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New member
Username: Johnnyh123

Post Number: 1
Registered: Mar-05
Hey everyone- i am about to get my own place and am going to a new tv. I want a plasma but i hear they only last 8 years? What is the best Tv to get? I keep reading about burn-in's, torches, and other stuff.What is all that stuff mean?
What are ghost images? Should I get LCd?
Experts only thanks

plasma are most likely to burn-in, and game use can basically destroy them

Rear projection LCD is the rock bottom/most practical/all purpose high impact Hi def set available with several top 50" rear projections like the Sony Wega now selling less than 2500 dollars

DLP can be good, and some love it, but still has the potential to produce headaches/dizziness/rainbows in some viewers due to the spinning color wheel

Not as practical but absolutely the most fun (w/o the big furniture issue) of all is the Panasonic hi def (720p) AE700u FRONT PROJECTOR LCD, currently the world's best selling front projector. For that you need a light controlled room and a shelf about 4 feet high located from 8 to 15 feet from the screen, and you will get an astonishing 92" picture or larger. Cost just broke through the $2000 barrier with $200 for a professional screen (see for reviews)

Keep in mind a high quality hi def signal on for example a true movie HD movie broadcast (e.g Comcast) or NFL football is best viewed approx 1.0 to 1.3 times screen distance - any further and you are not seeing the full detail being offered

That is the primary problem with small sets 42" and smaller, you miss most of the detail unless you sit 3 to 4 feet away

Bronze Member
Username: Arrow224

Post Number: 16
Registered: Mar-05
Quote Anonymous:
...and game use can basically destroy them.

Not true. If you leave the image there for a long time, yes, but if you change channels every 30 minutes to 1 hour, then you should be fine. Just remember to leave it on the other channel for a few minutes. This forces the pixels to change, thus preventing burn in.

Normal use of a video game on a Plasma will damage the set

Now if one really wants to change games every 30 minutes , turn to TV stations every 20 minutes minutes, and stop and shutdown the game every 10 minutes - well I guess then you got nothing to worry about


Perrey Z.
Unregistered guest
I've got a plasma and i've been watching several burn-in risk networks like CNN, Shop NBC, and the NBA network for approximate 2-hours without changing the channels and up to 10-hours marathons of DVD movies with the black bars and i haven't seen any burn-in. The myth of plasma burn-in was created to scare people away from the technology and in the process "advertised" LCDs and DLPs as a "worthy investment technology".

As for plasmas lasting only 8-years, another nonsense., that will only happen if you watch T.V. 24/7 for 8-years contactly. Some new plasmas in the 42" and 50" size range have lamps that will last up to 50,000 some {LGs} up to 60,000 hours, no risk of early shortage., even if you're planning on watching 12-hours a day, 7-days a week a new plasma will last you at least 15-years with the proper contrast and brightness level set.

The majority of the flat-panel LCDs are said to have a maximum lamp lifetime of 30,000 hours or so, with the exception of the Sharp Aquos line which will last up to 60,000 hours.

RPTV DLPs have a minimum lamp life of 2,000 hours and a maximum of 6,000., after that, the lightbuld needs to be replace and their cost can vary between $350.00 up to $550.00 some cost even more {RCA Scenium and InFocus}.

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