DiSeqc signal plitted


New member
Username: Rivman


Post Number: 7
Registered: Jul-08
Is it possible to split the signal from the cable that runs from the DiSeqc (receiver port) to the back of the receiver, to connect another receiver. In simple terms; connect two 2 receivers to one input line from DiSeqc. Has anybody done it?

Gold Member
Username: Plymouth

Quebec city, Quebec Canada

Post Number: 3615
Registered: Jan-08
Receiver get signal on 2 different voltages for Vertical and Horizontal(linear LNB) or Right and left(circular LNB), that is why you need dual outputs LNB and 1 output for each receiver.
Split signal can give only signal if you use vertical or Horizontal on both.

Gold Member
Username: Tapeman

New York City in-HD, NY

Post Number: 3333
Registered: Oct-06
Answer is yes yo can
But yo'll need a 2000MHz splitter

The problem with splitter yo can't change polarity on 2 different receivers at same time
Yo have to share polarity when split signal

Best way to use dual LNB
Dual LNB has 2 independent outlets

Gold Member
Username: Prfrmnj

Post Number: 2877
Registered: Oct-05
The voltage has nothing to do with splitting the signal. When you run a dual output LNB the practice is to combine the left side 13v with each other and the right side 18v as well. Based on your statement you would need to combine both voltages to make this work.

That being said, the voltage has nothing to do with the ability to split the signal. If you think about it, by combining each side of two lnbs with the right voltage you have in essence split the signal. So your statement hold no water. Of course, this will cause some bashing, but I can care less, just so long as the correct information gets to the person asking the question.

Bottom line is, you CAN NOT split the signal past the DISEcQ switch, but it has nothing to do with voltage!

Gold Member
Username: Tapeman

New York City in-HD, NY

Post Number: 3334
Registered: Oct-06
Yes yo can split high frequency
I do it all the time
2000MHz or 2GHz splitter is required
The challenge is will he be happy with it or not?

Gold Member
Username: Prfrmnj

Post Number: 2879
Registered: Oct-05

The point here is that the statement just before my post is that the reason you can not split the signal is becuse of voltage. Not o mention, if you, I or anyone would try to get it done properly would defeat the purpose, but that being said, this is about simple solutions and the simple solution is not to and try a diferent approach.

By simply adding a zinwell 3x4 swith you turn a dual output lnb into a quad output. This is done by the switch design which increases the frequency in order for it to allow for additional outputs.

Once again, I'm going to keep this simple as going back and forth with your over technical data will not help anyone. (Trust me, I admire your skills and commitment, but the average person would not understand what the heck we would be talking about). So in short terms "KISS" Keep It Simple S(*&&

Gold Member
Username: Plymouth

Quebec city, Quebec Canada

Post Number: 3619
Registered: Jan-08
Here is the question

"In simple terms; connect two 2 receivers to one input line from DiSeqc. Has anybody done it?"

Gold Member
Username: Prfrmnj

Post Number: 2880
Registered: Oct-05
Plymouth - That will not work. for a few reasons! But I will give you the #1 reason. If one receiver sends a command to the DISEcQ switch to open port #1 (where 119 should be) the other receiver can not watch anything on port #2 (where 110 should be) cause you have one port already open by the firt receiver that send the command. Should the second port open on subsequent command to the DISEcQ then the first receiver will lose signal cause that port would close. They can both watch the same sat 119 or 110 at the same time but when you change sats from receiver to receiver only the last command o process will prevail.

Now to the original question. The J-Ron is in PR which means he is using two separate dishes(one for each sat) and standard LNB's which have a dual output. Unless he is adding more then two receivers then nothing needs to be added. If he wants a quick 4 receier solution then add a zinwell 3x4 for each lnb. If he wants more then 4 receivers then add a 4x8 22khz switch to his setup.

Gold Member
Username: Plymouth

Quebec city, Quebec Canada

Post Number: 3620
Registered: Jan-08
I totally agree with you, but J-RON dont do mention how many receiver and LNBs.
I just explained how polarity work on receiver and give a answer with infos he give.

