Looks like GAME OVER


Silver Member
Username: Hamtec

Post Number: 541
Registered: Jun-04
Kudelski and E*hostar have recently updated their smart cards in order to thwart piracy. Here is what they did:

1. They introduced two new methods of decrypting the video keys, namely,the $40 MECM method and the $60 MECM method. They now have the ability to use either or both methods. Both of these methods use onboard MAP functions to properly decrypt the video keys.
2. They introduced code that prevents glitching into their cards. Rev109 and Rev245 cards can no longer be unlocked.
3. The latest revisions also have new code that will disable the use of the MAP functions if smart card tampering is detected. This feature is not being used yet, but probably will be very soon.

In order to really appreciate what is going on, you need to understand what a MAP function is. MAP stands for "Modular Arithmetic Processor".The smart card consists of one main CPU and several additional onboard processors that assist the CPU with certain tasks. One of these tasks is cryptography and the MAP processor implements all the encryption routines like DES, RSA, IDEA, SHA, AES, etc. When the main CPU wants to perform a math function like those listed before, it calls the MAP processor, gives it some input and expects some output in return. Without the actual circuit design and source code for the MAP processor,it is impossible to know exactly how each function works. We can't dump the MAP functions because of hardware firwewalls. The best we can do is guess how each function works! Don't laugh! So far, guessing has worked well for us. For example, we dicovered the IDEA and RSA MAP functions which enabled us to decrypt the video keys up until a few weeks ago. How did we do that? Well, we guessed and got lucky! No, seriously, Nagra has a bad habit of implementing well known mathematical functions without making any changes. So we just guess and get lucky. The guesses are based on key lengths, message lengths, etc.
But now Nagra has started using MAP functions that aren't so easy to guess. Even if these MAP functions are discovered by luck, they will just introduce new ones. They are doing all this to stop the proliferation of FTA boxes. Make no mistake about it, the proliferation of FTA boxes posed a SERIOUS threat to their business. They had to stop this and they did it by introducing some new MAP functions. In the process they not only took out the FTA boxes but everything else too. Only ROM102/103 cards are working at the moment. But those hacks won't last very long either. Nagra intends to permanently disable those cards not by looping them, but rather, by disabling the fuse bits that allow the MAP functions to work properly. The code to do this is already in place. Things are not looking so good for testers, but they have never looked better for Nagra. Looks like the only thing that will work in the future will be card sharing over the internet or AUX-ed card and emulation. If you don't believe it, well, the Europeans have been down for several months now because of the use of new MAP calls and many have turned to card sharing. Now, I wonder how Kudelski and gang will handle card sharing???

PS. Just for the record, the only reason we ever figured out the MAP calls for the ROM2,3,10,11 cards wasn't because we figured it out at all, it was because E*hostar sued NDS for compromising their cards and the court required this information to make a decision. A lot of that information was then leaked to the public.

New member
Username: Jamez

Toronto, ON Canada

Post Number: 3
Registered: Jun-06
Anything that can be engineered can more easily be reverse engineered.

Problem is, it would take multi-million dollar labs and great heads that would not even remotely consider doing this =)

i.e. photgraphing and reverse engineering chip's gate structure alleviating the need to glitch to fully expose the card. Again, if it was so easy, Dave wouldn't have bit the dust for so long after so may spent a fortune on P5 cards collecting dust.

Without the precise key to get in the cards now as glitching renders them inoperable, it seems the post is right on from what I have read with newer smart card technology. Heck, even NDS isn't even giving Dave the details aside from only a machine to check the cards operability after their last bout of finger pointing in court as to who sprung the leak.

The Canadian government freaks at not collecting GST on foreign satellite transmissions so even paying for it in the U.S. to get it here has become a very serious crime, so forget that.

Is it over? I do no know but we can put away the shades as the future isn't looking that bright and limited resources to play physically and in manpower are increasingly diminishing.

Is there any university renegade thesist that has access to powerful xray machines to reveal the guts of the card is what I am wondering. Once then if so, they would have done more earlier by now including more card or ird swaps to thwart anything thrown at them too I guess. Too bad the stream couldn't reveal more. Oh well... guess the cat finally got the mouse, I dunno... we'll see, time will tell... maybe some one will get lucky again and stuble on the key(s) like hitting the exact comination of a lottery ticket =)

Good luck, good hunting, and good grief... =)

New member
Username: Dikmanluv

Post Number: 4
Registered: Jun-06
Thanks chicken little. Now, sit down and shut up until the fix is out. Colin, We been through this crap over and over and when are you going to stop? Far as I am concerned you're just another rumor fake as the next so F*ck off and die.

New member
Username: Storyteller

Post Number: 9
Registered: Jul-06
If you can't beat them , join them!..Get about 5 buds and share a subscription and then thru Netfix rent unlimited newest movies on DVD. Cost is about $30 per month per person for everything. Get all the channels and movies you want this way. DssMili even sells (either DTV or DN)this if you can't arrange it yourself.

