33'' Digiwave dish and it's linear LNB


Bronze Member
Username: Mironiu

Post Number: 11
Registered: Oct-05
Does anybody knows more about those dishes and it's DIDIWAVE LNB's.Just got one and having problem getting bird 110.No problem with 121 and 148.119 and 110 seems that the signal is there, but it doesn't show it on Cools@t 4000 receiver.

Bronze Member
Username: As400

Post Number: 53
Registered: Nov-05
110 (Echo8.6) and 119 (Echo7) require a circular LNB - Tps are R/L
121 (Echo9) requires a linear LNB - Tps are V/H

Therefore if you see on LyngSat.c om that a bird has V/H transponders that means you'll need a linear LNB to see it.
If transponders are R/L a circular LNB is needed.

Since you CAN see 121 programing I will assume you have a linear LNB.


Silver Member
Username: H3lt3r_sk3lt3r

Post Number: 714
Registered: Oct-05
@Myron Zane

You might have a universal lnb, when scanning 110 or 119 make sure in the sat setup on your box set the lo freq for both 110 and 119 to 11250, diseq and 22khz set to off, also if using any switches uplug them and run the cable directly from lnb to receiver.
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