The reason there will never be a fix


Silver Member
Username: Pirate_pete

Post Number: 153
Registered: May-06
Cracking map is impossible bacause it changes.The mathematical probability's are endless.Better chance of predicting next lottery numbers that's afact.Coders are better off to attempt that.Truth is unless a industryial leak of its design it cant be emulated.Sad but true.It's all over kid's ,DON"T BE FOOLED THERE"S ANY HOPE.

Silver Member
Username: Hardrockstriker

Post Number: 250
Registered: Apr-06
Something to think about:

what if our bins were rewritten so that were able to dynamically upadate themselves when revisions are sent? This means that the MAP area would get updated. Plus, we have past revisions captured from stream logging.

Right now are bins don't emulate DN receivers 100% (nor will they even will). But, this feature would bring it closer.

New member
Username: Dicks_ndickweeds

Bonerland, USA Country Music

Post Number: 3
Registered: Jul-06
You dick haven't you heard they're going to use the laserscope if all else fails. Oh well i guess few people including yourself understand the meaning of that. Laserscope is foolproof it just takes a long time.

Silver Member
Username: Pirate_pete

Post Number: 157
Registered: May-06
Better yet we could get open source to send corrupt info/packets from a undisclosed location via satuplink at there sats ,inturn taking control of sats and corrupting subbers eproms thus shutting down legite subbers,I got this info from a reliabke source . "007" And spy vs. spy. hehehe!

Bronze Member
Username: Da_bin_chi_code

Post Number: 57
Registered: Jul-06
WELL SAID PETE. "Better chance of predicting next lottery numbers, THAN the new bin code.

Silver Member
Username: Hardrockstriker

Post Number: 257
Registered: Apr-06
"Cracking map is impossible bacause it changes."

All that I'm suggesting is:

Map changes when ECM occurs.

Changes to valid subs are made thru revisions sent down the stream to their IRDs.

Currently, bins hardcode the MAP area. Each time a change occurs: 1) we must figure out new algorithm (mapping), 2) a new bin has to be written (because of hardcoding).

Rewrite bin to be able to process these revisions (MAP changing instructions), so that they emulate actual DN IRDs.

Of course (and this is where the BIG problem occurs), we have to get a dump of what currently is in the MAP areas. Must be done by laser scope
(very possible, but time consuming), or, testing and guessing (like winning a lottery), or by hacking firewall (may be possible, length of time unknown).

There still may be hope.

Silver Member
Username: Jmontana1

Post Number: 212
Registered: Apr-06

Bronze Member
Username: Emulatortodisintegrator

Atlantic oce... USA

Post Number: 29
Registered: Jun-06
Is there a way to monitor the data stream on subscribed bins as in the dave days to find pattern changes when the revisions are sent down to the irds.Maybe they already are doing this.I don't know if fta works similar to dave.Just trying to learn a bit.Thanks

Silver Member
Username: Tadon

Dover, NJ Usa

Post Number: 105
Registered: May-06
" ... Is there a way to monitor the data stream on subscribed bins ..."

I think people can monitor the data stream on subcribed bin if people subscribed .

Do like a Lab, a circuit card of reciever have
16 address line input & output(or more . I guess) . This is test point . So people can get
stream data form Input and output then use software to rip form part by part of stream data for comparing . Then do reverse engineering .

I think BL can do this way because BL did have tools and reference source . I am wondered why
take too long ! This is a game or maybe he has
business, he doesnt want violation a law .

Open source project can do this way but much spend time & money . Remember who are living in USA shall act like personal share information
for educate purpose only (people other contry,
who care) .

Silver Member
Username: Pirate_pete

Post Number: 181
Registered: May-06
Open source U ON CRACK?
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