Fortec No program found


New member
Username: Mail4here

Post Number: 1
Registered: Nov-05

I just got one Fortect Ultra lite & trying to set up.

Here is my setup.
Dish cable,db9( dual LNB) goes to Switch LNB1 (using one cable/connection only)
Switch Cable,db9 goes to Reciever
Reciver normal coaxial cable goes to TV
Fortect Star-2.64 Boot Ver:6.0 Feb 25.2005nt

I tried pointing dish to different directions but everytime it says 0 program found.

Switch is Digiwav GD-41A DigEqc 2.0 950-2500MHz
Echo 6,8 110W
Level is usually at 32% ( sometimes 57%)
Quality always 0%

USing LNB type as standard
LNB local freq 11250
22Kz off
DisEqc #1
LNB Power as ON
TP 12224 V 20.000
positioner setting Disable
Satellite scan FTA

Do I need to change the factory image to see something ?

I am very new to this and really dont know whatis wrong over here. Even tried different combinations but no help.

I will appreciate if some one can throw light or direct me to correct web page.

Sorry if it is posted before. I couldnot find the answer hence posting this.

Thanks in advance

Silver Member
Username: Thehitch


Post Number: 109
Registered: Oct-05
Mail4here I am a noob, with limited experience in Viewsat, but your post mentions disq. sw, using 1 sat, I don`t think you need sw. You also, providing you want DN chnls, need to change scan from fta to all, I am out of my league here so in closing I will say there are many step-by-step guides, if you`ll only peruse the posts and select the appropriate one for your fortec and follow the links provided. READ, and good luck.

Silver Member
Username: Slo_hand2

Post Number: 252
Registered: May-05
just to add a point may not be much but "NORMAL COAXIAL GOING TO TV" it is recommended that you use "RG6" wire from LBN to reciever. also as hitch pointed out change scan from"FTA to ALL"
There are Many people here who have fortex ultras so you should not have a problem getting help from them. BTW have you downloaded the latest bins?

Silver Member
Username: H3lt3r_sk3lt3r

Post Number: 580
Registered: Oct-05
@[link removed]

Unregistered guest
turn 22Kz on
change TP setting to get quality signal.

New member
Username: Mail4here

Post Number: 2
Registered: Nov-05
txs for your help. I could see fta channels.

Bronze Member
Username: Prfrmnj

Post Number: 39
Registered: Oct-05
Mail - Are you still having problems? If so, let me know what you have and have not done so I have an idea of how to help you!
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