE """WHINNING""" grow up !!!

Gold Member
Username: Djsmith

Post Number: 1601
Registered: May-11
oh and I did READ it plus I DO work on Computers all the time and have yet to BLOW ONE UP.... LOL

when you take you computer to the tech whats the first thing they do..... put on gloves and drag out a mat etc.... OR do they just plug it in and turn it on to see whats wrong ... then if they have to, they UNPLUG IT and open it up and get to work on the problem. NO GLOVES OR MAT ETC. I've seen many techs working on the inside of compouters, as i wait in line at the computer stores and NEVER have I seen anyone do as you say Nalin. The only thing they do that i said was UNPLUG IT FROM THE HYDRO.


Gold Member
Username: Djsmith

Post Number: 1602
Registered: May-11
Upload not talking to you about this any futher.

you are just to MEAN to have an adult conversation with.

Diamond Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 22203
Registered: Jun-06
Doreen: If you knew and believed what you just said in the above two posts, then why on earth did you publish that URL?
Showing off?

You are an egoist with nothing to be egoist about.

Why don't you just go off to your main job of standing at street corners helping children cross the road?

Gold Member
Username: Djsmith

Post Number: 1603
Registered: May-11
in that URL it also says to """UNPLUG IT"""" .. how about you read read read and you will see that i QUOTED it right from the link too JUST LIKE YOU DID.

Gold Member
Username: Djsmith

Post Number: 1604
Registered: May-11
I am not showing offf .. thats in your mind only .. I am here to give HELP just like you .. or can I not do that?

what is it with you ? is it because i am a girl and you can't stand that i can give out help regarding something i know about too?

Gold Member
Username: Djsmith

Post Number: 1605
Registered: May-11
but the way i wasn't BASHING YOU when i said something to G2 i was being nice regarding YOU and just pointed out one thing you forgot to mention .. or can't i be nice regarding you either?

"""I think he is assuming people work with the PC still ON and PLUGGED INTO HYDRO.."""" It was an assumption ONLY so feel free to correct me.

this was not geared at you neither Nalin """NO one does this unless you are an idiot."""

I do know some that work on PCs as they are still turned on .... THAT WASN'T A SLAM AT YOU EITHER ..

Stop taking things so personal it wasn't about you

Platinum Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 16641
Registered: Jan-06
Doreen...why even read her chit.....its all garbage...wrong...and argumentative to crank everybody up so they post and the site gets more hits and NN gets more posts...she (NN) is here for 1 reason, and thats to ego trip, work for the site obviously with many nicks, and to monitor satellite news while having fun pulling your chain and everybody elses..NN doesn't know the first thing about anything and learns everyday from all of us, and thats what her employer wants her to do here...just ignore the woman, NN is just no good, plain and simple..and here with bad and harmful intentions.

Gold Member
Username: Djsmith

Post Number: 1606
Registered: May-11
Numnuts is here to drive newbies and everyone else away with his consent whining. Never giving anyone else a chance to HELP ! Then b!tches about the lack of HELP from other members here like myself ... You can not win of losing around him or the other two of his cohorts that pretty much cry about the same thing.



FTA that they know N2 ( they were NOT even around in the Dave days N1 OR DTV DAYS) N2 ,That was easy to do. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to load a bin using software and your PC. IN DTV DAYS there was no PC to use just cards. that you needed to rewrite etc...

TRY WORKING WITH HARDWARE AND HU ROM CARDS. There was many different ways to HACK DTV.

LK you and I have talked about this b4. we both did it and wrote codes etc... using the loaders and card readers.

THEY KNOW NOTHING... BINS that other hackers wrote was easy to do. Back in N1 days and DTV days ,all the FTA channels were not even marked right and you had to re-name them, they all came to you as numbers, "500" series of numbers was PPV channels "400" was XXX and so on there was even 19000 & 18000 etc.. you need software to change them from coming up as "512" AKA PPV 612 aka ABC E or what ever Or you could ust the remote and change them by hand. IT WASN'T EASY IN THE BEGINNING! and it was members like myself and LK that taught newbies how to do stuff.

UNTILL THOSE 3 came to Ecoustics to "help out" when it was so simple to do by then even a child could do it ,claiming to know it all.....BS they know NOTHING!!!!!

