CaptiveWorks 600S


New member
Username: Larry123

Post Number: 1
Registered: Dec-07
Could anyone please help. I am looking for a fix for free to air. Thank-you

Bronze Member
Username: Leafs_wingp

Post Number: 79
Registered: Sep-07
go to fta talk... they have it... or livefta

Silver Member
Username: Brucester

Post Number: 733
Registered: Jul-06
or go to the site it comes out on complete fta dot com

Silver Member
Username: Mclinkus

Post Number: 121
Registered: Mar-07
they are here

[link removed]

captive works
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fortec ultra
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we have what you need

come and get them. ask questions get answers

we are there to help you watch tv.
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Silver Member
Username: Brucester

Post Number: 734
Registered: Jul-06
ok budy get a life you come to this site with a list of sites and the list is all the sam sites you nothing but a spamer spam spam spam spam go back to ftaview and load your own infested files

Silver Member
Username: Pathfinder191

Post Number: 246
Registered: Mar-06
I was trying to load 1.53 in CW600S using null cable but it does not work. Could someone please tell me if there is something I am missing. Thanks

Bronze Member
Username: Racer43

Post Number: 21
Registered: May-06
Ok thinking of picking up a Cworks 600S $ 75 bucks a good reciever or not. I own a bunch of Koolsat junk. Need to replace what do you all think. PLZ no BS responses. This site has gone way down with all the retards on here now.

Bronze Member
Username: Leafs_wingp

Post Number: 91
Registered: Sep-07
I'd go for it... I got my CW600p for 80 bucks... I would see if I could get one of those... PREMIUM... OH YEAH!!!!

Silver Member
Username: Brucester

Post Number: 736
Registered: Jul-06
for the little more the cw600p got more in it then the cw600s you can learn more about both boxes go to the site that the files come out on first complete fta dot com

Bronze Member
Username: Thill1591

Post Number: 13
Registered: Dec-07
I got my viewsat platinum at auction for $79 at some good deals there or at satpros

Silver Member
Username: Brucester

Post Number: 741
Registered: Jul-06
Gold Member
Username: Ke5aqn


Post Number: 1702
Registered: Sep-06
Posted on Friday, December 07, 2007 - 04:59 pm:

Scary to get any files from non trusted sites. We have been fighting this troll spammer all day please only use the trusted sites listed below.

The sites they push have no information not found in the safe recommended


Alway's try the "home" sites for your receiver FIRST the newest bin's and info will always

be their first! Never Pay for information from sites its alway's FREE at forum's listed


Total FTA-Viewsat HOME SITE:
[link removed] (C00LSAT and All receivers)

DSS Newbies:
[link removed]

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[link removed](Pantecs,all clones and all receivers)

[link removed] ( unofficial DN channel

Bronze Member
Username: G0dm0de

Post Number: 19
Registered: Jun-06
Here you go, pick any one. this is for CW600s REGULAR NOT PREMIUM

Silver Member
Username: Brucester

Post Number: 742
Registered: Jul-06
go to the site that bring the bin out and you will not ruin your boxes the best site for captive works is completefta dot com

Bronze Member
Username: G0dm0de

Post Number: 20
Registered: Jun-06
the files i posted are from completefta btw

Silver Member
Username: Brucester

Post Number: 743
Registered: Jul-06
so why go to that site when you can go to the site the release the file and you no it is a good file and it is free neaver closes at pick times so if you are a cw owner i think others should go to the site that is puting the bin out

Silver Member
Username: Pathfinder191

Post Number: 248
Registered: Mar-06
I was trying to load 1.53 in CW600S using null cable but it does not work. Could someone please tell me if there is something I am missing. Thanks

New member
Username: Ez2ctv

Post Number: 3
Registered: Dec-07
Captive works offical release site is
Many reports this go around people downloading bogus files from other sites and bricking their CW600S & CW600S Premium boxes.

Silver Member
Username: Brucester

Post Number: 747
Registered: Jul-06
____ _ _ _____ _____ _
/ ___|___ _ __ ___ _ __ | | ___| |_ ___| ___|_ _|/ \
| | / _ \| '_ ` _ \| '_ \| |/ _ \ __/ _ \ |_ | | / _ \
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\____\___/|_| |_| |_| .__/|_|\___|\__\___|_| |_/_/ \_\

This File Was downloaded Originally from [link removed]
Be With the best and Join our site today this is what i found in the bin file so i think you are wrong and is it free to regester if so post a link ill go and regester my self and if itt is the same sit that i google i do not have that much time to let a site but up 1 1/2 min i was at 6% i can all most load a bin in that time and be watching tv after i down loaded it

New member
Username: Ez2ctv

Post Number: 4
Registered: Dec-07
Nope, I'm right Mr. CaptiveWorks official release site is

Anyone with a FTA (of any manufacture) would be wise to find the official release site for their receiver to assure that they do not download a bogus file that could render their box nothing more than a door stop.

I'm not promoting F2ATV site other than the official release site and the site with the most information for the Captive Works boxes. I own one have visited as many sites as I could find and so far F2ATV has been the best and most reliable for Bin files, Knowledge and special little tweeks for the CW boxes (like the long name file for the CW600S Premium that will display the name of the city of distant locals in the tittle bar OR a "HOW TO" on creating your own long name files)

Anyone with a CW box visit as many sites that say they support the CW boxes and then make a decision for your self which you feel is in your best interest. Do your homework there are to many people in the forums (all forums) whose only interest are for their own ($$$$$).

Silver Member
Username: Brucester

Post Number: 749
Registered: Jul-06
when i got my box about 2 years ago i first went to dssrookie and got all my info from looker witch i think he has the best knowledge of the cw 600p and cw600s but you can not get on that site at high times so i went to future it was good to but can not get on at high times and when you down load the bin from the 2 sites i us to go to and in both files from 2 difrent sites both have in the bin file relest at completefta dot com
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