In first grade terms


New member
Username: Djsmith

Post Number: 8
Registered: Jul-06
SORRY for the long post in advance. I don't write them , I just share the info I have read to others.

A friend recently asked me to explain (in first grade terms---so he came to me???) the situation that FTA has been in for the past couple of weeks....
After thinking about how to approach this challenge, I surrendered to an analogy of people and their perspective license plate numbers....
My intention was to use KISS (keep it simple stupid) I found myself exercising Creative License to tone down some of the screaming inconsistencies and
bridge some gaping inaccurate holes.....
This is not a text book...nor was it written with that intention in mind.....
Consider it a fairy tale and treat it as such.....
I sincerely hope it will bring a little more understanding to the current problems FTA faces....

Like a chain letter ----each person is told the SAME thing by the person passing the instructions along....
In my example I will use 6 people not counting myself---who are told to go home after they are there is no going back.....( irreversible math ).....
Each person in the room is Pre-Programmed with these instructions...
************************************************** ************************************************** ********************
You will be given a piece of paper with a license plate number on it and The Person Count Number ...You are to replace the existing license plate number with YOUR own, increase THE PERSON COUNT by 1 (bump the stack---in my example from 1 to 6) and give the paper to YOUR best friend---and if you are the sixth person called upon then just write your plate number on the paper and put it on my desk ....Let's say EVERYONE involved has been PRE- PROGRAMMED (ROM) with these instructions and so we won't have to repeat telling EACH person over and over....
************************************************** ************************************************** *********************
So I write My very own license plate number along with a Person Count Number of 1 down on a piece of paper and give it to My best friend Jeff ......
Jeff erases and writes on the paper his own plate number, increases the person count to 2 and gives it to George--his best friend.....
George did the same thing with Ron who was number 3 and Ron put his plate number on it and gave it to Dave---his best friend....who became person number 4...
Eventually Wayne placed the paper on my desk with his plate number on it because he was the sixth person in the PERSON COUNT REGISTER....
And so he was responsible for the RETURN .....
So the paper that I sent out with my plate number on it was returned with Wayne's plate number...
Now ....I don't even know who this Wayne guy is.... let alone what his plate number was before he wrote it on my paper....
But if we did this day after day and nobody changed their best friends nor their plate numbers and everyone obeyed the rules ....
The results would always be the same......So if we don't change the variables...the function would always return the same result......
Eventually, by looking at the input and the output plate numbers....You could Guess which person had which and plate numbers.....
The past DN encryption was basically employed in this fashion.....
The Function was not known, but it was never hidden either.....and Repeatability ultimately betrayed their KEYS.....

However this one simple Function was tested for it's of mutating possibilities many times over by merely massaging the register's presets....
By changing the preset of the PERSON COUNT REGISTER from 6 to 5 I would now produce a new set of numbers by merely involving one less person .....
DN repeatedly did this to verify the MAPROM could be altered within the stream.....And the Function was identified and AUTO ROLL was created......
By simply altering CONDITIONS and REGISTERS within a single Modular Arithmetic Processor, it would be difficult to find the RELATIONSHIP
between the I/O values ......

So lets say we change a condition within the Function from Best FRIEND to Best Friend's WIFE.....
I would now produce a new set of numbers with an entirely new set of unknown people.....
And yet these people and their plate numbers are not only related to themselves but also to the original (PARENT) Function......
Indentifying this RELATIONSHIP is needed to identify the NEW Function.....which in turn could be emulated.....
This prompted a DNA trace ( Reverse Engineering ) which was launched and met with failure in the past weeks......As was both feared and expected......
So until more relationships are built---AND EXPOSED----understanding the MAPROM without an expensive tool kit will be almost impossible....
And so we WAIT....
And we WAIT....
And we WAIT....
Now the threat of additional ( probably a couple dozen) mutated Functions to follow is more than fact....It is a Promise from DN.....
The next mutated Function might be the person's street address---or social security number.....And the person might even be the Best Friend's Sister or Brother....
The little info we have at the moment makes it very difficult to CORRELATE anything .....
But you can bet these Functions are Mutants or Offspring to a single PARENT Function ( otherwise a hardware upgrade would have been involved )....
And I'm betting that this DNA will be DN's Achiles Tendon and their Repeatability is the sword that will severe it....
This might be the reason for such a Slow Implimentation of the Mutating Function within the MAPROM......
At least this is how an Old Dogg sees it......

I hope my bumbling analogy was not too incoherent and that the reader will accept my appology in advance and receive these words in the spirit they were
written......Sometimes it is much harder to explain logic in terms that EVERYONE can understand.....than it is to write it the way your mind sees it.....
One simple boolean statement can turn into paragraphs and pages when I get near a keyboard.....That's always been my weekness....

New member
Username: David_lopez


Post Number: 2
Registered: Jul-06
do you think a 1st grader can read that much??????

Silver Member
Username: Lucia

Post Number: 203
Registered: May-06
i almost fell asleep while reading the second sentece zZzZz

can someone explain shortly what all of that
is trying to say?

New member
Username: David_lopez


Post Number: 3
Registered: Jul-06

Bronze Member
Username: Nickb

New York, New York USA

Post Number: 79
Registered: May-06
That is sheer poetry..

But you can bet these Functions are Mutants or Offspring to a single PARENT Function ( otherwise a hardware upgrade would have been involved )....
And I'm betting that this DNA will be DN's Achiles Tendon and their Repeatability is the sword that will severe it....

That's really well puttt....thanksss :-)
I love that analogy...
I think you're right...there must be a base parent function...which all the mutations follow.
How to break that is the problem...I don't know if brute force methods will work...because they will have to input then look output signatures then correlate...many many many times.
The scope of what is trying to be done by FTA coders is truly's like Bletchley park all over again! :-)
I hope they can have some success...I am amazed by their skills (I wish I could be that smart) and hope that they persevere! :-)

Gold Member
Username: The_wank_artist

Post Number: 1233
Registered: Feb-06
I liked it too Doreen.
Thanks for taking the time to write it all out.

P.S. I do have one question though. Are the people with the licence plates 1st graders. Man I'm getting old. LOL.

Bronze Member
Username: Rolan

Post Number: 19
Registered: May-05
Very nicely put indeed...

Silver Member
Username: Pirate_pete

Post Number: 151
Registered: May-06
Exellent*** well put ! But what happened to the cookie monster? Got busted and now makes licence plates? hehehe. Seriously well said!

Bronze Member
Username: Emulatortodisintegrator

Atlantic oce... USA

Post Number: 25
Registered: Jun-06
Yeah that was a pretty decent analogy I thought.I think it helped me out a little.I almost forgot what boolean algebra was.Cool
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