New member
Username: Van1

Post Number: 4
Registered: Jul-06
What I understand if we can not dump, we can not glitch a card ...the end of FTA and ROM102.
My question is how the Nagra2 is hacked by FTA before the plastic (ROM101,ROM102) dump?

New member
Username: Storyteller

Post Number: 10
Registered: Jul-06
It wasn't. N2 was cracked in Spain, after Europe had it for 3 years before the US and Canada. The N2 hack allowed BOTH plastic and FTA to decrypt DN newest encryption in US and Canada, last September, all at the same time, unless you want to make an issue of a few days..

New member
Username: Van1

Post Number: 6
Registered: Jul-06
I remember I was running FTA a while before plastic was up.... maybe I was late on plastic..

Bronze Member
Username: Tinfish

Post Number: 40
Registered: Apr-06
Sophisticated Authentication mechanism implemented by telecommunications technologies such as GSM have been very successful. SRES based on a per subscriber Key and a RAND dervied using a one-way function is very difficult to break. Even by knowing several pairs of RAND and SRES it is not easy to derive the algortihm. My 2 cents.

New member
Username: Dikmanluv

Post Number: 7
Registered: Jun-06
We don't need speculation, insights, or 2 cents. As a coder myself I only look for results.

Bronze Member
Username: Rkanak

Post Number: 47
Registered: Jun-06
well i dont think that the game is over, yet ... the blackout is just temp, like we had in the past.. look at captiveworks, they came out with card share fix(though it is temp, till they comes out with the true fix)but we still getting something, and i hope others will follow with something like this prety soon...

Bronze Member
Username: Dxv1988


Post Number: 40
Registered: Feb-06
Pansat receivers are not working anymore. Should we buy VS receiver instead?

Silver Member
Username: Jmontana1

Post Number: 145
Registered: Apr-06
same BS! save your money body..

Bronze Member
Username: Rkanak

Post Number: 48
Registered: Jun-06
Well i dont understand some people, they spend 200 odd bucks and they want free tv for the rest for their life, and when there is a issue about changing the box they start swearing and complaining as if they are paying on monthly basis, grow up boys dont we spend thousand odd bucks upgrading to a new computer every few years..

Bronze Member
Username: Waydown

Post Number: 24
Registered: Jun-06
also, direct-tv put a price of 7500 for everything

New member
Username: Hero

Post Number: 8
Registered: Jun-06
Only a matter of time before Beverly joins Charlie and the game will be over.

All FTA irds will go the route of Dave and become door stoppers.

Never mind the wishful thinker fabricating a fix will be forthcoming, if they don't have one by now, the next one will be even shorter lived and longer to resolve until there is no more resolve, as Colin indicated above.

Once it is over, it is over, never mind the rude low class wishful thinking crooked dealers. They just want to unload their useless inventories on you unless you want FTA only which is a pretty lame.

Bronze Member
Username: Saturation

Post Number: 37
Registered: Jun-06
Nice post Colin. Yes hacking/cracking always involve a bit luck. Looks like the luck is running out though :-(

Bronze Member
Username: Coolphat5000

Post Number: 18
Registered: Jul-06
Man, All you sh*t talkers are unbelievable.. There are a million posts out there where the threads go to hell because everyone has to talk crap; our luck is running out, should we buy new recievers, only a matter of time. Shut the f*ck up already. These guys were writing some informative sh*t and you f*ckers are screwing it up. Burn some burgers and drink too much beer.

Bronze Member
Username: Saturation

Post Number: 41
Registered: Jun-06
Good job CoolPhat! You just entered another informative input to this thread. Fu*cking je*rkoff.

Bronze Member
Username: Coolphat5000

Post Number: 22
Registered: Jul-06
What's your excuse Bent-Over? "looks like our luck is running out", you f*cking crybaby b*tch. Shut the f*ck up unless you have something useful to say, which I imagine won't come around too often.

New member
Username: Da_bin_chi_code

Post Number: 8
Registered: Jul-06
Hey boys, even BL is now selling his box on ebay. It's not too late yet, you guys may still get a good bidder on it...

Bronze Member
Username: Saturation

Post Number: 45
Registered: Jun-06
What is your problem CoolFat? I just said it was a nice post and that hacking involves luck. You can't even add a comment without you spewing sh*it all over? I've read a lot of your posts and to be frank it's just stuff about people shuting up and f*ck off etc. I can't find any post with less than 3 * in it. You might want to work on your vocabulary dude.

When you yourself have something useful to say I might consider anything you say, till then talk to the hand.

Bronze Member
Username: Coolphat5000

Post Number: 25
Registered: Jul-06
Call me an F'in Jer*off and ask what my problem is? If you didn't call me that then I take it all back. I have plenty to say, am quite proficient of speech and would enjoy the opportunity to use it if these dumba*s's would stop writing crap and let threads go without spewing a bunch of drivel. Got it?