Gold Member
Username: Djsmith

Post Number: 1607
Registered: May-11
as a matter of FACT LK and myself did teach them. Who else was around when they first came here asking for HELP? ...

Yeah thats right WE HELPED THEM and now they put us down and have the nerv to call us idiots and know nothing etc..

Thats just sick and twisted of them to think and say that about other members here

They are not knowledgable enough about FTA!! Maybe Computers and that is pushing the matter too.

the ONLY things they all know, is how to boost their egos and post counts


Gold Member
Username: Djsmith

Post Number: 1608
Registered: May-11
IKS is easy too.. again doesn't take a rocket scientist to hook up a PC to the internet and your receiver to get HACKED PACKAGES from public or privet servers. It's a NO BRAINER opperation to do.

must be nice to say YOUR A GOOD HELPER when all the HELP you can give is send someone to a server to pay money to etc...

Diamond Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 22204
Registered: Jun-06
LK: YOU re the master of all sh1t ... The way you abuse people all the time. As far as learning from you, at the times in question (2006-2008), the only thing i could have learnt from you would have been soldier's abusive foul language. You might have had to stand up as a woman against those stressed solders, but this is civvy street and you did not learn how to be civilized.
Doreen: YOU are total opportunist. when LK is nice to you, you say she is all good. Then when LK give YOU sh1t you become abusive.
As far as learning from you, the problem was and still remains that YOU have nothing to teach.

Gold Member
Username: Krishn

Post Number: 1384
Registered: Sep-06
You asked Doreen
"Why don't you just go off to your main job of standing at street corners helping children cross the road?"

It would not surprise me if Doreen will not get that job since muncipalities do a background check, given the vulgar nature of Doreen's sex*ual exploits here, it would not surprise me if the background check determines that Doreen is not suitable

I would not be comfortable if Doreen was the crossing guard if my children were crossing the road, I am sure you would not be comfortable if your grand children are crossing the road.

Diamond Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 22206
Registered: Jun-06
Well Subash, she can still go and stand at the street corners if she wants to. It is a free country. There may be a few roads where you have to pay a tax or toll in a car, but I think all roads and streets are generally free to stand on for all citizens.
You, as a father, have to protect your children from any association or contact which you deem undesirable. That is your right too, and you should exercise that right whenever necessary. And if you as a parent feel that somebody is undesirable to be anywhere near your children, you should report it.

Gold Member
Username: Jitu

Post Number: 1021
Registered: Jan-08
Why one needs to be here if she/he is this concerned about children and civilian rights this is Satellite forum ?

Nydass post is for the person who can only think and post of is SEX and mentions it in their every post to defend false EGO

Gold Member
Username: Djsmith

Post Number: 1609
Registered: May-11
wow nalin and subash it appears you think you know all about everyones life here too.. funny thing is YOU ARE NOT EVEN CLOSE TO THE TRUTH ABOUT ANY ONE OF US.. IT'S ALL MADE UP IN YOUR CHILDISH HEADS.. what are you two 10 years old?.. because you both act it all the time with your stupid idiotic storys. GROW UP!




Gold Member
Username: Djsmith

Post Number: 1610
Registered: May-11
oh and you report what ever you wish .. you better have proof that none of us can't be trusted around your children ... More info for my lawyer to show the judge.. thanks

Diamond Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 22207
Registered: Jun-06
Doreen says: "More info for my lawyer to show the judge.. thanks"
In Canada and American states, you need to serve papers on a defendant, before you can go to a Judge. The papers would show the defendant, the nature of your action.

Gold Member
Username: Mrgreg

Post Number: 1269
Registered: Dec-07
Your going down Nalin with your sidekick Subass to.

Gold Member
Username: Djsmith

Post Number: 1614
Registered: May-11
they just do not know when to quit do they Greg ?....LMAO
crime doesn't pay OR DOES IT?

Diamond Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 22210
Registered: Jun-06
What we are waiting for, for the sake of all the good posters, and the help seeks, as to when Greg, the clown, and Doreen the Queen of Fun Bunch, will quit or be arrested.

Since cards may not be allowed to them in Jail,

I urge the good members here to be kind

and wish them the last Merry Christmas

before they are incarcerated.


Gold Member
Username: Djsmith

Post Number: 1617
Registered: May-11


i am done for today .. you are a waste of time Nalin.. Why don't you get off the computer and enjoy the nice day outside.

