Need help! What am I forgetting?


Unregistered guest
I had a single LNB aimed at E7 (119). I had the 2700 all scanned and everything was fine. I decided to try out a dish 500 with DP Twin. I set E7 to Diseqc 1 and E6/8 to Diseqc 2. I figured out my Azimuth and Elevation. I checked for pole plumb. I got a satfinder. I determined that the new dish 500 had to aim a little to the "left" so I did so. I aimed it perfectly with the sat finder. I have strong signal but 0 quality. Is this the wrong sat or do I have to re scan or something? How do I know one sat from another with the sat finder? I turned and found another sat but still no quality.
Please help!



Silver Member
Username: Thill1951akalk

Post Number: 788
Registered: Oct-05
U do not use an EXTERNAL disque switch with the DP TWIN LNB...they have built in interior disque switches...then using the remote, do a antenna and installation configuration, and just do a blind scan and TP "vertical polarity" scan, and set the default keys with the new 121 bin that was released watch TV..

Unregistered guest
Yes, I have no external Diseqc. I was referring to the settings on the antenna setup. So I guess my question is why do I have to rescan just because I changed the LNB?

Silver Member
Username: H3lt3r_sk3lt3r

Post Number: 661
Registered: Oct-05

Because DP lnb's have different frequencies.

Unregistered guest
OK. I rescanned but that didn't get all the channels so I "set to factory setting" and then installed the 2 sats and then everything started acting better. I could see the Disecq switching between the sats and the level changing a little.

So now I am wondering about the finer points of scanning. I know that Thill recommends scanning vert only, but I know that when I had 119 only there were unique channels on horiz. Is there some difference when scanning both? Does it matter if you scan them all at once? I tried that but it started with 6/8 (I thought it would start with 7) and then never got to 7.

Silver Member
Username: Thill1951akalk

Post Number: 791
Registered: Oct-05
A blind scan is fine...but read this..

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 9:11 pm Post subject:


For all who wish to use Dishpro lnbfs


Dishpro lnbfs are erronously being reported as not usable with Fta receivers because of internal switch. this is not true. You can use them with no additional switch needed. The only time you will need to use an additional switch is when adding a second dish to your system. Pro lnbfs have a built in DISEQC switch not a sw21 as the legacy twin has. You can easily identify pro lnbfs by a large black D/P label. All that is needed to use this lnbf is to connect 1 cable from lnbf to rcver. Each output on this lnbf carries both 110 and 119 signals. The different outs are for connecting additional rcvrs. Load a modified dishpro channel list or modify your own list by using Gtools. To do this subtract all horiz. transps. from 25600. enter result as your new transp freq and change to vertical. IE. on sat 119 transp 6 is 12297h. doing the subtraction, you get 13303. So change transp 6 to 13303 and change h to v. Now you have 13303v And will be received dy dishpro lnbf's. To get a bit technical, the dishpro's use an oscilator that runs at 25600mhz. this is mixed with the horizontal transp freqs and new freqs are generated. If you should wish to add additional dishes to receive a third and even a fourth sat you must add a external 4x1 Diseqc switch. you must feed both port 1 and 2 with both(or in case of quad,2 )outputs. you can then add a third dish to port 3 and even a fourth to port 4. I hope this clears up the confusion

Unregistered guest
Well, I went and edited all 10 H TP's on E7 and then scanned. That worked. So then I did the same for the 16 H TP's on E8 (why does it have 32 and E7 only 21?). Anyway, then I scanned E8. And I ended up with something like 692 channels. However, everything above 598 is a duplicate from E7. When I try to look at one of these the screen is blank even thought it shows signal and quality. And when I try to edit the channel list they are not there. Wierd. Anyway, I still do not understand why the SW21 will not work with the FTA receivers. I know it is not Diseqc. I am just curious, how does the SW-21 switch? Also, won't a 22khz switch pass through Diseqc signals at least on the "off" side? Questions, questions.
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