New member
Username: Auburntigertim

Post Number: 4
Registered: Jun-06
Dunno how else 2 put it...........I will simply say this..................both Blacklist supported sites will now no longer allow any type of posting from its members?????????????in all of the previous droughts.................I cant recall this event ever happening....................mebbe 'nuff said fellas??????????????

New member
Username: Vbalasho

Portland, Oregon Washington

Post Number: 10
Registered: Jun-06
Did you hear abaut "Pharaoh" file?

Bronze Member
Username: Vbalasho

Portland, Oregon Washington

Post Number: 11
Registered: Jun-06
D860: 01 01 00 E8 70 B0 0A 8E 0A 3D C5 F3 59 C3 5F 1A | ...ep°...=AoYA_.
D870: DA 19 5C 71 9C 60 71 04 C1 39 AE 88 FF F0 5E D2 | U..qq.A9ˆy^O
D880: 4C F3 FC 00 00 00 01 01 00 AB C5 7C FA 14 C4 14 | Loü......«A|u.A.

think what it is.............

Silver Member
Username: Mussawel

Africa, Monterrey Ivory Coast

Post Number: 104
Registered: Dec-05
COOl FATTY, Shut the f*ck up you silly lil f*g. This is so not a hom*s*xual website so I am having a hard time understanding what you are doing on here in the first place. You obviously have a problem conversing with men for some fruedian reason. I am guessing you also have some issues with some of your family members. It is difficult to disect your psychological problems in just a few posts, but I'll give it a shot. I predict that you are a little limp d*ck piece of sh*t. You are also having trouble coming out of the closet and admitting you are h*mo, so you accuse others frequently of being a h*mo to make yourself feel better. Good luck with all that. It's OK to be a qu*er dude, it's your choice. Be loud and proud and fly your rainbow high. In closing, do us all a favor and keep your c*ck sucker closed.

Bronze Member
Username: Ong_tu

Post Number: 22
Registered: Jun-06
Ahaa!!! the dogs are starting to bite there tails
I wonder what will happen to this site when it becomes final there will be no more FTA.

Bronze Member
Username: Momenali

Post Number: 92
Registered: Jan-06
Man, there has 2 be someway to get that sh*t...A fix is gonna come soon, so dont worry, i dont think this is the end...

...:::: FTA will never die as long as Sattelites stay in orbit!!!!! :::....

Bronze Member
Username: Coolphat5000

Post Number: 27
Registered: Jul-06
Ahhh Mussa, you are such a retard. You copy and paste what I told you in, https://www.ecoustics.com/electronics/forum/home-video/244650.html, and post it here and that makes you feel better. OK, so now we all know you are not smart enough to come up with anything on your own. Just another reason why you should keep your ball washer closed and try to start typing with your right hand instead of having it crammed up your a*s. Mussawel, president of the rainbow movement, to promotte and further the advancement of all g*ay, bi, and curious people in Africa. Keep up the good work closet-jockey.

Silver Member
Username: Vinidomine

Post Number: 101
Registered: May-06
In any case... dead end or not, I invested some money into a large dish, a good linear/circular LNBF a motor and a 6ft pole cemented in the backyard. FTA can be very interesting!
- Vini

Silver Member
Username: Hawaiian_time

Post Number: 132
Registered: Apr-06
I haven't heard the Fat Lady sing yet! Just gotta wait and see.

New member
Username: Diesiel

Post Number: 9
Registered: Jun-06
Wow It's nice to see how immature ADULTS can really be.

Is all that swearing really nessisary? I mean if you idiots want to fight then exchange adresses and kill each other for all we care.