Diamond Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 22211
Registered: Jun-06
Despite of your being absolutely nasty to me for no reason, I have concerns for my fellow human beings.
As you are bout to be incarcerated, and though I am not a christian, i still want to wish you a Merry Christmas in jail.

Gold Member
Username: Djsmith

Post Number: 1624
Registered: May-11
for no reason?

Try this reason... you are threatening me again ... """ As you are bout to be incarcerated"""

I am not threatening ....i am posting a fact.. where is your proof that i deserve to be incarcersted?

All you post is BS made up things BY YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS!!!

At least I post the truth about everything and can back it all up too.

so STFU!! and stop your crying whinner baby 10 year old

Gold Member
Username: Jitu

Post Number: 1023
Registered: Jan-08


Gold Member
Username: Kirankumar

NO Bashing

Post Number: 3234
Registered: Oct-07
one new clown G2

Gold Member
Username: Krishn

Post Number: 1396
Registered: Sep-06
Africanbrit: welcome back, G2 apart from being a clown, is a vulgar low life per*vert.

Gold Member
Username: Runnerguy


Post Number: 2545
Registered: Sep-06
Africanbrit!! Crawl back into yu mamas hole yu scumbag

Gold Member
Username: Djsmith

Post Number: 1639
Registered: May-11
welcome back affricanbrit , long time no see. hope all is well.

BTW it's not G2 that is the clown ... Suabsh is the rude vulgar per vert. All his post are about sex and mostly beastiality. That is just sick.

Members from way back that were banned ,didn't even post in this manner.

I don't understand why subash is still here. By all rights, going by the admins actions from the past, he should have been banned a long time ago. But i guess the new rules now allow OFF TOPIC subjects in this Satellite TV forum and profanity etc....

I joined another site where they at least act like grown ups most of the time. Affricanbrit if you love to re-live the past about LK and myself stay here, that's all that Nalin , Plymouth and subash post about mostly. Things that were posted 5 years ago. BORING!!!

I for one like to live in the here and now. So they can post all they want about the past that they were not even a part of in the first place.

Like life ... it goes on and moves forward. and so shall I.

Live in the year 2007 or what ever subash. I guess growing up for you is not an option. that's sad.

Gold Member
Username: Jitu

Post Number: 1037
Registered: Jan-08
Was africanbrit a clown here before anyone else ?

Gold Member
Username: Krishn

Post Number: 1399
Registered: Sep-06
Admin banned Doreen she is back trespassing with a different username and obviously registered with a different email iD as well, it is time admin does his job and bans her permanently

Gold Member
Username: Jitu

Post Number: 1040
Registered: Jan-08
It is time Subass gets banned for posting SEX in most of his posts

and posting false information for getting HD signals from his SD receivers

Gold Member
Username: Mrgreg

Post Number: 1272
Registered: Dec-07
Subass you are the A$$HOLE that needs to be banned.

Gold Member
Username: Jitu

Post Number: 1045
Registered: Jan-08
My opinion he is bigger than any HOLE ever seen before

Gold Member
Username: Djsmith

Post Number: 1642
Registered: May-11
you're killing me subash LMAO.. how can anyone be ""trespassing "" on a free public forum ? Plus the admin HAS KNOWN who i've been since re-registering as Djsmith,. So , i ask YOU 3 STOOGES (SINCE YOU'VE ALL MENTIONED THIS B4) how can one tespass here if the CEO & AND THE ADMIN allows me being here ?

you 3 are really messed up in the head. it's not a wonder why other sites like this one will not allow you guys on it. you are all crazy troublemakers with no life.... and live to bash everyone on the entire internet that you've ever met on any forum. GROW THE FU CK UP!

Learn english , and how to act as a forum member plus learn manners AND RESPECT!
until then STFU because after this post i will not never respond to any of your childish posts again ... it's a waste of my time and energy.

Diamond Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 22224
Registered: Jun-06
I suggested to you Doreen, to see YOUR lawyer, and show her all YOUR posts and she will tell you that you are a complete idiot and in need of serious help.

Diamond Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 22225
Registered: Jun-06
Mrgreg: You belong to the lunie bin.

I suggested to you Doreen, to see YOUR lawyer, and show her all YOUR posts and she will tell you that you are a complete idiot and in need of serious help.
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