Which CRT Projection should I buy?


Unregistered guest
The picture tube is fading on my old 1987 Phillps 27". I'm thinking of buying a CRT Projection, but my budget is just 2000$ CAN. I narrowed it down to the Panasonic 47" (PT-47X54) or the Hitachi 51" (51F520). The Hitachi looks to be better one, but i'm still not sure. I'm open to other brand suggestions.

Silver Member
Username: Hd_fanatic

Boise, ID

Post Number: 145
Registered: May-05
I would go Hitachi. But you might want to consider the 57" if you have a little more space. It's only 3" taller, 6 " wider, and 2" deeper. Plus the cost difference is only about 100 bucks.

Silver Member
Username: Xgrizzlyx

Post Number: 122
Registered: Jul-04
http://www.circuitcity.com/rpsm/catOid/-12870/N/20012866+20012867+20012870+40894 515/link/ref/rpem/ccd/categorylist.do

It's an Aspect brand tv made by Hitachi, has not tuner or the 1080p virtual chip but it's get good reviews. i've been thinking of buying it myself

But i think Hitachi is a clear winner in CRT projection......

Unregistered guest
Thanks for the advice guys. I'm gonna go for 51" Hitachi, because the 57" might be a little too big for my living room.

New member
Username: Dstraight

Post Number: 2
Registered: Sep-05
I was also looking into the Hitachi but was confused by the "1080p virtual chip." Can anybody shed some light on what this is? Does this TV support 1080p? What do they mean by 'virtual'?

Silver Member
Username: Hd_fanatic

Boise, ID

Post Number: 146
Registered: May-05
Without getting too technical, what the virtual 1080P video processor does is it allows the user to swap between a 1080i signal and a 540P signal. Personally, I think leaving it alone in 1080i is a better choice. Anytime you can limit the amount of processing, you usually end up with a better picture.

Dale Angell
Unregistered guest
Does anyone know what the BULB life is on
the newer Hitachi CRT RPTV'S. They have to be better than DLP and LCD!!!

Silver Member
Username: Hd_fanatic

Boise, ID

Post Number: 164
Registered: May-05
CRT RPTV's do not use bulbs. They use 3 cathode ray tubes, commomnly referred to as guns. Life expectancy is usually greater than 10 years, but depends on usage and environmental conditions that the TV is subject to. My dad has owned his 60" CRT for over 15 years now and has never had a problem.

Using a good surge protector will increase the longevity no matter if it's a lamp based TV or a CRT.

Silver Member
Username: Wearenotalone69

Post Number: 108
Registered: Aug-05
Another thing is running the set thru a UPS to condition /filter the power PLUS protect the set from OVER volatages, and UNDER Voltages which a "power" strip does not.

If you really want to extend the life of the set, don't get in a habit of turning it on for SHORT periods, then OFF.... This will heat the set up, and then when it COOLS cause bad solders to start causing problems.

Another thing to do is to run it thru a UPS, and then thru a powerstrip, turning OFF power to the set while NOT watching it.

To have power to the internals is like leaving your car running 24 hours a day.

Unregistered guest
I bought the Hitachi and am very impressed with the performance thus far. If you're still in the market, go to The brick. I got them down to 1400 plus tax for mine. Brand new out of the box.
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