Nightrider lights on after loading 288t bin


New member
Username: Dmnodave

Post Number: 3
Registered: Jan-07
my receiver has a black screen and the night rider lights are on .i tried reflashing the factory bin but after 5% it says "write failed err 01" does any know if there is a way to reflash .my clone is a DVB DISEqC 1.2.

Gold Member
Username: Prfrmnj

Post Number: 1552
Registered: Oct-05
Instuctions for uploading a BIN.
1. You will need a 9 pin F/F cable - for Pansat 2500 and clones it is a staight DB9 RS232 cable.
2. Download the 287T BIN. Unzip it using winzip.exe
3. Download BL Updater 1.4
4. disconnect the cable from the LNB or Switch coming into your receiver.
5. Keep the receiver off and connect the DB9 cable to the receiver and computer.
6. Start (Run) BL Updater. Default COM1 should be OK in most case, but if it does not work you can change it to COM 2.
7. Select BIN and get the 287T Bin ready in the window for uploading.
8. Be ready to start both the receiver (the switch at the back) and the upload.
9. Switch the reciver on, and immediately click on the mouse to start the upload process.
10. You will see uploading in progress to 100%.
11. WAIT, WAIT. You will see the notice burning the flash ROM.
12. After the ROM burnng, you will get the message of completion. Wait a little and then turn off the reciever.
13. Disconnect the receiver, connect it to the LNB or Switch and turn it on.
14. Let the autoroll work - if it does not, turn autoroll off. Make sure the time and zone settings are correct. If necessary, install the keys manually.
15. Scan your satellite if necessary.

Gold Member
Username: Prfrmnj

Post Number: 1553
Registered: Oct-05
Just to clafiry - the above instruction are C/P from Nalin. I wasn't going to write then again and reenvent the wheel!

Gold Member
Username: Prfrmnj

Post Number: 1554
Registered: Oct-05
That is the only way to recover from Night Rider Lights.

New member
Username: Dmnodave

Post Number: 4
Registered: Jan-07
i fixed it i found a boot 60 bin and reinstalled factory thanx for the help
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