This all sounds just like when HU's went dead and for weeks people were clammering for a fix, then months went by then years and now, for the HU, there is just empty space, and no one will hear you scream.
I think the sub sharing is the way to go... Even the 7500 DTV sound good. I know u gotta pay up front, but equals out to 45 a month. Not too bad for wide open TV that wont go out!
There are stilll hundreds of FREE channels out there to watch!...U don't need Dishnet and Bev!...go to and look at the dozens of other satellites and all their FREE channels..just might need a 30 inch dish with a linear LNB....FTA is still here and working as it was intended to!
FTA is still going strong, and the more of you there are, the better the programming will be. Let the national advertisers know that you saw their add on a particular station you watched on FTA. Tell people you are out here ready to be a smart consumer. If there is money, they will come.
Yea, but you guys are going to have to get real about this wide open sub sharing plan. Unless your zip code is 90210 or you live in Palm Beach DTV is going to smell a rat if you activate 15 receivers at one address. What are they supposed to think? Lets take a for instance. Say you have a five bedroom house. ok, five recievers in the bedrooms. lets add one in the family room, one in the kitchen, one in the basement, one on the back porch. Thats nine. Where do the other 6 go? Ok, you are putting them in each bathroom too, thats another 4 and one goes in the kids playroom and you get one in your study. Ok, now the nice lady on the phone from DTV says, "When would you like the tech from DTV to come out and do the installation?" Oh, "no need mam, I'll be installing them all myself." The BS alarm is going to go off right there and DTV is going to review that account. I suppose you could start with one receiver and work your way up to 15 receivers gradually and then call DTV one day and say, "i'd like to change my subscription to the wide open plan." Don't you think DTV is still going to review your account. How much can it cost to ask one of their installers to drive by your address and assess whether it looks reasonalble that 15 receivers belong in your house or not.
A more resonalble sub sharing plan is for 4 - 6 people get all the pay channels for $120 month and split that. I don't really thing many people are going to be pulling of the full blown wide open DTV sub sharing plan.