P@nsat 2800 and 3500 full emu question


Silver Member
Username: Lroy

Post Number: 433
Registered: Aug-06
Can anyone explain the significance of using the X-88BL_081018_V401_api_Fullemu
and X-05BL_081013_V302_api_nocard_F_Emu on the 2800 and 3500 respectively. Also what is meant by FULL EMU in respect to these bins.

Silver Member
Username: Justforhahas

Post Number: 914
Registered: Jul-08
it means that they have those receivers are WIDE OPEN and have basically been cloned/copied exactly like a Dishnet receier...so they should never go down!

if its a TRUE FULL EMU..lation

Platinum Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 12756
Registered: Jun-06
EMU is short for emulation.
BL has been working for full emulation on Pansats for the past 6-8 months. It means that the latest BINs are fully emulating the original software.
This would make it easy for new BINs to be put out and often obviate the need for a new BIN. The full emulation is often costly in memory and will be more effective on receivers with more memory.

Silver Member
Username: Lroy

Post Number: 434
Registered: Aug-06
Are you saying if the 2800 and 3500 are flashed with the X-88BL_081018_V401_api_Fullemu and X-05BL_081013_V302_api_nocard_F_Emu respectively they should not go down when there is a new ECM.

Platinum Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 12761
Registered: Jun-06
What I am sayig is that there will be less chance of them going down and that the correction needed will be done faster. Note about the memory problem - so quite likely the coders will do the debugging on another CPU using EMU and transfer the solution.
In any case things will be hopefully faster.

Silver Member
Username: Lroy

Post Number: 435
Registered: Aug-06
OK Good.....
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