Non-Progressive Scan DVD work around?


Taz Mercator
I recently bought an HDTV and upon hooking up my DVD player, realized the DVD player is not progressive scan.

I'm in the process of buying a reciever for my homoe theater system and saw that some models (Sony in particular) have specs that say "Progressive-scan component video switching"

I'm wondering this.

Can I (using all component video of course) go from my DVD to my reciever to my TV and get progressive scan? Is that possible? Or does it require the DVD to have it first?

Right now, I bypass my reciever for the video completely (I have an old receiver) but pump the audio through it.

The DVD must be progressive scan. The receiver will only switch the video from one source to another. It will not reformat the video from interlaced to progressive.

You gotta get a DVD player with progressive scan to get progressive scan.


....or if your TV doesn't have progressive scan converter but is able to receive such a signal, and your DVD player doesn't have a progressive scan mode all you have to do is buy an external converter. You can get them for about £150. That should solve your problem without buying new DVD player.


my TV is a toshiba 36" tv and has component inputs but it doesnt have progressive scan. The next model up from my TV does. I can select on my dvd player setup progressive scan but will it output on my tv or will it just output normal interlace?
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