What's a better move... investing in FTA or paying a years sub share to DTV (Sunday Ticket & Center Ice included) for $500?

I can probably get my hands on a Pansat 2500 for about $100... but I know nothing about FTA.

New member
Username: Bib_macintyre

Post Number: 8
Registered: Jul-05
Buddy Im in the same boat, but the boat doesnt go nowhere. Im into NHL hockey only, primarely Maple leafs.
I get no help from anyone who is into FTA which should I choose.
I wanted to get Bell but heard some games will be blacked out. I dont like that part.
A FTA receiver can be bought for 99.00.
i know a couple of guys who have Fortecs and say for me to get one instead of a subscription.
I dont know. Hopefully some else will post. BIB.

Unregistered guest
sub is a guarantee...FTA is not...simple decision

I wouldn't piss on the best part of Bell... hacked or otherwise.

Unregistered guest
always advantages and disadvantages...don't want to pay too much, go with FTA, but it's not guaranteed. Pay too much with subscription but it's guaranteed. See what you get. But with my knowledge, I get FTA.

The knowledge you need are:
--How to set up your satellite dish to whatever satellite you want to point to.
--How to program your box. Plenty of instruction on the internet, just google it.
--Where to download the BIN file, another words autoroll file, hacked file, etc.
--Need the uploader software to flash your box with the new BIN file. uploader software runs on all windows platform.

Who knows how long FTA gonna last, a month, a year, or the next 5 years. People have been saying FTA gonna get shutdown very soon since begin of the year, but never happen. As long as you can get the new hack BIN file and you're good to go. But realize that how long will people able to hack for these free signal, if there are no more hack files, then we're doom...and that's the risk you take.

So when i look at it, if i can watch for about 1 month without any problem then i got my money worth, when you look at paying $500 with sub.

Look at the bright side amigos.

Unregistered guest
Sub sharing to DTV premium/platinum best package is ONLY $20 a month ($240 a year)(if U get a few freinds to share also)...and its GUARANTEED!...its a NO brainer,cannot lose,or ever go down...FTA will cost U more than the $240 for a decent receiver and NO guarantee of receiver or Dishnet service...Dishnet will be sending ECM's to the new N2 hack...thats a guarantee,they are NOT going to lay down and let their N2 be hacked already without doing ECM's ..

Unregistered guest
what do DTV premium have? Do you get all the Movie channels like 10 diff HBO, SHO, MAX, STAR, DIS, and whole bunch of PPV, and adult channels. How much would you end up paying for that with DTV. With FTA i get all that at a one time deal of $250. that if i get a dish & motor and receiver. Receiver itself now only $130.
Dishnet can send tons of ECM's they want, it will get hacked almost immediately. Because I know people who programmed those codes leak those codes out to public so that their job to be secured. If that software is hacked free, then they don't need them programmers for improvement anymore...does that make senses...only dumb people subscribe DTV and pay monthly....we beleive that any signal that float in the air should be free.

Silver Member
Username: Jmill1948

Chester, Va Usa

Post Number: 731
Registered: Apr-04
get a pansat..........good deal

Unregistered guest
Yes DTV platinum sub with 300 channels DOES have all that! (except PPV, which U all just share when somebody orders)..and total cost is $240 a year

No need for coders, TDG,BL, all the scammers and thieves..no need to program,flash,bins,nite rider fixes,jtags,help, heat shrinks,cooler fans, site searching for fixes and answers...

ONLY dumb people do NOT sub share...FTA is only for "testing"...and FTA is NOT Free,never has been (in fact can be very costly,if a TRUE tester)..and that free air cliche is old,unless you're a newbie....been doing this for many years now, and any old timer like myself,will tell U (as well as the admins and mods) that U should always at least sub share,if U ALWAYS want inexpensive UNDISTURBED TV in your house...

If U think $20 a month FOR every DTV channel (300) is too expensive,the U got a problem...then why don't U just tap into your neighbors cable...lol

Unregistered guest
BTW...Its fine to disagree with me,but don't ever call me dumb for doing something very intelligent..

BTW...if FTA is so great for FREE air signal in your yard cliche ,then why are these forums and hundreds others filled with problems and questions to fix problems..and so many people looking for help... U don't see forums for sub sharers needing help!...U might want to chew on that, maybe a light will go on up there..

FTA all the way
Unregistered guest
I've had my pansat for 18months and have watched PPV like crazy all the events I wanted...and reruns of the events plus all the other channels, no sub share could get what I have gotten out of my FTA that cost me $200. For $240 a year with a sub share you don't even get PPV? that sucks. I had autoroll up until NAG2 so it was not as if I was going down all the time. Since NAG2 it went down once for one day--who cares? I didn't even expect this little Pansat 2300 to keep working after NAG1 went down, I went FTA since Dave died and have no regrets at all.
And JJJJJJ these hundreds of people with problems are either rookies or they just aren't tech savy people, FTA is simple to use and to program.

Unregistered guest
So all these DSS forums and members (125,000 just at al7bar)are ALL stupid people or newbies is what U are saying...Please,FTA is a pain and U are at the mercy of scammers and strangers!...No its not etremely difficult,if U are a coder and self sufficient and have hours to read ALL the time,and receivers to risk being cooked...FTA is good for a hobby and some testing but NOT RELIABLE DAILY DEPENDABLE GUARANTEED INEXPENSIVE TV...thats my point!