Silver Member
Username: Hamtec

Post Number: 555
Registered: Jun-04

Parrot mode ON:
For those in denial, the code below does one simple thing: it writes 94h to location $8B7E. This causes the stack return to point to $94xx instead of $8Bxx when the function returns. They have sent this code via the latest revision and are sending it down in EMM packets too! They want to be sure every card gets the update. Now, when the stack returns to $94xx, glitching is not possible for a variety of technical reasons that only a coder understands. The cam is shut tight. End of story. So all subbed cards now have the new routine and can't be glitched - at least not with the old methods. Those using the latest blocker code can glitch in because you e3m just ignores the stack point stuff. However, once all the subbed cards are updated, all they have to do is check if the card is locked or unlocked. Unlocked cards will call a MAP function that disables part of the MAPRom. Locked cards will function normally. That doesn't leave us much choice, does it? Either we let them lock our cards OR we risk losing the MAPRom functionality. If you let them lock your card, then you will eventually lose your tiers and will be watching a black screen. Since you can't glitch back in, that black screen will be around for a while. If they kill your MAPRom, well, black screen once again.
In layman's terms, the code update means this: Charlie is saying:
"sheep, sheep, where are you going?" Testers say: "to the slaughterhouse, bah, bah."
Guys, you are all being set up by Charlie and unknowingly being led to the slaughterhouse. When having a real update on your card is enforced pull your ROM102 cards while you have a chance. An "Aux" type solution will probably surface once the big kill comes down. At that time, there will be a severe SHORTAGE of ROM102 cards.
Rev 109 code
93E3: A694 lda #94 ; Load in A
93E5: AC push dsr ; push dsr on stack
93E6: 7180 ldp #80 ; Load into paging register
93E8: C18B7E cmpa 8B7E ; cmp ram with a
93EB: 2712 jreq $93FF ; Jump if Z = 1 (equal)
93ED: CD5700 call 5700
93F0: 8B lda dsr ; Load dsr in a
93F1: 7E swap(x) ; Swap nibbles
93F2: BE6B ldx 006B
93F4: 89 pushx ; Push x onto the Stack
93F5: AE96 ldx #96 ; Load in X
93F7: BF6B stx 006B ; Store x in...
93F9: CD6DC9 call 6DC9
93FC: 85 popx ; Pop x from the Stack
93FD: BF6B stx 006B ; Store x in...
93FF: AF pop dsr ; pop dsr from stack
9400: 81 rts ; Return from subroutine
Don't let the FTA makers pull the wool over your eyes. Don't believe them when they say the fix is taking so long because "we have to read through 155 pages of prime number theory, AES ciphering" or "the new bin required is so massive the coder is exhausted" or my personal favourite "Mr. Viewsat will be putting 1 Canadian and 1 Korean in the same room with a electron laserscope". Complete and utter kaka. The reason FTA, Atmega, Armulator, ROM101, ROM10/11 and everything else (except ROM102) is down is because of these two lines of code:
936E: lda #$57
9370: jsrp #$00, $A822
Thats it! Those buggers are causing all this chaos. That code is assembly. Assembly works by calling and executing various instructions.
The instruction at line 936E: lda #$57 means "load register a with the value 57". The instruction at 9370: jsrp #$00, $A822 means "okay, jump-to-routine MAP function that was loaded in register a, namely 57". So basically, those two lines of code execute something called MAP 57. The problem is, WE DON'T KNOW WHAT MAP 57 is. That is why Mr. Viewsat and the other FTA makers are sweating right about now. You see, without knowledge of MAP 57 their gravy train will run away soon. For those that say "well, the FTA people will figure it out, don't worry". Start worrying.
Think of MAP 57 as a kind of black box. There is an input to the black box and an output. The idea is to try and figure out what this black box does. For example, if we input 2 and the output is 4, if when we input 3 the ouput is 6, if when we input 4 the output is 8, then we may reasonably deduce that this black box just multiplies the input by 2. That was easy. The real MAP 57 takes 128 bytes of input, another 16 bytes of input and magically produces a 128 byte output.
Here is an example:
11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11
22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22
33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33
44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44
55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55
66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66
77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77
88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88
34 FD 23 BD 67 55 32 DD 12 11 AE A1 43 78 E1 F0
21 56 78 32 A2 B4 67 88 99 DE 11 12 57 89 FA AE
56 23 BB C1 23 BA F2 E5 E5 A1 90 29 07 5A 9B 2C
88 45 33 D1 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
9E 21 8A B1 4C 31 28 98 5A B2 C1 1D 28 56 23 F3
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
15 C1 22 8D F4 4A 87 59 00 AA D2 C1 04 31 21 07
67 21 BA A8 93 24 B1 FF D2 31 20 02 9D 3F 0D 4A
Does anyone see the pattern? How did we go from the input to the output? If you input different numbers you will get a different output. So how does this MAP 57 black box work? Anyone? Not as easy as multiplication by two. Not so easy to figure out, eh? I assure you, Mr. Viewsat can put 1 Canadian and 1 Korean in a room together with a laserscope and the problem doesn't change one bit. That folks is the story behind MAP call 57 and why FTA no longer works. Now you have the facts and you will know when the FTA makers are bluffing you with delayed bin excuses, emu re-write excuses, and the big prime number won't come out of my azz excuse.
Well, there you have it. Just the facts. Plain and simple.

Bronze Member
Username: Storyteller

Post Number: 31
Registered: Jul-06
Colin..Thats a copy/paste from Mili at Dssmili and Dssftp. You should let people know that..Mili is Mr Pessimist himself, and selling DTV and DN subs too!