Silver Member
Username: Justforhahas

Post Number: 248
Registered: Jul-08
The bottom line is, if 2 LNB's and sats are in use (wanted) with dual (not Twin) LNB's, then ya need to run 2 cables from each LNB to 2 disque switches, then a cable from EACH disque switch to each receiver , presuming you still only have/want 2 receivers...You cannot split the signal from 1 disque switch to 2 receivers and expect both receivers to work properly....Again you'll need 2 dual LNB's and 2 disque switches, if ya want reception on 2 receivers...

Gold Member
Username: Tapeman

New York City in-HD, NY

Post Number: 3335
Registered: Oct-06
Plain and simple
Can yo split a DISEqC switch to 2 receivers
ANSWER IS YES 100% with a 2000MHZ splitter
1- to each receiver

Yo turn on one receiver while turning the other off
I said I do it all the time

- Yo can watch two simultanious independent H polarities on both receivers at same time
- If yo leave one receiver on V polarity Second receiver H polarity will over ride

Yo don't accept it
Yo try it yorself
Get a 2000MHz splitter off e-bay or K-mart

Silver Member
Username: Mucho

Post Number: 584
Registered: Dec-07
Thread: DiSeqc signal plitted

New member
Username: Rivman


Post Number: 7
Registered: Jul-08
Posted on Monday, September 01, 2008 - 09:02 pm:

Is it possible to split the signal from the cable that runs from the DiSeqc (receiver port) to the back of the receiver, to connect another receiver. In simple terms; connect two 2 receivers to one input line from DiSeqc. Has anybody done it? }

In simple terms;(YES)
A) As Kingfish had posted above, I mean King Tapeman.

B) Also you can can connect from the port back of you receiver marked IF Output
to your second receiver. Not a very good
installation but I have tried it both ways and it does work.

BTW King I just knew if I stay here long enough we would agree on something.

Silver Member
Username: Justforhahas

Post Number: 250
Registered: Jul-08
wrong answer hawk...that 2nd receiver will be a slave to the first one..the receivers will NOT work independently and properly as I said...you people should listen to me and PRFRMNJ..again, correct answer is NO!

Silver Member
Username: Psychmonster

Rhodium Member aint nuthin...

Post Number: 912
Registered: Jul-06
keep taLKing ...i like the cut of your jib

Gold Member
Username: Tapeman

New York City in-HD, NY

Post Number: 3340
Registered: Oct-06
I do agree
IF out won't control second receiver

I think what he meant is (Loop out)
Loop out is like a splitter

Splitter can work like I said above
1- to each receiver
But must turn off one reciver while watching the other
J-RON might be happy with that

Gold Member
Username: Tapeman

New York City in-HD, NY

Post Number: 3342
Registered: Oct-06
Read this section about splitting satellite signal
Come back with questions

Silver Member
Username: Psychmonster

Rhodium Member aint nuthin...

Post Number: 913
Registered: Jul-06
right over most of your small heads

Silver Member
Username: Mucho

Post Number: 590
Registered: Dec-07
King, what may I ask is the difference
between connect or Loop through?

B) Also you can can connect from the port back of you receiver marked IF Output
to your second receiver. Not a very good
installation but I have tried it both ways and it does work.

I only answer the man's question, he didn't ask for a better way.

Yoy can't answer peoples questions by just reading and not testing.


Gold Member
Username: Tapeman

New York City in-HD, NY

Post Number: 3350
Registered: Oct-06
"King, what may I ask is the difference"
Speak englic MOFO

- IF input is from LNB
- IF out is to TV
- IF out can goto anothoer receiver as Antenna Input
- Loop out is to a second receiver if necessary

"B) Also you can can connect from the port back of you receiver marked IF Output"
What the fluck is this?

How hard is that Ass_gap?

Work on yor IQ kid
This is embarrassing
I thought yo were making progress last month

Yo can connect IF out to another receiver as an antenna input
That is considered modulated frequency in 900MHz
His question was how to split DISEqC signal
I hope this helps yo kid
That's what LK was trying to tell yo as a slave unit
Read it 10 times so yo can get it
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