Somebody asks,what should I get for Guaranteed, no hassle, inexpensive TV viewing...sub sharing is the logical choice..I don't regret my FTA either,but its a hobby only...DTV Sub sharing is my TV viewing choice..and DTV is so much better than Dishnet or Bev..

jjjj IDIOT
Unregistered guest

Your a idiot.. I have 1800 channels an no monthly fee.. I got a bud for free and traded a old mini bike for my FTA box picked up a couple pizza dishes with lnb's off the side of the road so for total outta pocket cost of $0.00 I have more FREE tv then I can ever watch.. Why split a sub when I can get it all for free

FTA all the way
Unregistered guest
'So all these DSS forums and members (125,000 just at al7bar)are ALL stupid people or newbies is what U are saying'

Who says all 125,000 are having problems?? A lot of these members are up and running and helping those who have problems.
You pay a premium monthly for what you get, and I paid once for 100 times as much as you. And DAVE and Charlie are almost the exact same stations except for the PPV movies...oh but wait you have to pay for that don't you? Enjoy your PPV's genius.

Unregistered guest
only those dumb azzz people who pay for PPV and Adult channels and a constant monthly fee. yup he's right...why share when you can get it all by yourself.

Unregistered guest
U kmow what...I gavw an honest opinopn shared my Many peeps and all the TRUE testerss...BUT U all bashed me and act like 10 year olds with a different opinion so I will not belittle myself to your inmmature and ignorantlevels...screw off and peace!

U don't have to agee but don'tnbash someone for their differnt opinions... U remind me all of little kids or immature woman/wives!....piss anf moan when U don't get your way or someone disagres..

Mr. Peabody
Unregistered guest
Yep........all these kids need a good spanking !


$240 would be nice... but I'm in Canada and it's a little harder to find someone down south to share with.

I have no problem forking out $500 for a years worth of the total choice package. As far as no PPV... the movies come on video about 2 months before anyways, and the p0rn on the internet is way better.

No offence to the FTA ers, but I'm tired of sitting in front of a computer hunting down fixes. I'd rather sit in front of my T.V.

Hit the Road
Unregistered guest
No offence to the FTA ers, but I'm tired of sitting in front of a computer hunting down fixes. I'd rather sit in front of my T.V.

Well then ur useless ur just a FREE TV'ER..

the best part of "testing" is the chase

Bosox LK
Unregistered guest
FTA "testing" to gain Dishnet is not real testing...its 2nd grade...its much easier than DTV testing was/is..so don't say I do this for TESTING,unless U are mentally challenged by simple things like walking and chewing gum..

All who FTA "test" for Dishnet channels are NOT real testers,they are just free TVers...If U use C and KU band, motorized 36 or larger inch dish and both circular and linear, then U are a true FTA tester

BTW...canadians can go to mili's store...[link removed] for DTV shared subscriptions..

Unregistered guest
I'm glad the real LK is back! Hi LK! I hope i can bother you with a question. I have legit dishnet hooked up to 4 receivers. I also have a pansat. How can i add pansat as the fifth receiver and get all 110, 119, 121 channels on all five of them without going to the roof and running another coax? If i use a satellite splitter, would it work? I want to watch any sat on any of those five receivers. please help as you always do. Thank you in advance!

Unregistered guest
If LK won't answer, maybe someone else who knows can help me?

Unregistered guest
- WILL ANSWER-Just take the splitter and do a double loop one to the right and the other to
the left....and scream out fu@k me bye.

Just picked up my D10 with a years sub on it... sure did miss the nice on-screen and logos DAVE has on his system, have fun with your BINs and Flashes.

I'm going upstairs to watch some T.V.!!!

but before I go... y'all might wanna listen to LK, ya might learn something.

Unregistered guest
All the good/decent/know-something people are not here anymore to answer questions or help the newbies out. It is time to open up something new or follow them i guess. I asked a simple question to add a fifth receiver to an existing system and never got an answer.

Unregistered guest
You could do it with a 4x8 switch I think.. Try Sadoun web site. Look under switches.. :->

words of wisdom
Unregistered guest
Yes this is no help here anymore since LK left.He was the only one that really helped and guided many of us.LK said to leave this site and go to a reputable ESTABLISHED site which he listed.

"It is time to open up something new or follow them i guess"..DO NOT GO TO A NEW SITE. GO TO A ESTABLISHED SITE!

[link removed]
[link removed]

BTW...cannot use Dishnet receivers with Pansat on same switch...they use different switches and polarity (SW vs disque)....but 1 FTA needs NO switch,just straight cable from LNB

Unregistered guest
are you people retarted, the Thread says it all. It's an argument between FTA or Subshared. Then your punkass (newbies) bust in here asking for help setting up your system....Dumbasssss

Unregistered guest
That is common here...This site allows it...Blame this site,not the newbies!...newbies don't know any better...mods/admins here do know better,but don't care..they are ignorant and lazy...U cannot change this site,so either get used to it or go elsewhere,where they have rules and knowledge..

Unregistered guest
don't blame the site, it's a public free message board. You can't ask much more that, free speech, you can't control human behavior. this is the best free internet message board so far. How it's design and how it works. yall stupidass people complain about this message board...eat shiit and die....

Unregistered guest
yeah exactly

Unregistered guest
ALL sites are PUBLIC and FREE U KNUCKLEHEAD!...but they do NOT allow the BS that goes on here!...either U are blind or very stupid to post such ignorance with NO logic!

Silver Member
Username: Maple_leaf

Post Number: 860
Registered: Apr-05
Yes you would not last 1 minute LOSER.
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