Plasma TV panels/boards for sale


New member
Username: Plasma5555

Post Number: 1
Registered: May-05
I have some 80 pcs of plasma tvs: 42 - 60". brand names include LG, sony, panasonic, prima, etc. plasma parts for all tvs. These are all brand new with broken glass in transit. You can salvage the main board, etc. all offers accepted, send model and email me part number for pricing.

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Username: Scottie23

Post Number: 1
Registered: Jun-05
any panasonic th42pwd4 parts pcb with modules on?

Unregistered guest
Hi, If any one can help me find replacement glass and gass panell behind glass for Mitsubishi PD-5030,
Its same as NEC. My Phone is 509-218-8693. Or my email is THANKS.

Perrey Z.
Unregistered guest
It's not cost-effective to repair a NEC/Mitsubishi witha broken panel or any other of thouse Japanese high-end units. The price of the glass panel alone cost much more than what you originally paid fo the unit.

But, if you have the money for a new panel and the skills to reassemble it, call MDEA Service at: 1-800-553-7278 or email them at:

Good luck!
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