AMC model 152


This is supposed to be a smart card reader/ writer. it has a RS232 interface [ os-Amc-152-Smart-Card-Reader-Writer] is good for anything? can I use it to program dish network cards from 2-3 years back?

Unregistered guest
Ok look you guys I have been in this industry for 20 years! Do not be fooled! The P4 card cant be hacked like before. You must use the receiver along with it to program it. Some mod's have to be made to the receiver, and then you program through the receiver. Thats all I can say for now. Remember the swap out, and how it was done. Insert your access card press ok, then insert your new access card press ok. Did yall miss that part. In time the fix will be released. The only reason you use a boot strap with the current fix is because of the receiver. I have seen boxes work without cards, and no I am not a dealer. I am a hobbyist. I do not charge anything, because I do not beleive in taking money for this. Be patient!
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