N3 Hack? The Purple Heart has been found


Bronze Member
Username: Gladiator34

Post Number: 98
Registered: Dec-07
This is a C/P from another site, by a reasonably credible source;

" It's been awhile since we had some N3 news in here so I thought I'd give it a shot..

I have it on good word that superb progress has been made in the cracking of N3, or shall we say the "Purple Card". It's no secret that the card has been compromised and some are watching wide open TV in private. However, that will all soon change within the coming weeks. My sources indicate that indeed the "purple heart" has been found and is being studied. The purple heart is the internal physical clock that kudelski put on the card, there are 2 more clocks but they are in the firmware and were located long ago.. What do we need the clock for you may ask? Well.. emulation for FTA of course!

While we know the cards are being popped, it's not being done with traditional unlockers that we have grown accustomed to. Apparently new hardware will be needed but I am told that the finishing touches are being written to Nagraedit as we speak. Maybe called N3edit? the teams responsible for this are keeping a lid on it for now, but the excitement is starting to boil over and the stream is headin our way! once this cat is out of the bag, FTA will follow closely. ."

Fta Freak

Bronze Member
Username: Gladiator34

Post Number: 99
Registered: Dec-07

**Huge progress being made in the underground scene, Look for signs in the coming weeks!**

If the standalone comes out for another box the rest will follow.

Progress has to do with the card and eventually there will be standalone. If there is any truth to this remember it takes time.

Lets all hope this is true ...
thx Fta Freak

Gold Member
Username: Hardrockstriker

Post Number: 1042
Registered: Apr-06

You'd think that the key decryption ccts would be a little more important than a clock cct.

For a full emulation you need a map of ALL the circuits.

Bronze Member
Username: _fuglyb1tch

Post Number: 48
Registered: Jan-10
its rumoured that everything is up on i-link 9k this would indicate a proper open card, anyone have this setup to confirm?

everything on DN sorry for any confusion

Platinum Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 15967
Registered: Jan-06
lol...reminds me of all the DTV P4/P5/D1 card rumors, when DTV swapped up to their new cards in 2004 ...with everybody knowing "somebody" who had it "open", "cracked" and "popped" in PRIVATE...now 5-6 years later, its de je vau, except now with N3...rumors, ya gotta love em...

Gold Member
Username: Tapeman

New York Citay in-HD, NY

Post Number: 4538
Registered: Oct-06
Actually I do think a cardless solution will be unvailed soon
PTA will come back again for sure "everything is breakable"
But what I know Dick is changing hardware setup boxes completely to MPEG-4
New STB, New encryption, New ConAx

So the hack will last about 1 year+/- 6 months
It will be interesing to see what happens next by both Cat and Mouse

Bronze Member
Username: Tumadrehijodeputa

Post Number: 59
Registered: Oct-09
Don't be fool...No more bin fixes for FTA...finito...!!! It's The End...!!! However, the new fixed bin is scheduled to be released on December 21, 2012.

Gold Member
Username: Rtap


Post Number: 2483
Registered: Jan-07
dimelo fidel que bola

Bronze Member
Username: Tumadrehijodeputa

Post Number: 60
Registered: Oct-09
Na' de na..., leyendo a estos gilipollas que no saben que decir del nuevo bin para N3. Por aca en España no se ha arreglado, que yo sepa.

Silver Member
Username: Mkvl1490

Post Number: 188
Registered: Feb-06
If it comes, make sure you dont use it too
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