New member
Username: Hero

Post Number: 9
Registered: Jun-06
Mili is a scam fraud himself

nothing original at that site, he copies or asks for files

he even trys and soak for fake donations common to many sites rip offs bit he is worst

Mili is a proven scam artist time and time again, once he posted name and address of some guy he said ripped him off in Texas, also took donations for a dying friend who came on pretty healthy sounding and foul mouthed when exposed by a few who he then banned

they ban anyone who exposes their scams

don't believe a word milis site says, scam artists, theives, and liars to be seen to be believed

Silver Member
Username: Mussawel

Africa, Monterrey Ivory Coast

Post Number: 147
Registered: Dec-05
Ahhh COOL FATTY;you are such a retard. You copy and paste what I told you in, https://www.ecoustics.com/electronics/forum/home-video/244650.html, and post it here and that makes you feel better. OK, so now we all know you are not smart enough to come up with anything on your own. Just another reason why you should keep your ball washer closed and try to start typing with your right hand instead of having it crammed up your a*s. COOL FATAZZ, president of the rainbow movement, to promotte and further the advancement of all g*ay, bi, and curious people in Africa. Keep up the good work closet-jockey.

Silver Member
Username: Mussawel

Africa, Monterrey Ivory Coast

Post Number: 148
Registered: Dec-05
Ahhh COOL FATTY;you are such a retard. You copy and paste what I told you in, https://www.ecoustics.com/electronics/forum/home-video/244650.html, and post it here and that makes you feel better. OK, so now we all know you are not smart enough to come up with anything on your own. Just another reason why you should keep your ball washer closed and try to start typing with your right hand instead of having it crammed up your a*s. COOL FATAZZ, president of the rainbow movement, to promotte and further the advancement of all g*ay, bi, and curious people in Africa. Keep up the good work closet-jockey....

Bronze Member
Username: Coolphat5000

Post Number: 30
Registered: Jul-06
F'in Mussa, you are so out of here. I am very tired (and I am sure a lot of others are as well)of you copying what I say. I haven't said anything to you for days and you are still posting about me. Are you a child? It makes you feel smarter or not as freakish as you are? First you are from US, then from NYC, then Africa. I honestly believe you have no idea where you are. You are a loser and all you do is talk crap. No one wants to hear it, nobody likes you, You contribute nothing to this site, you have problems and you got to 148 posts by talking sh*t. Good for you h*mo,you finally accomplished something in your life. Now you can put a bullet in your head, but you'de probably mess that up too, and come back here and just type "mebgic dgduy3pl jsie wsusiaukuwjmr coolphat".

New member
Username: Death_2_cfr_neocons

Hays, Kansas Estados Unidos

Post Number: 2
Registered: Jul-06
Well, all this tech talk is truly fascinating, but, the only Mapping program I know, is Street Atlas.

I bought a bunch of old, odd, and, out of date FTA machines off of eBay to do one thing, watch true FTA. The newest machines I own are a Pansat 2500, and, a Megasat something or ruther.

While the lure of getting DN and Bev is enticing, and, I would like to watch, it won't kill me if that portion comes to an end. I may whine a little about what a late start I got in FTA, but, that will subside in time.

The reason I bought these old FTA machines is to watch news feeds during a crisis like 9-11. I feel that another one is coming. The Neocons need another event to pump up their "anti-terrorist" agenda in time for the election. 9-11 worked like a charm for them Americans are basically stupid, and, the Neocons have nothing to lose by doing another "terrorist" event to get everybody back on board...."supporting the troops" ...united behind the president..ad naseum. The thing of it is, often in the news feeds fed from the scene, they let out information that when it hits the networks, they filter out, because it doesn't jive with their pre-determined script. I saw many stories on 9-11, especially firemen talking about secondary explosions in the towers that never were repeated, while the idiotic "the towers fell because of fires heated the metal, etc.." crapola was repeated over and over, until Americans actually believed it.

So, I want my machines set up to document, to see the dead Iraqi children on middle eastern TV that we didn't see here, the horror of the destruction that Americans so easily forget about.

Then, there is always C-Span, the Low power TV network affilate in Cheyene, tons of shopping channels and PBS. TV is not dead.

It would be great if we get DN and BEV back. If we don't, it won't kill me. My government may kill me, or, imprison me in a soon to be constructed in one of Halliburton's $365 Million dollar US Concentration Camp, but, the loss of DN and BEV won't.

Watch some 9-11 videos by goggling "9-11 movie download" , Google "Loose Change," listen to Alex Jones at http://www.infowars.com (click upper right, INFORWARS listen link. It's a 24hr repeat of his daily three hour radio program) 11am-2pm central, and, 9pm-1m at night, learn about property and water rights disappearing at http://www.derrybrownfield.com 10am-11am Central, or, listen to archives in the MP-3 section. Improve your knowledge base. Discover what is really happening in America, while we seek out PPV, P*rn and free TV.

Then pop the top on a cool one, say a prayer to your favorite deity, ...or, not... and, channel good vibes to all who toil in the coding game on our behalf. Your FTA machine will never be a door stop, unless it is inoperable. Your viewing habits may change, but, there is tons of free tv out there. Most of it may be crap, but, after all, most TV, even the PPV and P*rn is crap anyway. Don't buy a machine until this round shakes itself out, one way or another.., unless you want all the goodness of true FTA. Then, if you do, buy a machine, based upon the features, and, filtering out all the pro and con remarks about the machine, and, making your best guess, like we all did.

