A couple Mits WD-52525 issues


Nick Med
Unregistered guest
I've been having a couple problems with my WD-52525 that I was hoping some of you could shed some light on.

The first problem is, I notice white scrolling vertical lines on anything through one of my component inputs. They're only really visible on dark gray or dark blue backgrounds. Sometimes, they don't appear at all. They almost looks like signal interference on the satellite service but if I switch over to HDMI, I don't see these lines. Plus, I see them when watching DVDs and playing video games as well.

Speaking of HDMI, I have a problem with it too. Not the video, though, my problem is with the audio. Whenever I'm watching television that's in hi-def, I get hear strange popping and cracking noises through the speakers. Originally, I thought this was a problem with my old cable box but the sounds are present on my new satellite receiver too. They only occur on shows broadcast in HD though...things that are being scaled to 1080i are fine. Because of this, I would assume it's a software problem. Would a firmware update help? I haven't updated it before and I bought my TV in September of 2004.

If anyone can offer some assistance on these two issues, I'd greatly appreciate it.


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Username: Jharris

Post Number: 1
Registered: Dec-05
If the popping noise you hear in the HDMI signal is what I think it is, it requires modifying the signal board in the chassis with a new resistor. I don't know this is fixed out in the field or if they just swap out the entire chassis.

FYI: The most recent update we have for the V26 models is version 4.05.1c.

Nick Med
Unregistered guest
Hey, thanks for the reply!

Last week, I called Mitsubishi and had them send me a software upgrade. Now, at 4.05.1c, I'm still hearing the same noises. I guess I'm going to have to resort to having someone repair it. That should be fun.

Also, I noticed that the waves during component signals that I mentioned earlier are worse depending on the resolution it's displaying at. While you can see them at 720p, they're much worse at 1080i. Do you think these could be related to the same resistor?

Thanks again.

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