I just put in bin 211 and it didn't help i still get channels scammeled reset default keys did a restart , hard boot the channels i can't get that i know of is BITV and EWSTRN i know there are more anyone else having this problem ???
Enter the keys manually and see if you get picture,
Changing Dish keys on 2700
* Go to ' Main Menu' * Go to ' Parental Control' * Go to ' Second PIN - Enter 0000 or (Enter: ' 8282 to get to the ' CAS System') * Select ' Nagravision 2 and press 'OK' * Right Click volume arrow until the ' Provider ID' is ' 01 01 * Key Number ' 00 * Down channel arrow twice to select ' Key Data' * Enter first line of Keys * Down arrow once (to enter 2nd line of keys) * Press 'OK' to Store * Go back up to ' Key Number' * Enter Key Number ' 01 with Right volume arrow * Down arrow once Enter first line of Keys * Press 'OK' to Store * Down arrow once (to enter 2nd line of keys) * Press 'OK' to Store * Keep hitting ' EXIT' until you return to channels * Watch TV !!