As for the fussing and a feuding, and, really rank language, let us remember that great statesman from Californa, Rodney King, who once said... "even if you are a f*g or a Fascist, can't we all get along?"

Bronze Member
Username: Coolphat5000

Post Number: 31
Registered: Jul-06
Ramon Santiago, What the f are you talking about? You talk in full sentences like you are are American, but the words do not make sense. Just as a fascist yourself. You are long winded, full of "big" words and complete thoughts almost as a politician yourself. The problem is you are saying a bunch of sh*t. Full of half truths, mis quotes and fabrications. Do you truly feel another 9-11 coming? What the f are you planing? You mother f'er and all your kind. If it were in my power I would smash ever one of you. Feeding lies and propeganda to any and all weak minded sh*ts who will listen or just don't know better. You are a worthless piece of f*ck, and need to learn to keep your communist, anti-American mouth shut before we Americans get really pissed off and show you what the F*CK we're made of. Oh and by the way Rodney King never said "f*g or Fascist". He was talking about the police in the greater L.A. area and the quote was "Can't we all just get along" with no g*y or political tones implied or suggested, so you should get your sh*t together before making a quote. In closing you can ram your political, Kentuckey fried chicken (left and/or right) wing bs up your wanna be sounding American A*S. F*ck Off.

Silver Member
Username: Mussawel

Africa, Monterrey Ivory Coast

Post Number: 164
Registered: Dec-05
just another arrogant american. cool down man, chill or you gonna get an ulcer.

Silver Member
Username: Mussawel

Africa, Monterrey Ivory Coast

Post Number: 171
Registered: Dec-05
F'in GOOFAT, you are so out of here. I am very tired (and I am sure a lot of others are as well)of you copying what I say. I haven't said anything to you for days and you are still posting about me. Are you a child? It makes you feel smarter or not as freakish as you are? First you are from US, then from NYC, then Africa. I honestly believe you have no idea where you are. You are a loser and all you do is talk crap. No one wants to hear it, nobody likes you, You contribute nothing to this site, you have problems and you got to 30 posts by talking sh*t. Good for you h*mo,you finally accomplished something in your life. Now you can put a bullet in your head, but you'de probably mess that up too, and come back here and just type "mebgic dgduy3pl jsie wsusiaukuwjmr mussawel".

Silver Member
Username: Mussawel

Africa, Monterrey Ivory Coast

Post Number: 172
Registered: Dec-05
F'in Mussa, you are so out of here. I am very tired (and I am sure a lot of others are as well)of you copying what I say. I haven't said anything to you for days and you are still posting about me. Are you a child? It makes you feel smarter or not as freakish as you are? First you are from US, then from NYC, then Africa. I honestly believe you have no idea where you are. You are a loser and all you do is talk crap. No one wants to hear it, nobody likes you, You contribute nothing to this site, you have problems and you got to 148 posts by talking sh*t. Good for you h*mo,you finally accomplished something in your life. Now you can put a bullet in your head, but you'de probably mess that up too, and come back here and just type "mebgic dgduy3pl jsie wsusiaukuwjmr coolphat".


Silver Member
Username: Mussawel

Africa, Monterrey Ivory Coast

Post Number: 173
Registered: Dec-05

Wat a COMPLETE F*ckin MORON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Eat SHIIT n DIE mudderf*cker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bronze Member
Username: Ajdarwin

Post Number: 38
Registered: May-06
Like Ramon, I too bought older, read cheaper, FTA machines. One cannot be used for Pirate Tv at all, although I wish the interface was easier, it works great. I too like to see all the true FTA channels, and really wish there were more to see. I think that the number of channels will increase as DN secures its system. As one of the posters has said previously in this forum, with all the former Pirate TV viewers without viewing capability, you have a ready made audience for someone who has the money and the vision. I wish the government would launch public satellites that could be used by anyone who has the time, expertise and chutzpah to put up new and original programing for all to see. My vision is for a Network that would show all SciFi,or all Romance, or all How to, Perhaps 5-6 channels that would be supported by advertising. Most of us watch only a limited number of channels anyway. If enough people want a particular channel, someone with marketing foresight would full that need. How do you think we got NBC, CBS, and ABC? Well that is my two cents worth. And I am familiar with Alex Jones. He is a good example of someone who has done just this. He has produced many films, done investigative reporting, and broadcasts on the internet, shortwave, and radio. That kind of entrepenuerial spirit is what I would like to see. It might happen if DN gets everything sewn up tight, and might even if they don't. Those who own FTA receivers are a great underserviced group of consumers. Here's hoping that regardless of how the BIN situation works out, FTA continues to grow and expand. And before anyone says I am shilling for the FTA manufacturers, I am just a guy in the mountains of Appalachia who really wants as much information to get out as is possible. I am by nature a positive person, and I see a huge future for this technology. Just think of the superiorty of the equipment that is available for FTA over DN or DTV. A good challenge by FTA on a legitimate front could drive the price of both pay services down.

