Possible picture trouble with Philips HDTV monitor


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Username: Curlydave22

Post Number: 1
Registered: Nov-06
I recently bought a Philips HDTV monitor, but when I'm watching tv (regular antenna, not HD) or movies/games through my PS2 the vertical lines sometimes bend. I'm just wondering if that's because regular tv signals through an HDTV monitor distort or if there's something wrong with my tv. The problem is still there when I change to 4:3 aspect and the black edges on each side aren't straight up and down. I can see why this might happen with the regular tv signal, but the fact it's happening with the PS2 that is hooked up with component cables worries me a little bit. Any thoughts from anyone what the problem might be? Thanks.

New member
Username: Bryfitz

Post Number: 4
Registered: Nov-06
David, i recently had the same problem just appear after almost three years with a DLP -- suddenly, my PS2 and Gamecube started showing vertical horizontal lines across the screen no matter what kind of cables i used. No help on this forum; i think everyone is stumped.
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