Bronze Member
Username: Ajdarwin

Post Number: 39
Registered: May-06
Wouldn't it be funny if the illegimate use of the technology, (like using Vcr's to tape movies led to TiVo), led to a true FTA system, with three or four sats that catered exclusively to the FTA crowd. We would have commercials, but hey, we do now. I have seen how easy it is to set up a broadcast system, and would dearly love to see it done.

Bronze Member
Username: Ajdarwin

Post Number: 40
Registered: May-06
Lanquage specific programming, sport only programs, the possiblities are endless. I get excited seeing what the future could hold. Remove the gatekeepers from the information and see it flow.

Bronze Member
Username: Ajdarwin

Post Number: 41
Registered: May-06
The more I think about it, the dispersal of the technology (FTA) by the manufacturers of the receivers is a lot like the VCR scenario. Most don't realize that taping a program and keeping it was, and maybe still is, illegal. Yet WalMart sold untold millions of machines to do just that. I am not sure what the FTA population is, but it has to be pretty big, or DN and DTV wouldn't spend millions of dollars to secure their system. Someone looking for a true chance at creating something new should look at providing programming for this huge audience. Now if you are into just adult oriented material, rent a DVD, but for the rest of us, it could become a huge end run around the big conglomerates that control what is seen in this country now. I remember when the SciFi channel was broadcast in the clear for years. I think they used the additional viewers to charge more for their commercials. And no, the programming wasn't on the same level as it is now, but it was fun and innovative and entertaining.

Bronze Member
Username: Doa

Post Number: 15
Registered: Jul-06
Yeah! And then the freaks at SciFi brought in the Channel Bug! Now every freakin station, even some of the pay stations, have that freakin thing in the corner of the screen!

But you notice it isn't there during the advertisments! Just there to fu$kup OUR viewing.

Bronze Member
Username: Ajdarwin

Post Number: 42
Registered: May-06
True, but the process was as I described it. It could happen again. And with the right pressure, we can keep it free, like broadcast TV.

Bronze Member
Username: Ajdarwin

Post Number: 43
Registered: May-06
By the way, the US owns the electromagnetic spectrum that impacts its territory. They use the FCC to regulate and collect money. They can determine what is free and what is pay.

New member
Username: Jrq

Post Number: 4
Registered: Jul-06
Joe Willis, I agree with you 100%...
If and when DN and BEV are out of the FTA space, one of the other real FTA satellite companies will realize that they could have a multi-million size audience if they offered KU-band service. The bigger the audience, the bigger the potential advertising revenue. There is money to be made.

I am NOT saying that we will have 5 star quality FTA proramming, but the line up will get better compared to the current FTA situation.

It's all evolution...

I do believe that the days of "free" PPV and premium TV are numbered - and that includes Rom 102. DTV managed to (finally) lock up, and DN and BEV will eventually find a way too.

The next chapter in 2007 and beyond will be the growth of real FTA in the KU-band space. Some folks will be OK with the quality of programming, and some will decide to sub.

New member
Username: Death_2_cfr_neocons

Hays, Kansas Estados Unidos

Post Number: 3
Registered: Jul-06
Joe is right about his the future of FTA. "If you build it, they will come..."

Back in the hey day of C-Band, in the mid 80's, we were able to watch it all for free, including, the premiums like HBO. Then, a low life, by the name of John Malone, the CEO of TCI Cable, almost singlehandely led the scrambling movement. He approached them all, from TBS, USA, and, Disney with one simple proposition. Since TCI had nearly 50% of the households in the US subscribing to their system, Malone told the providers to either scramble their signal or TCI will not carry your programming. The providers, instead of gaining a backbone, and, saying..."Hey, TBS is so popular that if you don't carry us, you will eventually lose, and, we will still be here after you are long gone.", they caved, one by one. Some like USA, fell victim to Malone's mafia style takeover approach...and, actually, sold substantial interest in their channel to Malone. HBO, Disney, USA, one by one, they all fell in line, and, scrambled their signals. John Malone? Well, after he forced program providers to scramble, he offered unscrambling services through TCI. Then, when the small dish was developed in Japan, the US government held off release here, in order to give friends like John Malone an opportunity to "get in." TCI developed PRIMESTAR, and, Malone had yet another revenue stream, thanks, in part to his mostly Republican friends in Congress.

For me, particiapting in FTA is somewhat of a protest. I protest the scrambling of over the air television stations like KTLA in Los Angles, and, WPIX in New York. TBS, which started life as WTBS, an over the air televsion station, became a Super Station, in part, because of this early unscrambled access and acceptance by the mid-80's C-Band crowd. A over the air televsiion station operates under FCC rules, and, part of those rules is to operate in the public interest. ( I am not sure that I believe in the concept, but, the broadcasters accepted it as part of their ability to operate) To scramble a station, supposedly obligated to operate in the public interest, is an anathema to me. The rules could be enforced by congress, but, their "money stuffin' in the pockets" interests lie with the satellite and cable industy lobbyists, not with us. So, while it is technically against the rules for them to be scrambled, it is not likely that congress will force the issue. Therefore, I protest by enjoying whatever signals come my way, by whatever means that I can receive them.

Secondly, I am in protest against forcing me to pay for programming that is already advertiser supported. The over the air televsion stations are advertiser supported, and, most of the programming on satellite is advertiser supported. Therefore, I am reluctant to pay for programming that has already been paid for by the advertiser, who is attempting to reach the widest market possible for his message. Asking me to subscribe to programming that is already paid for, is undermining the orginal intent of the advertiser to reach that widest posssible audience , in an already highly fragnmented and diverse market. The advertiser has already paid the program provider to reach me, yet, the provider insists that I pay him to sit through, three minute or longer, ad blocks, inorder to watch my favorite program. To me, forcing me to pay to watch advertising messages, is patentedly unfair. Therefore, I resist, I protest, by watching whatever is available to me, by any means available to me.

HBO, PPV, and, my favorite, TCM (Turner Classic Movies) are not supported by advertising messages, so, by my way of thinking, it is not outrageous to ask me to pay for the programming. Otherwise, they would just be providing all that great programming to me for free, and, what would be in it for them? The others, TBS, USA, TLC, HGTV, TNT, KTLA, WPIX.... they are all being compensated for their programming, with commercial sales revenue, paid by advertisers attempting to reach the widest possible audience. To me, they have a different status, a "fair game" status.. whereas, I would pay a sub to get Turner Classic Movies on 4DTV, or, other means if it were available, ala carte.

Joe is right. With the proliferation of FTA receivers, and, the possiblity of our "free DN and BEV" disappearing or being greatly diminished, then there is an entrapureneal opportunity for someone to provide "advertiser only" supported programming for us. The satellite service would charge the advertiser only provider a small fee to air their programming,and, provide it to us for free, instead of paying the provider for the programming and then charging us for the satellite service, as they do now.

I would be willing to pay for HBO, PPV and premimum, but, I refuse to pay for advertiser supported programming. I can easily say that, because, for me, there is little worth paying for, with the possible exception of TCM. There is nothing on television worth my paying $60-$100 a month to watch, when most of it is already advertiser supported.

If a separte enity does not step forward, it would not be totally out of left field, for DN, DTV, or, BEV to offer a free service that is totally paid for by advertisers. Both by commercials within the programming, and, a small uplink fee paid to the satellite provider, such as Bev, DN, or, DTV. Perhaps, the service that is making less money now on subscriptions, will look for altenate revenue streams, and, the "free" service might look like a break through avenue for them.

If necessary, I can fire up the Big Ugly Dish and watch a great old movie every afternoon at 2pm Central, followed by the Cisco Kid, the Lone Ranger, and, finish with Lassie... on WHT (World Harvest Television) a religious channel on G4-15.

We do not know the outcome, as of yet. We may be just gnashing our teeth, bleating into the wind, whining while the coders are getting closer, or, it may not be in the cards, and, all, or, almost all is over. Who knows, I can wait to that determination is made. If it is not to be, then, I guess, I could go outdoors and play in the fresh air... yeah, I could do that.. Take a walk, walk the dog, not Rufus Thomas "Walking the Dog," but, actually walk the dog. Life is good.

New member
Username: Death_2_cfr_neocons

Hays, Kansas Estados Unidos

Post Number: 4
Registered: Jul-06
Another project I am working on during this lull in viewing, is a microbroadcast radio station for my community.

I like most of the radio programming, especially, Alex Jones, on the Genesis Network, http:www.rbnlive.com, and, RBN's weekend programming.

There are many things that we could do, to get involved, instead of just watching "free TV."

Bronze Member
Username: Ajdarwin

Post Number: 44
Registered: May-06
Micro broadcasting is anther example of the FCC not doing what is in the public interest. About five years ago, they were suppose to issue licenses, but then reneged once they knew everyone that was interested. Way to be able to track down Pirate Radio transmitters.

Bronze Member
Username: Ajdarwin

Post Number: 45
Registered: May-06
Kind of funny how Pirate is applied to those who take paid programming without paying for it and to those who wish to give original programming (radio microbroadcast) away free of charge. Since all the airwaves belong to the people, seems like it would be in the interest of the people to let them have some of those airwaves for non profit purposes. I don't think that will work. It might intefere with the commercial interests ability to draw an audience.

Bronze Member
Username: Smarcus76

Post Number: 65
Registered: May-06

Bronze Member
Username: Alan001

Quebec Canada

Post Number: 16
Registered: Jun-06
whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!! come on get the fix soon,wer DyING out here
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